11.1. Purpose.
11.1.1. Contract cadets are scholarship cadets in the GMC and all cadets in the POC. Contract cadets are subject to disenrollment at any time up until commissioning. The OPR for this chapter is HQ AFROTC/RRFD.
11.1.2. Only contract cadets are disenrolled.
11.1.3. Non-contract cadets who fail to meet standards at any time prior to activation of a scholarship or entry into the POC, and/or fail to demonstrate the aptitude of an officer candidate, may be made Special Students for the duration of the semester in which the infraction occurred. Non-contract cadets are dismissed from the AFROTC program upon cessation of the term in which the infraction occurred, or sooner if desired by the cadet. Detachment personnel must counsel the cadet via AFROTC Form 16 on the reason for the release. Accomplish "Det Drop" in WINGS.
11.1.4. The procedures included in this chapter are designed to provide Detachment/CCs and HQ AFROTC with the best possible information with which to make decisions. These internal procedures are not intended to create any rights for cadets other than those listed in the AFROTC Form 10, Administrative Disenrollment Action Worksheet. The AFROTC Form 10 is used by AFROTC detachments and cadets in obtaining complete and consistent information to include cadet notification of disenrollment, cadet elections during disenrollment, and cadet receipt of Report of Investigation (ROI) during the disenrollment process. NOTE: Utilize the AFROTC Form 11, Administrative Disenrollment Action Worksheet for Active Duty Airmen, for AECP and NECP students.
11.2. Authority.
The AFROTC/CC, acting for and in the best interest of the United States Air Force, may disenroll any contract cadet at any time with or without cause. Authority to release, recoup or call the individual to Extended Active Duty (EAD) is outlined in Title 10 USC, Sections 2105, DoDI 1215.08 and AFI 36-2011. A signed contract AF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Contract, between a cadet and the United States Air Force is not a guarantee that a commission will be offered to the cadet. The AFROTC Registrar, on behalf of the AFROTC/CC, establishes and executes policies and procedures governing all facets of AFROTC disenrollments (see para
11.3. General Disenrollment Guidance.
11.3.1. AFROTC Class Attendance: During the course of the disenrollment, and until final disposition is made by HQ AFROTC, cadets must continue attending all AS classes and LLAB, in addition to maintaining all other contractual obligations. Failure to do so is a breach of the AFROTC contract and could negatively affect the resolution of the disenrollment. This policy protects the cadet's rights if the disenrollment decision places the cadet on probation or directs retention. There are two circumstances for which HQ AFROTC/RR will consider allowing a cadet to stop attending AS classes and LLAB: financial/personal hardship and detrimental conduct. The Detachment/CC must submit a request to AFROTC/RR (email is sufficient) to allow the cadet to stop attending AS classes. Humanitarian (financial/personal hardship): The request must be accompanied by sufficient documentation to substantiate the financial/personal hardship. It is the cadet's responsibility to provide proof of how not attending classes will help resolve the financial/personal hardship. Upon approval, place a copy of the approval with the disenrollment package and annotate the last day the cadet attended AFROTC. This request for financial/personal hardship is for the purpose of not attending AFROTC during resolution of the case. It is independent of any financial/personal hardship claimed as a reason for leaving AFROTC. Approval not to attend AFROTC for financial/personal hardship does not guarantee that recoupment or call to EAD will not be the result of the disenrollment. Ceasing to attend AFROTC classes constitutes a No-Pay PNA (period of non-attendance), so stipend should be stopped until the cadet is determined to be retained and returns to classes. Detrimental conduct. If the Detachment/CC is convinced that allowing the cadet to continue attending classes would be harmful to the morale and good order of the cadet corps due to the nature of the offense or continued poor behavior of the cadet, the Detachment/CC should advise AFROTC/RR in writing and follow university procedures to exclude them from class.
11.3.2. Termination of Stipend. Detachments must terminate the stipend for cadets who stop attending AFROTC during the disenrollment and state their intentions not to return. All cadet intentions must be documented in writing. From a legal standpoint, every effort should be made to have the cadet sign a statement expressing the cadet's desire to no longer continue in AFROTC. Email is acceptable documentation if the cadet refuses to sign a letter. This is to prevent possible conflicts regarding termination of stipend. Immediately terminate the stipend for a cadet that is medically disqualified for commission. The effective date is the date of medical disqualification by AETC/SG. In the following situations, detachments may use a Memorandum for Record (MFR) to document the circumstances and cause for discontinuing stipend: The cadet makes the intent verbally. The disenrollment is in absentia (reference paragraph 11.9).
11.3.3. Scholarship Status. Detachment/CC must temporarily inactivate scholarship upon initiation of the disenrollment process in order to ensure scholarship funds are not improperly expended.
11.3.4. Disenrollment Effective Date. AFROTC/RRFD will determine the effective date as follows: If the cadet stops attending AS classes without notification to the Detachment/CC (withdraws from the university, etc.), use the day following the last date attended. If the cadet does provide written notification, but elects to continue participating in the class (to prevent the potential of failing grades), use the date the disenrollment is finalized. NOTE: Scholarship and stipend are terminated upon cadet disenrollment. Death of cadet. Use the date of death. Transfers to another commissioning program. Use the day prior to enlistment in the other commissioning program. Freshman Self-Initiated Elimination (FSIE). Use the date the written FSIE request is received by the detachment. Good of the Service. Use the date the disenrollment is finalized. Medical Disqualification. Disenrollment effective date is date the cadet is certified medically unqualified.
11.3.5. If cadet's effective date of disenrollment is before the end of a term, update WINGS as a "Special Student, with no intent."
11.3.6. Although cadets normally may maintain uniforms until the disenrollment decision is finalized by HQ AFROTC, the final decision as to when cadets should turn in uniforms rests with the Detachment/CC.
11.4. Disenrollment Types.
11.4.1. Non-Investigative Disenrollment. Non-Investigative disenrollments do not require an investigation. A cadet may be disenrolled when there is no possibility that the cadet will be required to fulfill their contractual obligation (i.e., call to involuntary extended active duty (EAD) or recoupment of scholarship benefits). Reasons for Non-Investigative Disenrollment Death of a cadet. The detachment must obtain and attach a certified copy of the death certificate to the AFROTC Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request. Transfer to another military commissioning program. If the cadet is transferring to the Air Force Academy, the Detachment/CC can approve the conditional release. Other transfers. AFROTC/RRFA must approve a conditional release prior to the transfer. For cadets requesting transfer to any Service's commissioning program other than AFROTC, submit the request for conditional release via an AFROTC Form 22 IAW Chapter 4 of this instruction. Once a conditional release has been granted and the cadet has enlisted into the other commissioning program (i.e., orders in hand), submit a disenrollment case file IAW paragraph of this instruction. If the cadet fails to meet the terms of the conditional release (i.e., fails to enlist in the other military commissioning program), the conditional release is void and the cadet remains obligated under the AFROTC contract. If the cadet fails to maintain the terms of the AFROTC contract, investigate for disenrollment IAW paragraph 11.4.2 of this instruction. Do not submit a non-investigative disenrollment case file until a conditional release has been granted and the cadet has enlisted into the other commissioning program. Freshman Self–Initiated Elimination (FSIE). Except as provided below, AS100 cadets may request FSIE. The request must be submitted in writing to the Detachment/CC or OFC. The detachment will then immediately counsel and document via AFROTC Form 16 to ensure the cadet understands that FSIE may preclude future entry into any commissioning program. AFROTC/RR must still approve the disenrollment and issue the DD Form 785. Attach the written FSIE request and AFROTC Form 16 to the AFROTC Form 22 and forward to AFROTC/RRFD IAW Attachment 33, Column 1. AS100 cadets conditionally released from active duty to enroll in AFROTC are not disenrolled under this section (see paragraph 11.4.2). AS100 cadets wishing to FSIE must do so prior to the start date of host institutional AFROTC classes of their AS200 (sophomore) year. They must also indicate whether they intend to continue attending AS classes during the current term. AS100 scholarship cadets who do intend to pursue a commission after being disenrolled may continue in the AFROTC program, as a non-contract cadet, at the discretion of the Detachment/CC. Good of the Service. Upon AFROTC/CC's determination that it is in the best interest of the Air Force to disenroll a cadet, the detachment may begin a non- investigative disenrollment. Medical Disqualification. Cadets must be medically disqualified for commissioning by AETC/SG and the reason for medical disqualification must have been beyond the cadet's control and knowledge. (See paragraph for medical disqualification to which the cadet contributed.) Counsel cadets via AFROTC Form 16 that they are medically disqualified and if they later become medically qualified, they may apply for reentry into the program. Immediately terminate stipend upon notification that a cadet is medically disqualified for commission. The effective date is the date of medical disqualification by AETC/SG. Cadets medically disqualified for their contracted category, but who remain commission-qualified, will be recategorized vice being disenrolled. Non-Investigative Disenrollment Procedure. Detachment/CCs may initiate a non-investigative disenrollment action for the reasons outlined in paragraph Region Commanders and HQ AFROTC may direct non-investigative disenrollment.
- Complete the AFROTC Form 22 and attach all required documentation (Attachment 33, column 1). AFROTC/RR is the approval authority for these non- investigative disenrollment requests. AFROTC/RRFD will note the disenrollment action on the reverse of the AFROTC Form 22 and return it to the detachment. The detachment then notifies the cadet of the decision via AFROTC Form 16. A copy of the "cadet certified" AFROTC Form 16 must be sent to HQ AFROTC/RRFD immediately upon completion. HQ AFROTC/RR may direct non-investigative disenrollment without a formal request from a detachment or Region Commander. HQ AFROTC/RR directs non- investigative disenrollment via notification memorandum sent to the Detachment/CC. The Detachment/CC notifies the cadet via an AFROTC Form 16 of the non-investigative disenrollment. The Detachment/CC then follows procedures outlined in both paragraph, and Attachment 33.
11.4.2. Investigative Disenrollment. When a cadet is being considered for disenrollment and faces the possibility of contract fulfillment (i.e., call to involuntary EAD or recoupment of scholarship benefits), the case must be processed as an investigative disenrollment. For AECP/NECP active duty students, refer to Chapter 13, SECTION 13D. Reasons for Investigative Disenrollment Failure to Maintain Academic Retention Standards (FTMARS). Refer to Chapter 4 of this instruction, regarding award of CEs for substandard academic performance and when to initiate an investigative disenrollment. Academic retention standards for scholarship cadets and POC cadets are given in Chapters 3 and 4 of this instruction. Falling below full-time student status without AFROTC approval. If the investigation is the result of falling below full time student status, include failure to maintain academic retention standards on the Form 10 (Form 11 for AECP/NECP) as the reason for the disenrollment. In cases of FTMARS, the AFROTC Form 704, Academic Performance Inquiry, may be submitted as part of the investigation for disenrollment If the AFROTC Form 704 shows a lack of good faith effort by the cadet, include Breach of Contract as a reason for the disenrollment in the Report of Investigation. Compromise of academic integrity. If the cadet is being investigated for cheating or plagiarism, also include failure to maintain military retention standards as a reason for investigation since this can be considered an integrity issue. Failure to Maintain Officer Accession Standards (FTMOAS). Officer accession standards are those standards required to be eligible for a commission. An example is a cadet who fails to pass the AFOQT after the maximum number of authorized attempts. Disenrolled cadets who do not meet officer accession standards may still qualify to serve in their enlisted grade and be called to EAD. Failure to Maintain Military Retention Standards (FTMMRS). Disenrollments resulting from FTMMRS disqualify a cadet from accession into officer and enlisted programs. Cadets disenrolled for FTMMRS will not usually be called to EAD. Examples include, but are not limited to, ethical and moral violations that violate the Air Force Core Values. A Detachment/CC may conduct an investigation for disenrollment based on FTMMRS at any time, even for an initial offense, depending on its severity. The investigation must include documentation of the cadet's failure to maintain these standards and address whether or not the failure was within the cadet's control. FTMMRS for any reason is a basis for disenrollment and activation of the cadet's contractual obligation (call to EAD or recoupment of scholarship benefits). FTMMRS may include, but are not limited to: Fraudulent enlistment. Illegal drug use. Alcohol-related incidents. (refer to Chapter 4). PFA failure. Failure to complete FT satisfactorily. Failure to maintain BMI and Body Fat standards (refer to Chapter 4 of this instruction). Integrity violation. Inadequate family care plan, if required. Allow the cadet the opportunity to correct the deficiency of the plan. If still inadequate or if the cadet is unable to perform military/academic duties, investigate for disenrollment. Inability to successfully complete a National Agency Check or otherwise fail to qualify for a security clearance. Ineptitude, to include failure to exercise the maturity and/or judgment expected of an officer candidate, or unacceptable adjustment to the military environment. Misconduct resulting in adverse civil involvement. (Refer to Chapter 4.) Misconduct that would constitute an offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Demonstrating undesirable character traits. Failure to compete with applicants for an enrollment allocation (EA). Medical Disqualification due to circumstances within the cadet's control. This occurs when a cadet becomes medically disqualified for commissioning or for a category of commissioning due to circumstances within the cadet's control. Examples include, but are not limited to: Alcohol-related injuries. Injuries caused by hazing, fighting, or pranks. Injuries or illnesses resulting from a lack of good judgment. Failure to report a disqualifying condition. Failure to report within 72 hours any change in medical status. (NOTE: First, determine the nature of the change and allow the cadet the opportunity to explain about the failure to report). Medical disqualification coupled with an expressed desire to withdraw from the AFROTC program. Examples include, but not limited to, temporary disqualification like pregnancy or partial disqualification like being disqualified for rated duty, but qualified for commissioning. Indifference to Training. (NOTE: The Detachment/CC or designated representative should first use the means necessary to counsel the cadet on the lack of performance and provide the cadet the opportunity to improve the deficiency within a predetermined period). Examples include, but not limited to: Failure to meet uniform, grooming, or appearance standards. Failure to wear the appropriate uniform when required. Failure to perform assigned corps duties. Receipt of a failing grade in LLAB. Failure to meet AS class and/or LLAB attendance requirements. Breach/Anticipatory Breach of the AFROTC Contract. Anticipatory Breach occurs when a cadet expresses a clear and convincing intention to breach the contract, but has not yet done so. This does not apply to AS100 contract cadets desiring to exercise the FSIE option. Examples include: Attempting SIE. Only non-prior service AS100 contract cadets may FSIE from AFROTC without obligation (paragraph Failing to enroll in required AFROTC courses. Dropping an AS class without AFROTC approval. Changing academic major without AFROTC approval. SIE from FT. Failure to fulfill any term or condition of the AFROTC contract. (NOTE: The detachment should make every effort to remind cadets periodically of requirements of their contract, throughout their membership in the program. If the cadet intentionally fails to fulfill the condition, investigate for disenrollment). Refusal to accept a commission as an Air Force Officer when actually tendered. Failure to put forth a good faith effort to maintain academic retention standards. Lack of good faith academic effort includes a failure to attend classes regularly, failure to complete required assignments in a timely or satisfactory manner, or failure to take exams. Lack of good faith effort can be verified by completion of the AFROTC Form 704. Claiming conscientious objector status. Inability to meet contracted DOC/DOG due to circumstances within the cadet's control. Humanitarian Release (personal hardship beyond the cadet's control). Request for humanitarian release must be made in writing by the cadet and submitted to the Detachment/CC. Approving disenrollment for a humanitarian reason is entirely discretionary. The request must be accompanied by sufficient documentation to substantiate the personal hardship. Establishing proof of hardship is the cadet's responsibility. The following examples are situations that potentially could be considered hardship. Financial Hardship. A summary of the cadet's financial condition must include income statements, statement of living expenses, copies of bills, past due notices (if any), and bank statements (both checking and savings). Additional documentation may include income tax returns, statements from employers and creditors, or statements from the college or university financial aid department. The documentation must substantiate the cadet's inability to meet financial obligations necessary to continue in school. The documentation must be logically summarized and organized in an order that can be followed and cross–referenced for reviewing officials. If the cadet is not of the legal age of majority according to their state of residence, their parent's financial condition may also be required. A request for disenrollment because of financial hardship without the necessary documentation will not be approved and should not be submitted. Other Personal or Family Hardship. Family separation or the inconveniences usually incident to military service does not necessarily constitute a personal or family hardship. A cadet must provide evidence of the following to substantiate the existence of a personal or family hardship. Evidence may include statements from family members, clergy, physicians, or other persons with personal knowledge of the cadet's circumstances. The hardship is not temporary. Conditions arose or became aggravated after the cadet entered AFROTC. The cadet made every reasonable effort to alleviate the situation. Disenrollment will eliminate or materially alleviate the condition. There are no readily available means to alleviate the situation other than disenrollment.
11.4.3. Investigative Disenrollment Procedure.
Detachment/CCs will initiate investigative disenrollment actions when evidence as defined in paragraph 11.4.2 exists (refer to Attachment 34 for a quick-reference list of steps). Region/CCs and HQ AFROTC may direct investigative disenrollment. In a commander's absence, the senior officer assigned to the detachment may initiate disenrollment action on the commander's behalf. Initiate investigative disenrollment action using the AFROTC Form 10. The initiating commander (or senior officer, in the commander's absence) completes and signed Part I of the AFROTC Form 10. Complete Section I of AFROTC Form 111, Student Status Statement of Understanding. The AFROTC Form 111 is used to verify mailing address and the current DOG. Serve the AFROTC Form 10 on the cadet along with the AFROTC Form 111. The Detachment/CC should review items 1 through 8 of Part II with the cadet before releasing the paperwork. The cadet has 24 hours to consider available options, complete Part II, and return the AFROTC Form 10 to the Detachment/CC. If the cadet cannot or does not return the AFROTC Form 10 within 24 hours, process the case in absentia in accordance with paragraph 11.9. The cadet completes Part II of the AFROTC Form 10 as follows: Acknowledges receipt of the AFROTC Form 10 and understanding of facts relevant to investigative disenrollment by placing their initials next to each statement, 1 through 8. Indicates their selections by circling their choices and placing their initials on lines 9, 10, and 11. Indicates whether they waive the right to a disenrollment investigation by selecting "DO" or "DO NOT," as appropriate, and placing their initials on line 12a. If the cadet selects "DO" waive their right to an investigation: 11 They must select "DO" or "DO NOT" to waiving their right to submit written matters within 10 days in line 12b. 11 Part III is not applicable because there will be no ROI. If the cadet selects "DO NOT" waive their right to an investigation: Line 12b is not applicable. 11 Part III will be filled out by the cadet after receipt of the ROI. Fill in the date and signature block, and sign at the bottom of Part II and return it to the Detachment CC within 24 hours. Once the AFROTC Form 10 is signed by the cadet, a disenrollment investigation must be completed (unless waived by the cadet) and the case file reviewed by the Detachment/CC and forwarded to AFROTC/RRFD for review and final action. Once the AFROTC Form 10 is signed by the cadet, the disenrollment investigation process must run through completion. If the Detachment/CC believes disenrollment is no longer warranted, he/she may make that case on the AFROTC Form 22 Comments and request retention. The cadet may change elections made on the AFROTC Form 10 until the case file is forwarded to HQ AFROTC. Changes may be made by pen and ink amendment of the AFROTC Form 10; the cadet will date and initial all changes. Election changes can also be made by accomplishing a new AFROTC Form 10 and attaching the original AFROTC Form 10 to the new one or by attaching a memorandum to the original AFROTC Form 10. Anticipatory breach may be rescinded by the cadet prior to completing the Part II of the AFROTC Form 10, Receipt of Notification (RON). However, once the cadet has signed Part II indicating refusal to continue training or accept a commission, the anticipatory breach is complete and may not be rescinded. If the desires of the cadet change and they wish to continue in the program after signing Part II of the AFROTC Form 10, the cadet may offer statements to that effect during the disenrollment investigation as evidence on their behalf. If this occurs, HQ AFROTC may consider it in determining disenrollment, probation, or retention of the cadet, whichever is in the best interest of the Air Force. Disenrollment actions where the cadet "WAIVES" the right to a disenrollment investigation (does not wish to be investigated). Provide a copy of the AFROTC Form 10 with Parts I and II completed and evidence supporting the disenrollment action to the cadet. Retain the original. The initiating commander may direct that a disenrollment investigation be conducted despite the cadet's waiver. Do so by signing a memorandum to that effect and providing a copy of the AFROTC Form 10 (with the memorandum attached) to the IO. Conduct the disenrollment investigation IAW paragraph 11.5. The completed ROI must be served on the cadet. The cadet will complete Part III of AFROTC Form 10 and indicate whether they waive the 10-calendar-day rebuttal period. If the cadet waived the right to a disenrollment investigation and a 10– day response period, and the initiating commander did not direct a disenrollment investigation, then the AFROTC Form 10 is complete. When the AFROTC Form 10 is complete: The initiating commander prepares the AFROTC Form 22 with his/her recommendations and justifications for final disposition. Attach the AFROTC Form 10 and evidence supporting the disenrollment action to the AFROTC Form 22 and forward it to AFROTC/RRFD IAW Attachment 33. Disenrollment actions where the cadet "DOES NOT waive" the right to a disenrollment investigation (does wish to be investigated).
- The Detachment CC (or officer serving the Form 10) provides a copy of the AFROTC Form 10 with Parts I and II completed and evidence supporting the initiation of the disenrollment investigation to the cadet and the IO. Retain the original. The IO t he n conducts the disenrollment investigation IAW this chapter and prepares the ROI (Attachment 29). The IO has 10 calendar days to complete the ROI.
11.5. The Disenrollment Investigation.
11.5.1. The disenrollment investigation is a non–adversarial process to gather all the facts in each cadet's case so the Detachment/CC can make an informed recommendation to HQ AFROTC for retention, disenrollment, call to EAD, recoupment, probation, or release. The investigation must be conducted so the cadet has the opportunity to present evidence for consideration by the Detachment/CC, and the disenrollment authority at HQ AFROTC. The disenrollment investigation is the cadet's opportunity to dispute the failure(s) to maintain retention standards which triggered the investigation or to submit mitigating/extenuating circumstances.
11.5.2. The cadet may challenge the IO for cause by submitting a memorandum to the initiating commander stating reasons why the IO is biased or otherwise cannot act in an impartial manner in their case. The initiating commander considers the challenge in consultation with Holm Center/JA. Appoint a new IO if the challenge is justified. If not justified, the Detachment/CC prepares a memorandum explaining why the challenge is not justified, provides a copy to the cadet, and includes a copy in the disenrollment case file.
11.5.3. Upon receipt of the AFROTC Form 10, the IO must contact the cadet and arrange a time for the cadet to make a personal appearance before the IO. The personal appearance should occur within 10 days of the cadet's receipt of the AFROTC Form 10. The IO may grant an extension beyond 10 days, but should note and explain any such delay beyond 10 days in the ROI.
11.5.4. Personal Appearance. The personal appearance is the cadet's opportunity to present their case directly to the IO. At the personal appearance, the cadet may make an oral statement to the IO. The cadet may provide for other individuals to offer testimonial evidence in the cadet's behalf. Any individual offering testimonial evidence at the personal appearance shall be sworn in by the IO using the following oath: "Do you swear (or affirm) that the statements you are about to make in this matter shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" The IO should prepare a summary of statements given by the cadet and any other witness and include that summary in the ROI. Do not prepare a verbatim transcript of the cadet's oral statement or witnesses' testimony. The cadet may also point out issues the cadet believes are relevant to a full and fair consideration of the disenrollment action without presenting direct evidence. The IO shall note all issues raised by the cadet and investigate them if appropriate. (If the cadet feels the IO's investigation or discussion of any matter in the ROI is inadequate, the cadet may submit written material in response to the ROI.) A civilian attorney or a member of the cadet's immediate family may attend the personal appearance, if the cadet desires. However, the IO has the discretion and authority to limit the number of individuals present at the personal appearance at any one time to insure safety, efficiency, and good order and discipline. The personal appearance is not a trial or hearing and the IO is not a judge. Rules of evidence or procedure applicable in courts do not apply. If others in attendance interfere in any way with the hearing, the IO may disallow their attendance. If a representative of the cadet's college or university requests to be present at the personal appearance, the IO ensures arrangements are made for the school representative to attend.
11.5.5. Documentary Evidence. The IO shall review the cadet's UPRG and any other relevant documents. Include copies of relevant documents in the ROI. The cadet may submit documentary evidence on their behalf at any time during the disenrollment investigation. While the cadet has the right to make a personal appearance before the IO, any matter the cadet believes will be significant in deciding the case should be presented in written or documentary form to the IO. The IO includes all documentary evidence provided by the cadet as an attachment in the ROI.
11.5.6. Other Investigative Steps. The IO may perform any other investigative steps necessary to document fully the facts of a cadet's case. This may include locating and interviewing witnesses. Witnesses shall be sworn in using the following oath: "Do you swear (or affirm) that the statements you are about to make in this matter will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" The IO should investigate any issues or allegations made by the cadet during the disenrollment investigation which are not already established or disproved by the evidence (e.g., false or incorrect information, administrative errors, unfair treatment by detachment personnel) on which the disenrollment action is based, or inconsistencies between detachment evidence and evidence submitted by the cadet. The IO will either interview applicable individuals to obtain the information necessary to address the cadet's issues or explain in the ROI why further investigation was unnecessary. If any Equal Opportunity and Treatment (EOT) issues arise during the course of the investigation (e.g., sexual harassment or unlawful discrimination), consult with Holm Center/JA before contacting the detachment's servicing Military Equal Opportunity office. If any other criminal activity arises in the course of the investigation, contact Holm Center/JA, not the servicing base legal office because they are not familiar with the rights and processes for AFROTC cadets.
11.5.7. The Report of Investigation (ROI). The IO will prepare the ROI IAW Attachment 29. The ROI is a factual summary of all evidence compiled by the IO during the investigation. All facts cited in the ROI will be supported by attached documentation. THE IO SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY OPINIONS, CONCLUSIONS, OR RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE ROI. If a cadet desires EAD, the IO must include a memorandum signed by the cadet stating that desire. When the ROI is complete, and the cadet has made a personal appearance or 10 days have elapsed since the cadet signed Part II of the AFROTC Form 10 if the cadet waived a personal appearance, the IO (or the detachment staff) meets with the cadet and provides a copy of the ROI to the cadet for review. The cadet acknowledges receipt of the ROI by signing Part III of the AFROTC Form 10. The cadet has 10 calendar days from the date they acknowledge receipt of the ROI to submit any further rebuttals or challenges to the ROI for inclusion in the disenrollment case file. The cadet may waive the 10-calendar-day response time in Part III of the AFROTC Form 10. If the cadet submits matters prior to the end of the 10-day period, the IO shall determine if the cadet is waiving the remainder of the response period. If so, the cadet shall document this waiver via a signed memorandum. If a cadet has not submitted a response within 10 days, a signed memorandum statement from the Detachment/CC or investigating officer stating one of the following must accompany the disenrollment case file for processing by AFROTC/RRFD: The cadet refused to sign Part III of the AFROTC Form 10, The cadet declined the response, or The cadet failed to meet the 10-day response period. After the 10-calendar-day response period, or after the cadet waives the 10- calendar-day rebuttal period, the IO (or the detachment staff) submits the final ROI with all evidence and attachments (including the cadet's rebuttal/response, if any) to the Detachment/CC.
11.6. Final Actions of the Detachment/CC.
11.6.1. The Detachment/CC reviews the case file.
- If the investigation was not waived, the commander ensures the ROI thoroughly addresses the reason or reasons for the disenrollment actions and all issues or allegations raised by the cadet. The ROI shall not contain any opinions, conclusions, or recommendations by the IO. The commander ensures the cadet has either had 10 calendar days to respond to information in the case file or has waived the 10-day response period in the AFROTC Form 10.
11.6.2. The Detachment/CC completes an AFROTC Form 22 NET 10 days after the cadet receipts for the ROI (this can be sooner if the cadet waived the rebuttal period) and makes a specific recommendation concerning the cadet's disenrollment or continuation in the AFROTC program, and a recommendation for the DD Form 785, Section 4.
11.6.3. All investigative disenrollment actions must be coordinated through the region prior to submission to AFROTC/RRFD.
11.6.4. Forward the disenrollment package to AFROTC/RRFD.
11.7. AFROTC/RRFD Process.
11.7.1. Upon receipt of a package, AFROTC/RRFD enters it into the disenrollments database and then reviews it for completeness and accuracy.
11.7.2. Return Without Action (RWOA).
AFROTC/RRFD may RWOA a case file due to legal insufficiency (lack of evidence), regulatory guidance not followed, poor package, missing documents, or need for further investigation. If a case file contains minor errors, AFROTC/RRFD will call the detachment and request additional information or documents. The detachment then has 5 working days to provide the requested information or the package will be returned to the detachment without action.
11.7.3. Review process.
At HQ AFROTC, the package is reviewed at multiple levels, including Holm Center/JA for legal sufficiency. The cadet is not permitted or authorized to make personal appearances with HQ AFROTC personnel to discuss their case. Any additional information required by HQ AFROTC will be obtained by working through the Detachment/CC.
- If EAD is the recommendation from the Registrar, the package must be routed to AFROTC/CC for final decision.
11.8. Detachment Actions after HQ AFROTC Decision.
11.8.1. Once a final decision has been made, there are several more steps that occur depending on the outcome. All packages return to AFROTC/RRFD for distribution and final actions. AFROTC/RRFD updates WINGS to prepare the cadet record for final action by the detachment. Copies are made and a package is prepared for the detachment. For all outcomes, once a decision is final and the detachment has been notified, the detachment must notify the cadet via an AFROTC Form 16 (or MFR if in absentia). The detachment should forward to AFROTC/RRFD a copy of the final Form. The detachment is also responsible for final actions in WINGS, to include updating the loss codes (Attachment 32). The detachment can verify that AFROTC/RRFD has received the final AFROTC Form 16 by reviewing the Disenrollment - Form 16 Report located on the Restricted website under Disenrollment Information – RRFD.
11.8.2. Contracted cadets are enlisted members in ORS. Several options are considered in the disenrollment decision. All non-prior service AS100 cadets are released from their AFROTC contract as long as the scholarship was not obtained through fraudulent means (e.g., failing to disclose a civil involvement, drug use, or medical condition). AS200 normally have their scholarship funds recouped. This includes scholarship monies expended during the AS100 year. All POC cadets are considered for call to active duty unless there is a moral or physical reason that would prevent them from serving in their enlisted grade. EAD. If EAD is the final decision, AFROTC/RRFD prepares and forwards a distribution package to AFPC. AFPC will normally bring a disenrolled cadet on active duty based on the cadet's contracted graduation date, unless the cadet has stopped attending school.
- Since the disenrolled cadet is no longer a member of AFROTC, HQ AFPC/DPPAES is the approving office for educational delays. The detachment must advise the cadet that AFPC will notify the cadet of the call to EAD. If the cadet has any questions, the cadet may contact HQ AFPC/DPSIPE, 550 C Street West, Suite 10, Randolph AFB TX 78150-4712, commercial (210) 565-3569. The detachment must also have the cadet certify a current and permanent mailing address, present student status, and scheduled graduation date. The detachment must also forward an AFROTC Form 16 counseling record signed by the cadet acknowledging receipt and their understanding of the actions taken to AFROTC/RRFD within 10 workdays of notification. Recoupment. If recoupment of scholarship funds is the final decision, AFROTC/RRFD prepares separate distribution packages and forwards them to HQ ARPC and Holm Center/SDFA. The detachment must notify the cadet of the outcome within 10 workdays. The cadet must supply a permanent mailing address and a current mailing address for contact. The cadet will be contacted by Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS) regarding repayment of scholarship debt. Release. If release is the final decision, AFROTC/RRFD prepares and forwards a distribution package to HQ ARPC. The detachment must notify the cadet in writing within 10 workdays. HQ ARPC will send a copy of the discharge order to AFROTC/RRFD and the cadet when completed. Retain/Probation. If retain or probation is the final decision, the package will be returned to the detachment with further instructions in Section IV of the AFROTC Form 22. The detachment will counsel the cadet via AF R OT C Form 16, including any conditions of retention or probation. Send a copy of the AFROTC Form 16 to AFROTC/RRFD.
11.9. Investigative Disenrollment in Absentia.
11.9.1. Rules of Engagement. An investigative disenrollment action may be processed in absentia when the cadet is not available to participate in person, declines to participate, or fails to respond to notification of the disenrollment action. Additionally, if a cadet becomes physically unavailable or ceases to participate in the disenrollment action, process the case as an in absentia disenrollment from that point forward.
11.9.2. If the detachment is unable to serve the AFROTC Form 10 on the cadet in person, forward the AFROTC Form 10 (with attached evidence supporting the initiation of the disenrollment investigation) under cover of a letter explaining the action, and direct the cadet to complete and return the AFROTC Form 10 within 30 calendar days of receipt. Do not forward original copies of evidence. Send the AFROTC Form 10 to the cadet's last known address via certified mail, return receipt requested, and restricted delivery. Note: if your university mail does not support any of those requirements, use the United States Postal Service. Keep all receipts to document efforts to contact the cadet. If the cadet does not respond to the AFROTC Form 10 sent by certified mail, the commander should exhaust all reasonable attempts to contact the cadet. Consider leaving messages with known friends, classmates, teachers, roommates, parents, or work locations. Maintain a copy of all documentation and mail receipts, as well as MFRs of efforts to contact the cadet. If the cadet responds to the AFROTC Form 10 within 30 days and waives the right to a disenrollment investigation, the Detachment/CC completes the disenrollment action IAW paragraph 11.6.2.
11.9.3. If the cadet fails to respond within 30 days, or if the cadet responds and does not waive the right to a disenrollment investigation, the Detachment/CC provides a copy of the AFROTC Form 10 (with attachments) to the IO. The IO then conducts an investigation and prepares the ROI. If the cadet is unable or unwilling to make an appearance before the IO, the personal appearance may be conducted by telephone, video teleconference, or similar technology.
11.9.4. Serve a copy of the ROI to the cadet via certified mail, return receipt requested, and restricted delivery. Keep copies of receipts. If the cadet does not respond within 30 days, the initiating commander prepares the AFROTC Form 22 and submits the case file to HQ AFROTC/RRFD.
11.10. Reopening Investigations.
11.10.1. Further Investigation. The Detachment/CC may determine that a case file needs further information prior to forwarding the case to HQ AFROTC, or AFROTC/RR may reject a case file without action for further investigation. In such cases, the investigation action must be reopened.
11.10.2. To reopen an investigation, notify the cadet, MA, and IO in writing that the investigation is reopened and the cadet has the same rights as before. If new changes must be made, complete a new AFROTC Form 10 for the cadet and IO to review and make changes as necessary. Attach the new AFROTC Form 10 to the old one. DO NOT DISCARD ANY PREVIOUS DOCUMENTS. The Detachment/CC will ensure the cadet is afforded all rights as requested.
11.10.3. The first investigation will be used by the IO and it will be attached to the new investigation for consideration by the Detachment/CC and HQ AFROTC, unless directed otherwise by the AFROTC/RR.
11.10.4. If the original IO is unavailable or has developed a bias in the case, a new IO must be appointed in writing and be granted the opportunity to review the case file.
11.10.5. Ensure the cadet is granted the opportunity to: Challenge the new IO for cause. Review all new evidence gathered and to respond to this evidence. Receive a copy of changes/additions to the ROI Submit matters in rebuttal to the ROI The commander prepares a new AFROTC Form 22 and submits the case file to HQ AFROTC/RRFD.
11.11. Suspended Disenrollment with Probation.
11.11.1. Upon review of a disenrollment package, AFROTC/RR may offer the cadet suspended disenrollment and probation in lieu of disenrollment. AFROTC/RR will determine the probation conditions and length. A cadet offered probation is allowed to continue in AFROTC. Failure to meet any term or condition of probation, or failure to meet any other AFROTC retention standard is a basis to revoke probation and execute the suspended disenrollment. The specific terms of the probation will be outlined in the AFROTC/RR response.
11.11.2. Probation Offer. The offer of suspended disenrollment with probation will come from AFROTC/RR. If the cadet does not accept the probation, the cadet will be disenrolled. The cadet acknowledges acceptance of the terms of probation by signing an AFROTC Form 16 with the offer and terms of probation. Failure to meet the terms of the probation will result in disenrollment. The terms of the probation can include, but are not limited to, a period of time for watching behavior, civil involvement or alcohol restrictions (i.e., any further civil involvements will result in disenrollment from AFROTC), or any other action AFROTC believes will help change or improve cadet behavior. HQ AFROTC may require, as a term of probation, any or combination of the following: Award of a CE. For alcohol-related incidents, attendance to an alcoholic dependency class at the cadet's own expense. Suspension or termination of scholarship for the duration of the probation. Loss of competitive selections. Professional counseling at the cadet's expense. Re-enlistment by completing a new AF From 1056 and/or a new DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces of the United States.
11.12. Revocation of Probation.
11.12.1. If the Detachment/CC believes the cadet has failed to meet a term or condition of probation or has failed to meet an AFROTC retention standard, the commander assembles evidence supporting the failure and notifies the cadet of intent to revoke probation. Advise the cadet that he/she has 10 calendar days to respond to the new evidence. After 10 days, the Detachment/CC will assemble the new evidence with the cadet's written response (if any), the original disenrollment case file and forward it to AFROTC/RRFD under cover of a new AFROTC Form 22.
11.12.2. AFROTC/RR may direct a new disenrollment investigation in unique or unusual cases. The cadet does not have the right to a new disenrollment investigation since the original disenrollment action afforded the cadet all rights available under applicable law and regulations and was legally sufficient for disenrollment actions.
11.13. Termination of Disenrollment Consequences.
11.13.1. Termination of Scholarship Recoupment. AFROTC will terminate the recoupment of scholarship money for any cadet who obtains a waiver of prior disenrollment, competes for and receives a POC enrollment allocation and then recontracts/reenlists. The cadet must submit a memorandum requesting to terminate scholarship recoupment (Attachment 30). Counsel the cadet via AFROTC Form 16 that termination of the recoupment of scholarship money is contingent upon receipt of an Air Force commission. If the cadet is commissioned, any principle on AFROTC scholarship money previously recouped by the government will be refunded to the cadet. HQ AFROTC will consider terminating the recoupment debt of disenrolled cadets who complete at least 2 years of continuous enlisted active duty service or who receive an active duty commission (with any branch of the United States Armed Forces). A commission or enlistment in the Guard or Reserves does not apply unless two years of continuous active duty service is completed. Proof of service is the responsibility of the disenrolled cadet. To request termination, contact AFROTC/RRFD for guidance. Cadets disenrolled with recoupment who return to AFROTC, contract into AFROTC, and are subsequently disenrolled with recoupment again will be liable for scholarship funds from their first disenrollment as well as current enrollment.
11.13.2. Rescind Call to EAD.
A disenrolled cadet called to EAD who receives a new enrollment allocation, and recontracts/reenlists may request termination of the call to EAD. Detachments must indorse and submit a memorandum requesting rescinding of the EAD to AFROTC/RRFD (using the letter format at Attachment 31). Counsel cadets via AFROTC Form 16 that termination of the call to EAD is contingent upon receipt of an Air Force commission.
- Do not re-enlist or contract the cadet until the call to EAD has been terminated.
11.14. Disenrollment Appeals Process.
11.14.1. Disenrolled cadets may appeal their disenrollment, call to EAD, or recoupment action once. Suspension and probation cannot be appealed. Requests for reconsideration of the disenrollment decision will always be reviewed; however, changes will only be made based upon new evidence that was not available during the initial investigation. Submit appeals in writing to the AFROTC/CC no later than one (1) year from the individual's effective date of disenrollment listed on the DD Form 785. Requests received after the one- year cutoff date will not be considered. The cadet is not permitted or authorized to make personal appearances with HQ AFROTC personnel to discuss their case.
11.14.2. Release of Cadet Records.
At any time during the disenrollment process, a cadet is permitted to review their UPRG upon request under the supervision of detachment cadre. After disenrollment, a cadet desiring copies of specific records from the UPRG must submit a written request, citing the Privacy Act of 1974, to the detachment records custodian. Remove any Privacy Act information about individuals other than the cadet before releasing copies of the records. Cadets may obtain completed copies of the disenrollment case file by submitting a written request to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) office, 42 CS/SCOKR, 50 LeMay Plaza South, Maxwell AFB AL 36112, citing the FOIA or PA or online at www.foia.af.mil. The request must list the specific information desired.
11.15. Cadet Identification Card.
11.15.1. During the disenrollment process, the Detachment/CC may authorize the cadet to retain the military identification card. If not retained in the program, the cadet will immediately surrender the ID card to detachment cadre. No action is required if the ID card was issued due to the cadet being a dependent of a military member.
11.15.2. Disposition.
The detachment should immediately forward disenrolled cadet ID cards to host MPS. The host MPS will remove the affected individual from DEERS as needed. Once removal has been verified, the DD Form 2, US Armed Forces ID Card, will be destroyed and the DD Form 2842 will be filled appropriately for recycling as required in appropriate guidance.