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Table of Contents
1.1. General Information.
1.2. Responsibilities.
1.3. Waiver Requests.
2.1. Mission.
2.2. Recruiting Process Overview.
2.3. Recruiting Resources.
2.4. Travel and Temporary Duty (TDY) Management.
3.1. Purpose.
3.2. General Information.
3.3. Scholarship Authorization.
3.4. Scholarship Programs.
3.5. Types of Scholarships.
3.6. Scholarship Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements.
3.7. Scholarship Age Limits.
3.8. Tuition, Technical and Foreign Language Majors Data.
3.9. High School Scholarship Program (HSSP).
3.10. HSSP Process and Timelines.
3.11. HSSP Scholarship Selection Boards.
3.12. Additional Detachment Post-Board Actions.
3.13. DoDMERB Certification of Scholarship Physicals.
3.14. Medical Waiver Procedures.
3.15. In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP).
3.16. ICSP Eligibility Requirements.
3.17. Commander’s In-College Scholarship (CICS) Program.
3.18. In-College Scholarship Program (ICSP) Phases 1 and 2.
3.19. Nomination Process for ICSP.
3.20. Commander’s Scholarship (CS) (Two-Year Detachments).
3.21. Express Scholarship Program (EXSP).
3.22. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Scholarship Program.
3.23. Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Scholarship Program.
3.24. Cadet Training Assistance Scholarship.
3.25. ICSP Nurse Scholarships.
3.26. Scholarship Action Dates.
3.27. Temporary Inactivation / Reactivation of Scholarship.
3.28. Suspending Scholarships.
3.29. Scholarship Termination.
3.30. Academic Degree Accreditation Requirements.
3.31. Additional Terms of Entitlements.
3.32. Scholarship Entitlements.
3.33. Funding for Summer School and Mini-Sessions.
3.34. Authorized Tuition and Fee Entitlements.
3.35. Tuition and Fees Not Authorized.
3.36. Textbook Reimbursement Entitlement for Scholarship Program.
3.37. Payment or Termination of Scholarship Entitlements.
3.38. Non-Duplication of Financial Aid Programs.
3.39. 45-Day Rule.
3.40. Tuition Entries into WNGS.
3.41. Processing Scholarship Invoices for Reimbursement.
Table 3.1. Scholarship Type/Caps.
3.42. Travel Authorization and Allowances.
3.43. Scholarship Pre-Activation Action.
3.44. Scholarship Activation Standards.
Figure 3.1. Commander’s Statement.
Table 3.2. PFA Requirements for Scholarship Nominations and Activations.
4.1. General Information.
4.2. General Membership Eligibility.
4.3. Application Records.
4.4. Age.
Figure 4.1. Outstanding and Deserving Profile Minimums.
4.5. Adverse Involvements with Civil, Military, or School Authorities.
4.6. Alcohol Use and Abuse.
4.7. AFROTC Substance Abuse, Hemp Derivative and Drug Demand Reduction Policy.
4.8. Drug Use and/or Alcohol Use/Abuse or New Civil Involvements Waivers for High School Scholarship Program (HSSP) Recipients. 4.9. Family Members.
4.10. Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) Requirements.
4.11. Special Training Requirements for Non-Native English Speaking Cadets.
Figure 4.2. Minimum English Comprehension Level (ECL)/Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Scores if AFOQT has not been Passed.
4.12. Waiver of Disenrollment from Previous Officer Training.
4.13. Waiver of Prior Service.
4.14. AFROTC Form 48, Planned Academic Program, or Equivalent.
4.15. Special Student.
4.16. Non-US Citizen Students.
4.17. Military Status.
4.18. GMC Membership.
4.19. GMC Membership Duration.
4.20. GMC Accreditation.
4.21. Leadership Lab (LLAB) Grade Failures and Field Training Results.
4.22. Professional Officer Corps (POC).
4.23. POC Membership.
4.24. POC Membership Duration.
4.25. POC Entrance Requirements.
4.26. Accreditation of POC.
4.27. Pursuing Student.
4.28. Extended and Completed Cadets (AS700, AS800, and AS900).
4.29. Transfer of AFROTC Cadets.
Figure 4.3. National Student Exchange (NSE) Program Statement of Understanding.
4.30. Cadet Counseling Requirements and Term Reviews.
4.31. Scholarship Retention Standards.
4.32. Academic Retention Standards.
4.33. Date of Graduation (DOG) and Date of Commission (DOC).
4.34. Academic Major.
4.35. EA/Category.
4.36. Period of Non-Attendance (PNA) for Contract Cadets Only.
4.37. Term Abroad Program.
Figure 4.4. Term Abroad Program Scholarship Cadet Statement of Understanding.
4.38. Conditional Event (CE).
4.39. Probation.
Table 4.1. Schedule of Scholarship/Disenrollment Actions for CEs.
4.40. Military Retention Standards.
4.41. Other Retention Standards.
4.42. BMI and Body Fat Standards.
Table 4.2. CE Decision Matrix for Substandard Performance.
5.1. General Information.
5.2. DoDMERB Physicals.
5.3. MEPS Physicals.
5.4. Initial Flying Class/Medical Flight Screening (IFC/MFS) Physicals.
5.5. Military Treatment Facility (MTF) Physicals.
5.6. Validity Periods.
5.7. Detachment Responsibilities.
5.8. Preparation of Cadets for Physicals.
5.9. Potentially Qualified for Rated Duty.
5.10. Medical Commissioning Requirements.
5.11. Medical Waiver Requests.
5.12. Medical Recheck Status (MRS) (Contract Cadets Only).
5.13. Change in Medical Status (Non-Contract Cadets).
5.14. Upgrading Medical Examinations.
5.15. Cadet Pregnancy.
6.1. General Information.
6.2. Enlistment in the United States Obligated Reserve (ORS) of the Inactive
6.3. Eligibility to Enlist.
6.4. Citizenship Requirements.
6.5. Enlistment Age.
6.6. Social Security Number (SSN).
6.7. Selective Service Number.
6.8. Enlistment Processing.
6.9. Effective Date of Enlistment.
6.10. Pre-Enlistment Briefing.
6.11. AF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Contract.
6.12. Scholarship Activation Actions.
6.13. Enlistment.
6.14. Members of Reserve Forces.
6.15. Reenlistment in the ORS.
6.16. Erroneous Enlistment, Fraudulent Enlistment, and Administrative Error.
7.1. General Information.
7.2. Specific Use.
7.3. Submission Guidelines.
7.4. AFROTC Form 22 Completion.
7.5. Appeals.
7.6. WINGS Trouble Ticket Waivers.
7.7. Cadet Notification.
8.1. General Information.
8.2. Purpose.
8.3. PSP Eligibility Requirements.
8.4. Schedule of Events.
8.5. Notification to Detachments.
8.6. POC EAs.
8.7. Detachment Screening Process.
8.8. POC Selection Process (PSP).
Table 8.1. PSP Order of Merit (OM) Factors.
8.9. Non-Line (Nursing) Selection Process.
8.10. PSP Nomination Period.
8.11. Actions Required by Cadets.
8.12. Out-Of-Cycle (OOC) EA Process.
8.13. Withdrawal/Discontinuation of EA.
8.14. Cadets Not Receiving an EA during PSP.
9.1. General.
9.2. Rated Categorization Board.
Table 9.1. Minimum AFOQT Scores (non-waiverable for rated duty).
Table 9.2. Rated Order of Merit.
9.3. Non-Line (Pre-Health and Dental) Selection Process.
9.4. Biomedical Sciences Corps (BSC) and Medical Service Corps (MSC).
9.5. Special Tactics Officer (STO).
9.6. Combat Rescue Officer (CRO).
9.7. Basic Meteorology Program (BMP).
9.8. Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI).
9.9. AFROTC Law Programs.
9.10. AFIT-Sponsored Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants.
10.1. General Information.
10.2. AFROTC Awards Board.
10.3. Administration.
10.4. Presentation and Publicity.
10.5. AFROTC-Sponsored Cadet Awards.
10.6. Organization-Sponsored Cadet Awards and Decorations.
10.7. Organization-Sponsored Scholarship Awards.
10.8. Valor Awards.
10.9. FT Awards.
10.10. Detachment-Level Cadet Awards.
10.11. United States Military Awards and Decorations.
10.12. Organization-Sponsored Cadet Awards, Decorations, and Scholarships.
10.13. Detachment Awards.
Table 10.1. Team Categories.
Figure 10.1. AFROTCVA 36-3, AFROTC Ribbon Chart.
Figure 10.2. Awards and Decorations Devices.
11.1. Purpose.
11.2. Authority.
11.3. General Disenrollment Guidance.
11.4. Disenrollment Types.
11.5. The Disenrollment Investigation.
11.6. Final Actions of the Detachment/CC.
11.7. AFROTC/RRFD Process.
11.8. Detachment Actions after HQ AFROTC Decision.
11.9. Investigative Disenrollment in Absentia.
11.10. Reopening Investigations.
11.11. Suspended Disenrollment with Probation.
11.12. Revocation of Probation.
11.13. Termination of Disenrollment Consequences.
11.14. Disenrollment Appeals Process.
11.15. Cadet Identification Card.
11.16. DD Form 785, Record of Disenrollment from Officer Candidate-Type Training.
- General Information.
12.2. Distinguished Graduate (DG) Program.
12.3. Pre-Commissioning.
12.4. Educational Delays.
12.5. Administrative Delays.
12.6. Legal Licensing Delay Requirements and Internships.
12.7. Application for Appointment.
12.8. Review of Cadet Qualifications.
12.9. Failure to Meet Commissioning Requirements.
12.10. Declination of Appointment.
12.11. Commissioning Actions.
12.12. Post-Commissioning Actions.
12.13. Commissioning at Location other than Detachment.
12.14. Mock Commissioning.
12.15. Commissioning Discrepancies.
12.16. Erroneous/Fraudulent Commissions and Administrative Errors.
12.17. Post-Commissioning Responsibilities.
12.18. Air Force Appointment of ROTC Graduates from Another Service.
13.1. General Information.
13.2. Detachment Commander Responsibilities.
13.3. Detachment Staff Personnel Responsibilities.
13.4. AECP/NECP Student Responsibilities.
13.5. Post-Selection/Pre-Arrival of AECP Student.
13.6. Reporting.
13.7. Arrival on Campus.
13.8. Active Duty Requirements.
13.9. Enrollment Allocations.
13.10. Medical Records.
13.11. Electronic DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data (vRED).
13.12. Enlisted Performance Reports.
13.13. Promotion.
13.14. Basic Allowance for Housing and Basic Allowance for Subsistence.
13.15. Required Examinations and Immunizations.
13.16. Billing Procedures for Routine and Emergency Medical Treatment to Include Travel.
13.17. Travel Reimbursement (excluding routine and emergency medical treatment. 238
13.18. AECP/NECP Program Lengths.
13.19. Completion/Termination Date.
13.20. Academic Program Planning.
13.21. Regular Terms.
13.22. Summer Terms.
13.23. Pre- and Post-Summer Sessions.
13.24. School Breaks.
13.25. Preparation of the Academic Plan.
13.26. Changes in Academic Plan.
13.27. Grade Reports.
13.28. Attendance of Scheduled Classes.
13.29. Change of Academic Status due to University Action.
13.30. Academic Recognition.
13.31. Academic Probation.
13.32. Minimum Academic Standards.
13.33. AFROTC Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request, Package Requests.
13.34. General on Conditional Events and Disenrollments of AETC/NECP Students.
13.35. Conditional Events (CEs).
Figure 13.1. Example Email to HQ AFROTC/RRUE for Notification of Conditional Event.
13.36. Disenrollment Package.
13.37. Disposition of Disenrolled AECP/NECP Students.
13.38. Graduation Ceremony Policy.
13.39. Security Clearance Procedures.
13.40. Assignment/OTS Processing for AECP Students (Other than Nurses).
13.41. Commissioning AECP Nursing Students and NECP Students.
13.42. Commissioning Physical.
13.43. Qualifying Fitness Assessment (QFA).
13.44. Transcripts.
13.45. Flying Training.
13.46. Assignment.
13.47. Departure Dates.
13.48. Movement of Dependents and Household Goods.
13.49. Unused Leave Balance.
13.50. Tuition and Fees Estimates.
13.51. Authorized Tuition and Fee Entitlements.
13.52. Tuition and Fees not Authorized.
13.53. Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
13.54. Resident Status.
13.55. Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits and Air Force Tuition Assistance.
13.56. Other Benefits.
13.57. Reimbursement of Application Fees.
13.58. Processing Tuition Invoices for Reimbursement.
Figure 13.2. Certification Statement.
13.59. Textbook Allowance.
Attachment 1 – Glossary of References and Supporting Information.
Attachment 2 – HSSP Personal Interview Sample Letter.
Attachment 3 – Renouncement of Dual Citizenship Sample Letter.
Attachment 4 – HSSP CS Nomination – Applicant Attending Interviewing Detachment.
Attachment 5 – HSSP CS Nomination – Applicant Not Attending Interviewing Detachment.
Attachment 6 – Scholarship Program Statement of Understanding.
Attachment 7 – Academic Plan for Foreign Language or Technical Requirement for Scholarship Cadets.
Attachment 8 – Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF)-Approved 5-Year Majors.
Attachment 9 – Scholarship Program Sample Tuition Invoice.
Attachment 10 – Sample SF 1034, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal.
Attachment 11 – Drug Demand Reduction Program MOU.
Attachment 12 – GPA Requirements.
Attachment 13 – Moral and Civil Involvements.
Attachment 14 – Air Force Dependency Policy Statement of Understanding.
Attachment 15 – AFROTC Form 48 Preparation.
Attachment 16 – Physical Processing Chart.
Attachment 17 – AF Form 1056 – Instructions and Change Pages.
Attachment 18 – Pre-Enlistment and Separation Policy Briefing.
Attachment 19 – Marine Corps Standby Reserve Conditional Release Directory.
Attachment 20 – AF Form 22 Instructions.
Attachment 21 – SAT Equivalency (SAT-E) Chart.
Attachment 22 – Non-Line Position Consideration Memorandum.
Attachment 23 – Important Mailing Addresses.
Attachment 24 – Medical School Scholarships.
Attachment 25 – Rated Consideration Memorandum.
Attachment 26 – AFIT Application to Compete.
Attachment 27 – AFIT Application for Acceptance.
Attachment 28 – AFIT Financial Statement.
Attachment 29 – Disenrollment Report of Investigation.
Attachment 30 – Scholarship Recoupment Action Termination Request.
Attachment 31 – Request to Rescind Involuntary Call to Extended Active Duty.
Attachment 32 – Disenrollment Loss Codes.
Attachment 33 – Disenrollment Files Checklist.
Attachment 34 – Disenrollment Investigation Checklist.
Attachment 35 – AF Form 24 Package Distribution.
Attachment 36 – Degree Certification Letter.
Attachment 37 – AF Form 24 Instructions.
Attachment 38 – Security Clearance Statement of Understanding.
Attachment 39 – Mandatory SSBI Requirements for Officer AFSCs.
Attachment 40 – Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Pre-Screening Checklist.
Attachment 41 – AFROTC Cadet Nursing AECP/NECP Commissioning Process.
Attachment 42 – Memorandum of Appointment.
Attachment 43 – Commissioning Reserve Appointment Order.
Attachment 44 – Source of Commissioning Codes.
Attachment 45 – Commissioning Memorandum of Instruction.
Attachment 46 – Health Insurance Statement.
Attachment 47 – Cross-Commissioning Conditional Release Request.
Attachment 48 – Exception to Policy (ETP) Requests for Medical Disqualification.
Attachment 49 – Request and Consent for Release of Student Records.