7.1. General Information.
The OPR for this Chapter is HQ AFROTC/RRF. This chapter explains the procedures to request waivers, or other data change requests, as specified in this instruction.
7.2. Specific Use.
7.2.1. The AFROTC Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request (CPAR), is currently used to request waivers, outline Detachment Commander's disenrollment comments and recommendations, or other actions, as specified in this instruction. When available, detachments will submit CPARS in WINGS.
7.2.2. Waivers. Detachments may request waivers (e.g., CI waiver, Drug waiver, AFOQT retest waiver, etc.) for cadets and applicants who fail to meet eligibility requirements or for contract cadets who fail to maintain academic, military, or other retention standards.
7.2.3. Data Changes. Detachments may request changes to cadet data (e.g., DOC/DOG change, Major change, Category change, etc.), as specified in this instruction.
7.3. Submission Guidelines.
7.3.1. Make no commitment to the individual, even if previous conversations with HQ AFROTC personnel indicate favorable consideration.
7.3.2. Temporarily inactivate scholarships as required.
7.3.3. Submit a separate AFROTC Form 22 for each individual. The AFROTC Form 22 may contain multiple requests, but for only one individual.
7.3.4. Submit AFROTC Form 22 to AFROTC/RRFD for disenrollment actions. All others are to be sent to AFROTC/RRFA. Disposition action for all actions submitted to AFROTC/RRFA will be forwarded via email to the detachment email address. Detachments must allow 60 day for processing of disenrollment actions and 20 days (minimum) for waivers and all other requests. NOTE: If a detachment is not sure a situation requires CPAR (other than for disenrollment action), they are encouraged to contact AFROTC/RRFA.
7.3.5. Submit waiver requests to AFROTC/RRFA via email (with all supporting documentation) to [email protected]. Maintain a copy in the cadet UPRG for reference along with the final disposition. NOTE: ALL disenrollment packages must be mailed to AFROTC/RRFD IAW Chapter 11 of this instruction.
7.4. AFROTC Form 22 Completion.
Complete instructions for the AFROTC Form 22 are located at Attachment 20. Since HQ AFROTC decisions are based on the whole-person concept, it is vital that all information shown is correct, complete, and current. If an item does not apply, enter N/A or leave blank.
7.5. Appeals.
Whenever Detachment/CCs desire to appeal an AFROTC Form 22 that was previously disapproved by AFROTC/RRFP, they must request re-consideration directly to AFROTC/RR. Ensure the correspondence includes any additional support that may not have been included in the package. Decisions will be returned to the detachment via email or a revise Form 22 response.
7.6. WINGS Trouble Ticket Waivers.
7.6.1. The following actions may be approved through trouble ticket in WINGS. FT deferral based on medical reasons. Submit request with specifics of medical reason if deferral is before departure to FT. NOTE: Cadets returned from FT for medical reasons without prejudice are not automatically deferred to FT the following summer. Detachments may request another FT assignment in the same year through HQ AFROTC/DOT provided space is available. If there are no open billets or if the cadet is unable to complete FT during the same summer, detachments must request deferral via trouble ticket in WINGS. Period of Non-Attendance to attend mandated church missions. Include date of departure and return. Major and DOC/DOG changes within the Detachment CCs waiver authority. NOTE: HQ AFROTC/RRFA maintains oversight of these changes to ensure scholarship entitlement is not affected. Corrections to cadet data not correctable by detachment personnel.
7.6.2. Disapproved WINGS trouble tickets. A WINGS trouble ticket disapproval may be appealed only by submitting an AFROTC Form 22 to HQ AFROTC/RRFP.
7.7. Cadet Notification.
Cadets must be counseled via AFROTC Form 16 on results of all disenrollment actions and waiver requests. Submit AFROTC Form 16 for disenrollment actions to HQ AFROTC/RRFD via e-mail to [email protected].