1.1. General Information.

1.1.1. This instruction provides guidance for cadet operations in order to execute the AFROTC mission: Develop Quality Leaders for the Air Force.

1.2. Responsibilities.

1.2.1. The Director, Curriculum Division (Holm Center).
  • Establishes policies and procedures governing all facets of the AFROTC cadet education program for Aerospace Studies (AS) classes: AS100 – AS400.

  • Recommends teaching procedures, methods, and techniques.

  • Provides all educational materials and lesson plans required for AS classes.

  • Provides all training materials and lesson plans.

  • Grants waivers to education program requirements.

1.2.2. AFROTC Commander (AFROTC/CC).
  • Serves as the decision authority on AFROTC program changes.

  • Directs the convening of, and provides guidance and vision for, the AFROTC Awards Board.

  • Acting for the United States Air Force, may disenroll any contract cadet at any time with or without cause (Authority: 10 United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 2105, DODI 1215.08, Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Programs, and AFI36- 2011, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Program).

  • Ensures all detachment cadre members comply with DODI 1304.33, Protecting Against Inappropriate Relations During Recruiting and Entry-Level Training

1.2.3. AFROTC Director of Operations (HQ AFROTC/DO).
  • Establishes policies and procedures governing all facets of AFROTC cadet training.

  • Prescribes training program content, guides its implementation, and coordinates HQ-level training waiver requests.

  • Grants waivers to training programs.

  • Serves as Chairman of the AFROTC Cadet Awards Board and convenes the AFROTC Cadet Awards Board as directed by AFROTC/CC.

  • Makes recommendations to AFROTC/CC for cadet awards program changes.

  • Serves as waiver authority for cadet awards program matters.

  • Supervises Regional Directors of Admission (RDAs) and Gold Bar recruiters.

1.2.4. AFROTC Registrar (HQ AFROTC/RR).
  • Establishes and executes, on behalf of AFROTC/CC, policies and procedures governing all facets of AFROTC cadet eligibility, enrollment, enlistments and disenrollments.

  • Manages the Professional Officer Selection Process (PSP), rated and other category selection processes as directed by the AFROTC/CC.

  • Manages the AFROTC scholarship program.

  • Establishes procedures and policies to govern the scholarship program to include the high school scholarship program (HSSP) and the in-college scholarship (ICSP) program.

  • Manages the flying class physical program for rated candidates and coordinates activities with Wright-Patterson AFB personnel.

  • Establishes procedures and policies to govern the enlisted commissioning programs and manages selection boards.

  • Represents AFROTC at the Officer Accessions Conference (OAC).

  • Has waiver authority for all cadet eligibility, scholarship and enlistment requirements outlined in this instruction and AFROTC/CC policies.

1.2.5. Region Commanders (Region Commanders).
  • As an extension of AFROTC/CC, oversees region implementation and adherence to policies, procedures and instructional guidance.

  • Advises the AFROTC/CC on region and detachment administration, operations, and compliance as it relates to cadet training and officer production. Provides operational assessments on policies and procedures governing all facets of AFROTC cadet training.

  • Reviews detachment waiver and investigative disenrollment packages prior to submission to HQ/AFROTC.

  • Validate which host institutions within their region qualify for military institution exemption, and make written notification to Detachment/CC at these institutions. A military institution is either a senior military college (SMC) or university that conducts its education program within a military training environment on or near its campus. Such locations will require cadets to wear uniforms and perform activities (e.g., drill and ceremonies) not directly associated with AFROTC, but still within specific regulations. As such, exemptions should be considered regarding wear of the AFROTC cadet uniform and other activities as necessary

    • Wear of the AFROTC uniform should be highly encouraged and coordinated between the host institution and detachment. NOTE: SMC cadets are only authorized issue of the AFROTC uniform for FT and/or PDT purposes.
  • Nominate cadets to HQ AFROTC or select recipients for awards and recognition, e.g. Distinguished Graduate.

  • Ensures all detachment cadre members comply with DODI 1304.33, Protecting Against Inappropriate Relations During Recruiting and Entry-Level Training

1.2.6. Detachment Commanders (Detachment/CCs). Detachment/CC is defined as the officer on G-series orders. If the commander on G-series orders is incapacitated or is in the process of a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) and the replacement CC has not yet arrived on location, the AFROTC Region Commander will determine whether to appoint or allow assumption of a temporary successor commander in the interim IAW HOLMCENTERI 51- 601, Civil Law and Command Succession. The Detachment/CC will:
  • Ensure detachment adherence to this instruction.

  • As a minimum, instruct at least one section of an AS course each term and ensure all AFROTC instructors instruct at least one section of an AS course each term. The Region Commander must approve any waiver to this requirement.

  • Approve the use of substitute AS class activities, tutorial instruction, and summer classes, when necessary.

  • Evaluate each instructor as required by HOLMCENTERI 36-2601, Faculty Development and Master Instructor Programs. Record evaluations using AETC Form 620, Academic Instructor Monitoring Checklist. The Detachment/CC evaluation will be done by the next highest ranking AFROTC instructor or competent university employee.

  • Be accountable for the proper conduct and safe execution of all Practical Military Training (PMT). Detachment/CCs may delegate responsibility for ensuring proper conduct and safe execution to any detachment staff member, willing military member associated with the Host University or detachment, or trained personnel responsible for the training activity. PMT activities will always have on-site supervision. For PT, reference AFI 36-2905_AFROTCSUP, Fitness Program.

  • Ensure all cadet medical care guidance is followed in accordance with (IAW) posted regulations, forms, and documents on the Director of Operations portion of the Holm Center restricted website at https://hq.afoats.af.mil.

  • Ensure detachment requirement for activities that count toward Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) credit (to include PT) do not exceed five total hours per week for GMC cadets and six total hours per week for POC cadets. These hours are in addition to classroom academics.

    • Approve deviations in excess of the maximum time limit for LLAB, as specified in AFROTCI 36-2010, in writing. Retain until mission directive is superseded.
  • Approve and sign the mission directive before the start of each academic year.

  • If designated a military institution, retain designation letter from the current Region Commander.

  • Serve as or designate Air Force liaisons to AFROTC-associated student organizations and non-federal entities (NFE). Ensure cadet participation in these organizations reflects favorably on the Air Force and host institution. Refer to HOLMCENTERI 51-601, for further information.

  • If applicable, approve in writing cadets holding the same cadet wing position for two consecutive rotation periods.

  • Appoint an officer as the Operations Flight Commander (OFC) in writing.

  • Appoint an officer as the Education Flight Commander (EFC) in writing.

  • Appoint an officer as the Recruiting Flight Commander (RFC) in writing.

  • Ensure officers are trained in evaluating cadet drill and ceremonies and proper wear of the cadet uniform per AFI 36-2903_AFROTCSUP, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel.

  • Review and approve assignment of cadet officer rank designations made by the OFC for cadets satisfying the leadership position requirements through participation in a qualifying non-cadet wing student organization position. Approval is within the discretion of the commander; however, the commander should use established criteria to articulate his or her rationale for assignment of rank for such positions.

  • Ensure all Air Force members assigned to the detachment and/or operating location [including, but not limited to enlisted commissioning program students, Regional Directors of Admissions (RDA) and Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) students] meet standards of dress and appearance (as defined in AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel) and all published Air Force physical fitness standards.

  • Nominate cadets or select recipients for awards as outlined in the awards and decoration chapter.

  • Make recommendations to HQ AFROTC/DO for cadet awards program changes.

  • As required, appoint the Test Control Officer and Test Control Examiner IAW AFI 36-2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing System, and AFROTC Supplement.

  • As required, maintain oversight of the AECP/NECP students as outlined in Chapter 13 of this instruction.

  • Monitor university tuition rates and supply this information to HQ AFROTC as required (reference Chapter 3, paragraph 3.8.) Verify each scholarship cadet's tuition rates for expenditure.

  • Ensure proper scholarship estimates are entered into Web Intensive New Gain System (WINGS) and timely submissions are made in WINGS upon receipt of tuition invoices from university Registrar/Bursars offices. (reference Chapter 3, paragraph 3.8.)

  • Provide oversight of the HSSP interview process at the detachment as outlined in Chapter 3 of this instruction.

  • Ensure a review of the Student Management Roster (SMR) is completed monthly.

  • Forward waivers requiring HQ AFROTC approval to the region prior to submission to HQ AFROTC/RR. Unless otherwise specified, submit cadet waivers via AFROTC Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request.

  • Counsel all cadets returning from Field Training (FT) as a debrief of their FT experience, and review the Field Training Performance Report with the cadet. The Detachment/CC may designate another officer to counsel returning cadets. Document counseling on AFROTC Form 16, Officer Candidate Counseling Record (prescribed by this instruction Chapter 4). Retain counseling records in cadet Unit Personnel Record Group (UPRG).

  • Rank cadets based on officer potential each term.

  • Approve high-risk activity in accordance with AFROTCI 36-2010, Cadet Training Programs. An Operational Risk Management (ORM) plan must be forwarded to Region CC prior to event.

  • Appoint an officer as RFC to manage the local recruiting plan. While this individual has recruiting duties, cadre members should participate in activities to ensure success of the campaign.

  • Review all locally produced advertising and promotions (A&P) materials.

  • Review and approve the annual detachment recruiting plan.

  • Approve or disapprove tattoos for applicants and cadets IAW AFI 36-2903.

  • Manage ROTC Monthly Status and Payment Report IAW Holm Center Instruction 65-101. At a minimum, ensure the following are accomplished:

    • Appoint a cadre member as the certifying official for the ROTC Monthly Status and Payment Report (257 Report). This may be any detachment member appointed by the detachment commander. The certifying official signs the report within 30 days of preparation stating that cadets have been paid correctly, possible discrepancies have been identified, and that aggressive action will be taken to correct any deficiencies. The intent is to verify that cadets have been paid correctly or if there are discrepancies, to annotate what actions have been/will be taken to correct the discrepancy. Attach any related trouble tickets to the signed 257 report.

    • Appoint a cadre member as an internal auditor for cadet pay. This person may be any detachment officer or NCO appointed by the detachment commander. The internal auditor signs the 257 report within 30 days of preparation and is responsible for ensuring monthly internal audits are performed on each cadet receiving payments using a local tracker, the 257 Report, and DFAS lookups as necessary.

    • Sign the ROTC Monthly Status and Payment Report (257 Report) within 30 days of preparation stating that cadets have been paid correctly, possible discrepancies have been identified, and that aggressive action will be taken to correct any deficiencies.

  • Ensures all detachment cadre members, cadets and applicants comply with DODI 1304.33, Protecting Against Inappropriate Relations During Recruiting and Entry-Level Training

1.2.7. Detachment Operations Flight Commanders (OFC).
  • Supervise the cadet wing in the conduct of LLAB activities as outlined in this instruction.

    • Ensure LLAB is cadet planned, organized, and executed.

    • Ensure all LLAB lesson objectives are presented each academic year.

    • Maintain LLAB attendance records and documentation showing accomplishment of lesson objectives based on the calendar year in which the academic year ends. Retain attendance records for current and previous academic year (with EFC if desired), and lesson objective documentation for current academic year for one calendar year following the end of the academic year. For example: if attendance records ended in May for spring 2013, keep the records until December 31, 2014.

    • Approve all operations orders.

    • Ensure a merit/demerit system is not used.

    • Provide cadets access to a LLAB syllabus at the beginning of each term. This may be a written or electronic version.

  • Teach the purpose and intent of the Honor Code to all cadets each year IAW LLAB Curriculum (T-507 & T-508). The Honor Code states, “We will not lie, steal or cheat nor tolerate among us anyone who does.” Examples of Honor Code violations include giving or receiving aid on an assignment when not permitted, intentionally wearing unearned ribbons or badges, and failure to report another cadet who has violated the Honor Code.

  • Ensure cadets treat each other with proper dignity and that hazing, discrimination, sexual harassment, or other forms of maltreatment do not occur. Refer to the Holm Center Training Manual located on the Holm Center Curriculum Webpage on the Holm Center Restricted Website.

  • Ensure cadet publications are current.

  • Designate leadership positions in the cadet wing. Ensure each cadet officer serves at least one term in a qualifying leadership position. Cadets may, with the approval of the commander pursuant to paragraph, satisfy this requirement by holding officer-equivalent positions in student organizations. Retain documentation for one calendar year after the cadet officer is commissioned or is eliminated from the program.

1.2.8. Recruiting Flight Commanders (RFC).
  • Work closely with the RDAs, ALOs, Gold Bar Recruiters, local Air Force recruiters, and other RFCs to achieve recruiting objectives and to avoid duplication of effort. Support the AFROTC National Recruiting Strategy (NRS) by conducting regular recruiting events which are specifically tailored to NRS markets and focus areas with an emphasis on diversity goals. Identify and recruit quality prospects from host and cross- town colleges/universities, area high schools, and Air Force installations located within their AOR (area of responsibility).

  • Develops an annual detachment recruiting plan covering 1 September to 31 August to meet local and national recruiting needs.

    • Detachments will submit a draft plan to their supporting RDA by 1 July.

    • Detachments will submit a final signed plan to their supporting RDA by 1 September.

  • Use WINGS Contact Management to enter and manage qualified recruiting leads and associated correspondence. Retain leads until prospects are not eligible or not interested in any Air Force program.

  • Develop Advertising and Promotion materials in support of local recruiting efforts. Gain annual approval from AFROTC/DOR for all locally produced material.

  • Ensure completion of recruiting training for all detachment personnel and cadet recruiting team members every spring and fall term starting with the beginning of the fall term. RFCs will ensure training is documented for all personnel.

  • Ensure updates to detachment and university information on AFROTC.com website within 30 days of change.

  • Review detachment and cross-town information quarterly and provide updates to HQ AFROTC/DOR.

  • Coordinate HSSP scholarship presentations in AOR utilizing all members of the recruiting team.

    • Provide the presenter's name to the school, verify school ceremony details, and forward applicable information to the responsible RDA.

    • Provide ceremony details, scholarship details, and sample presentation speech to the presenter.

  • Conduct Center of Influence (COI) Events (reference para 2.3.7).

1.2.9. Detachment Education Flight Commanders (EFC).
  • Conduct the In-Service Training (IST) program IAW HOLMCENTERI 36- 2601.

  • Retain a record of in-service training meetings for each academic year, to include attendance and topics covered for one calendar year following the end of the academic year. For example: in-service training records for academic year 2012/2013 will be maintained until December 31, 2014.

  • Ensure new instructors who did not attend the AFROTC Instructor Course are familiar with AFROTC educational principles and policies presented during the most recent summer's program. Use handouts from a recent attendee or contact Holm Center/CR for student materials. Document training until the instructor attends the appropriate instructor course or is reassigned.

  • Conduct at least one session annually to review the items addressed below. Resource materials for these items are located in the Faculty Development section of the Holm Center Curriculum Web page.

    • AFROTC training procedures and policies in the Holm Center Training Manual.

    • AFROTC Form 48, Planned Academic Program, preparation and maintenance procedures.

    • AFROTC Form 16 procedures.

    • Cadet record and student management roster (SMR) review procedures.

    • Drill and ceremonies evaluation procedures.

    • Cadet uniform wear and grooming standards.

    • Fitness standards and Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA).

  • Review each instructor's course syllabus and gradebook for compliance with requirements.

  • Review one exam by each instructor per academic year to assess effectiveness in testing lesson objectives. Retain review comments and test reviewed for one calendar year following completion of the academic year. Example: if you reviewed an exam in April 2013, you would keep the test and comments until December 31, 2014.

  • Maintain EOT survey/critique program. This program will consist of, as a minimum, all university EOT surveys/critiques and the Holm Center Curriculum Division EOT survey, which is to be given at the end of the spring term. The Detachment/CC may administer other EOT surveys/critiques at his or her discretion. The EFC will review the results of all EOT surveys/critiques as part of their annual in-service training requirements. During the review, the EFC will identify and document issues needing resolution and annotate actions taken in an effort to meet Air University's "closed-loop" assessment requirements. Retain EOT survey/critique results for one calendar year following completion of the academic year. Example: If EOT surveys were completed in April 2013, keep the results/surveys until December 31, 2014.

  • Include course descriptions in catalogs of host institutions and affiliated school campuses when practical. For individual AS course descriptions, refer to the course descriptions found in the Holm Center Catalog on the Holm Center Curriculum Web page. NOTE: For planning purposes, this is an annual document that will be republished on or about 1 August each year.

  • Monitor retention of academic records to ensure the following items are on file in the detachment:

    • Instructor training and evaluation data IAW HOLMCENTERI 36-2601.

    • A syllabus for each AS and LLAB course offered. Syllabi should include attendance policy for cadets and academic-only students. Retain for one calendar year following the end of the academic term. Example: if the term ends in May 2013, keep the syllabus until December 31, 2014.

    • If Holm Center/CR lesson plans are not used, then detachment- generated lesson plans must be retained until revised (electronic copy will suffice). Once revised there is no requirement to maintain the old lesson plan. All detachment- generated lesson plans must still accomplish the lesson objectives found in the original Holm Center lesson plan.

    • A master copy of each examination. Retain until revised. Once revised, there is no requirement to maintain the old examination.

    • AS class and LLAB instructor grade books or similar documents must contain attendance records, scores for all graded items, points or percentages earned by students for each graded item, and a final course grade for each student. Retain the grade book for the current academic year in the active file plan and the grade book for the previous academic year in the inactive file plan unless the college or university requires a longer retention period.

  • Brief the Detachment/CC on university rules regarding academic records and instructor training which are more demanding than the requirements of this instruction.

  • To the extent practical, work with the RFC and Knowledge Operations Manager (KOM) to coordinate internet links between cross-town institutions and detachment websites.

  • Ensure cadet wing web pages comply with AU Public Affairs guidance.

  • Ensure any copyrighted academic material or information protected under the Privacy Act of 1974 is not placed on cadet wing or university web pages.

  • Ensure all students, staff and guest speakers are briefed/informed at the beginning of each academic term on Air University's policy regarding Academic Freedom and Academic Integrity IAW AUI 36-2308, Academic Freedom, and AUI 36- 2609, Academic Integrity. Document the briefing was given and retain documentation for one year following the briefing. Briefing materials can be found on the Holm Center Curriculum Web Page.

1.2.10. Detachment NCOICs.
  • Oversee cadet life-cycle personnel actions—medical, physical, enlistments, categorization and commissioning.

  • Manage cadet administrative and personnel updates via WINGS.

  • Manage personnel records for cadre, AFIT students, AECP/NECP students, and cadets.

  • Accomplish unit support administration.

  • Gain AECP/NECP students into WINGS and accomplish administrative actions as outlined in Chapter 13 of this instruction.

  • Monitor and update all cadet pay actions--tuition, fees, subsistence and textbook funds. This includes marking the Billed in Full (BIF) flag in WINGS once the bill has been forwarded to Holm Center/SDF.

  • Oversee office functions—publications and forms management, GPC, and computer resources.

1.3. Waiver Requests. When a waiver is required, submit the request through the appropriate office. Reference the paragraph in the instruction for which a waiver is required, and accurately describe the request in detail.

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