8.1. General Information.
This chapter explains the purpose of enrollment allocations (EA) and establishes selection procedures for POC applicants. It also explains basic eligibility requirements common to EAs and provides an event schedule. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RRF.
8.2. Purpose.
8.2.1. Cadets are selected to advance into the POC based on Air Force needs, including academic major. Selection normally occurs in the applicant's AS200/250 year. A cadet cannot be contracted in the POC or enroll in AS300/400 classes without an EA unless they are Special Students with no intent to commission. AFROTC will consider medical and dental candidates (line-to-non-line) one year prior to commissioning (around the same time the rated boards are held).
8.2.2. Based on Air Force needs, the AFROTC/CC may direct alternate central selection boards.
8.3. PSP Eligibility Requirements.
8.3.1. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements in Chapter 4, or have an AFROTC/RRF waiver.
8.3.2. Cadets competing for an enrollment allocation through PSP must have a CGPA of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Use the AFROTC calculated CGPA as outlined in paragraph TGPA is not a factor for eligibility, although it is a factor for contracting upon entering the POC.
8.4. Schedule of Events. Estimated timeline:
8.4.1. Beginning of Fall term, but NLT November: Begin working physical examinations for cadets who may be meeting PSP board.
8.4.2. First duty day in January: Start of nomination period.
8.4.3. Second week in February: Detachment deadline for PSP inputs.
8.4.4. First week of March: PSP boards held.
8.4.5. Third week of March: PSP and non-line selection results released via ARMS.
8.5. Notification to Detachments.
Detachments will be notified of selection of EA and non- line categories through WINGS in the Category Selection (CAT-SEL) field. The field will state "officer -T" if the cadet is given an EA in a technical major, "officer-N" if the cadet is given an EA in a non- technical major, "Nurse" if the cadet is given an EA for nursing, and will remain blank if not selected.
8.6. POC EAs.
8.6.1. Each applicant for an EA must meet these minimum standards: Pass the PFA and meet standards according to AFI 36-2905, AFROTC Supplement. WINGS will use the most recent score. Standardized testing requirements: The Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) is not a disqualifier for POC selection; however, the Scholastic Aptitude Test- Equivalency (SAT-E) is part of the OM used for selection. Therefore, a cadet must have at least one of the three standardized tests (AFOQT, SAT, ACT) to be competitive. Since the selection algorithm chooses the highest of the scores entered into WINGS, (only the most recent AFOQT scores can be considered), detachments should strive to enter as many as possible. The SAT-E can be established using either the SAT, ACT, or the AFOQT- AA scores. The highest SAT-E will be used for OM calculation. Verify the applicant's most recent scores as they appear in WINGS and on the Student Management Roster (SMR) since this is the score of record. Contact AFROTC/RRFA if there is a discrepancy. Chapter 4 of this instruction outlines policies for a cadet who fails to achieve the minimum passing scores.
8.6.2. Ensure any waiver requests (civil involvements, age, etc.) are approved prior to nominating applicants for EAs. Use the eligibility requirements outlined in Chapter 4 of this instruction and on the AFROTC Form 63, AFROTC Enrollment / Enlistment Checklist, when considering applicants for EA.
8.6.3. Nominees must have a valid/qualified/certified physical examination prior to nomination. The physical exam data must be entered before WINGS will allow the PSP nomination. NOTE: Sports physicals may not be used for PSP nomination.
8.7. Detachment Screening Process.
Screen applicants to determine their motivation toward pursuing an Air Force commission. Do not nominate unqualified or unmotivated applicants. Do not use the PSP process as a screening process for selection. That is, if detachments believe a cadet should not be enrolled in the POC, make the cut; do not use the PSP as the go/no-go decision.
8.8. POC Selection Process (PSP). Detachment Commander Ranking (DCR) and OM.
8.8.1. The DCR is an evaluation of officership potential based on performance as a cadet. Rank all eligible cadets competing for an EA. Evaluate each cadet based upon the "whole person" concept. As a guide, measures of aptitude, work ethic, leadership ability, bearing/verbal skills, fit with Air Force culture and personal fitness point to officer potential. WINGS will compute the Relative Standing Score (RSS) based on the DCR and the class size (see Table 8.1).
8.8.2. Do not award an undeserved ranking in an effort to overcome lower objective factors such as a poor GPA, PFA or standardized test score.
8.9. Non-Line (Nursing) Selection Process.
8.9.1. Cadets selected for a non-line enrollment allocation are ineligible to compete for any rated category.
8.9.2. Nurse Non-line Selection Board. All candidates majoring in Nursing will meet the Nurse PSP for a non-line EA. Cadets majoring in nursing who have not been accepted into a nursing program should be nominated for a "Nurse" EA along with those who are currently in a nursing program. Cadets with a Nurse EA who are not subsequently accepted into a certified nursing program or who are dropped from a certified nursing program will have to request a non-technical EA from ROTC/RRFA via AFROTC Form 22. If on scholarship, they will have their scholarship suspended pending reapplication and acceptance into a certified nursing program, or terminated upon acceptance of a non-tech EA. A "Nurse Only" EA will be awarded to those who would not have made the non- tech cutoff but who may be or have been accepted into a certified nursing program. AFROTC/RRFP will contact detachments during the data verification process to validate nursing program acceptance in order to determine the "Nurse Only" EA. Detachments may request an out-of-cycle (OOC) "Nurse Only" EA via AFROTC Form 22 for PSP non-selects who are later accepted into the certified nursing program. Nursing candidates who would not have been selected for a non-technical EA are ineligible for line consideration.
8.9.3. Nursing Program Description. Students engaged in the pursuit of a nursing-related baccalaureate or higher degree from a National League of Nursing (NLN) or a Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) school of nursing or from certain schools recognized by the United States Department of Education and acceptable to the United States Air Force Surgeon General may enroll in AFROTC and commission in the United States Air Force Nurse Corps. Detachments may obtain additional information concerning the Air Force Nurse Program by contacting HQ AFPC/DPAMN (DSN 665-3226 or (800) 531-5811).
8.10. PSP Nomination Period.
8.10.1. The nomination period normally begins the first duty day of January through the second week of February. Detachment/CCs may submit nominees anytime during this period.
8.10.2. Cadets who are pending scholarship activation, and cadets with scholarship applications pending, must be counseled, via AFROTC Form 16, that failure to receive an EA will result in withdrawal of scholarship offer.
8.10.3. For any cadet who previously completed FT successfully, submit an AFROTC Form 22 to AFROTC/RRFA requesting an EA and accreditation of FT.
8.10.4. Selection Boards and Notification to Detachments. PSP selection boards convene at HQ AFROTC. Cadet rosters meeting the selection board will be aligned by OM. To meet the needs of the Air Force, separate boards (e.g., academic major, foreign language ability) may be considered. For a cadet to meet the board, all selection data, especially DOC/DOG and academic major, must be correct, input, received, and verified by AFROTC/RRFP prior to the established cut- off dates.
- Cadets majoring in a foreign language may be boarded separately, but will receive a Non-Technical EA. Check each entry to ensure all information is correct, especially DOC/DOG and academic major. When a cadet is selected for an EA, CAT-SEL appears in WINGS. Cadets cannot be scheduled for FT without an EA. Cadets must have an EA prior to enlisting into the POC or enrolling in AS300 class, unless the cadet falls under the provisions of Special Student status (see Chapter 4). The Detachment/CC is responsible for ensuring no cadet is allowed to attend FT or enter the POC without an EA.
8.11. Actions Required by Cadets.
Nursing students must provide the detachment documentation of acceptance into a certified Nursing Program. This normally occurs no later than the junior year.
8.12. Out-Of-Cycle (OOC) EA Process.
8.12.1. Once the PSP board has convened, there are a limited number of OOC Line EAs available for award. Since the PSP board is the primary method for awarding EAs, OOC EAs will only be granted if there were not enough candidates selected through PSP, especially in critical majors. AFROTC/RR will provide specific guidance and minimum requirements following the PSP board on requirements for requesting an OOC EA.
8.12.2. Since 2-year detachments do not have GMC cadets to nominate for PSP, some EAs are held out for them. These detachments may request EAs for fully qualified cadets through AFROTC Form 22 to AFROTC/RRFA.
8.12.3. Cadets must be fully qualified to be eligible for OOC EA consideration and submitted to AFROTC/RRFA via AFROTC Form 22. Package must include DCR and class size.
8.12.4. For those cadets who are already in the POC who require an OOC EA because of a change in DOC/DOG, approval will be based on the availability of an EA and the reason for the change. If the change is due to academic deficiency, course failures, or other failure to maintain academic retention standards, a disenrollment investigation may be directed. If the change is due to unforeseen change(s) by the academic institution (e.g., course cancellation, course rearrangement, etc.), it is likely to be approved if OOC EAs are available.
8.13. Withdrawal/Discontinuation of EA.
8.13.1. AFROTC/RR may withdraw the EA of any cadet who fails to maintain retention standards after selection. Contracted cadets will have to be investigated for disenrollment. Non-contracted cadets will be Det Dropped.
8.13.2. PSP selection takes into account normal attrition. After the PSP nomination suspense and prior to the award of the EA, notify AFROTC/RRFP immediately if a nominee no longer wishes to be considered for PSP or if the Detachment/CC determines that the nominee should no longer be given consideration. This issue is time sensitive so the preferred means of notification is email. This is critical because it affords another otherwise qualified nominee an opportunity for PSP selection.
8.13.3. When a cadet with an EA leaves the program prior to FT attendance or cannot attend FT due to medical reasons, notify AFROTC/DOT and HQ AFROTC/RRFA immediately. The preferred means of notification is via a WINGS trouble ticket. This is critical as every effort is made to backfill FT positions.
8.13.4. If a non-contract cadet leaves FT or completes FT and decides not to enter (contract) into the POC, accomplish a "Det Drop". HQ AFROTC notification is not required as this situation is factored into the normal attrition.
8.14. Cadets Not Receiving an EA during PSP.
8.14.1. For those cadets who did not receive an EA, counsel via A F RO T C Form 16 to ensure they understand their options.
8.14.2. All non-selects should complete the school term in their current AS class. Their non- selection for PSP will NOT be a factor in their grade in AFROTC classes. This does not mean that the root cause of non-selection (e.g., poor class attendance, poor performance, poor timeliness, etc.) is to be ignored in their grades. Award grades fairly and equitably as spelled out in the syllabus (expectations and standards for class.) Assure cadets that non-selection for the POC is NOT the "end of the world." There are many DoD options still available; including re-competing for the POC the following year, applying for OTS, applying for DoD Government Service employment, or entering the Army or Navy ROTC programs. If this is a cadet's second opportunity to compete in PSP, then accomplish a "Det Drop". The cadet is released without any commitment.
8.14.3. Non-selected cadets wishing to recompete for the PSP the following year, must have a DOG three years out in order to complete 2 full years in the POC if selected. They will be identified in WINGS as AS500 (completed GMC) the next fall. AS500 cadets can enroll in LLAB ONLY for the next academic year and re-compete for an EA in the next PSP cycle. Do not allow these cadets to attend AS300 classes, except for those mandatory at SMCs.
8.14.4. Contract cadets who do not receive an EA during PSP must be disenrolled from the AFROTC program. The AFROTC/CC, or designee, will determine if release or recoupment of scholarship funds will be accomplished for these contract cadets. Accomplish disenrollment actions IAW with Chapter 11. Temporarily inactive the cadet's scholarship to stop GMC pay on the date the disenrollment investigation is initiated (the date cadet is served with the letter of notification (AFROTC Form 10, Administrative Disenrollment Action Worksheet for AFROTC Cadets). The AF Form 1056, AFROTC Contract, clearly states, "If I am not selected for entry into the POC, I understand that I may be disenrolled from the AFROTC program." Additionally, each AFROTC Form 16 used in counseling cadets reminds them that failure to compete favorably for an EA is a failure to maintain standards. Do not put contract cadets in AS500 status until the disenrollment investigation is complete and the cadet has been informed on the status of their disenrollment investigation. Contracted cadets who wish to reenter AFROTC may become AS500 cadets and follow the procedures outlined below. NOTE: The Detachment/CC can waive a DD Form 785, Record Of Disenrollment From Officer Candidate – Type Training, rating of "1", "2", or "6" if the cadet is disenrolled from AFROTC only. Submit a Form 22 package for any requests to waive all other DD Form 785 recommendations.
8.14.5. Cadets pending scholarship activation. Cadets pending scholarship activation cannot activate their scholarship if they were not awarded an EA on this board. HQ AFROTC will withdraw the scholarship offer for these individuals. Should the cadet wish to continue in AFROTC, they may do so as an AS500.Non-contract cadets who did not receive an EA should be "Det Dropped" at the end of the current term unless they wish to recompete the following year.
Table 8.1. PSP Order of Merit (OM) Factors. FACTORS WEIGHT RSS (Note 1) 40% Cumulative GPA 25% PFA 10% SAT-E (Note 2) 25% NOTES:
The formula for calculating RSS is: ( (1-R/C)+0.5/C)*10), where R=DCR and C=Class Size
The SAT-E is the best of the SAT, ACT or AFOQT-AA, converted to SAT-E used only for selection processing (see conversion chart at Attachment 21)
The AFROTC/CC may adjust factors and weighting