13.1. General Information.
This chapter outlines detachment requirements for management of AECP and NECP students once enrolled at host or cross-town schools. For exceptions, contact AFROTC/RRUE. Requirements regarding NECP students will be coordinated by AFROTC/RRUE through AFPC/DPAMN. Detachments should contact AFROTC/RRUE with any issues regarding NECP students. The OPR for this chapter is AFROTC/RRU.
13.2. Detachment Commander Responsibilities.
13.2.1. The Detachment Commander acts as the personal representative of the AFROTC Commander in all matters pertaining to active duty students assigned to the institution. He/she: May delegate any portion of this instruction that indicates Detachment Commander responsibilities to another cadre officer. Maintain oversight of student progress. Maintain liaison with students. Help the AECP/NECP student prepare an AFROTC Form 48 or equivalent and provide AFROTC/RRUE with a program completion date via memorandum, once the academic plan is completed (see paragraph 13.25). Ascertain student's academic performance by conducting term counseling to include reviewing the academic plan for changes in program completion dates. Academic and personal counseling sessions will be documented each term
- Ensure any changes to the AFROTC Form 48 are forwarded to AFROTC/RRUE (which will then forward to AFPC/DPAMN for NECP students).
13.2.2. Ensure a PFA is conducted annually or semiannually, as required by AFI 36-2905, Fitness Program. Ensure AECP line officer candidates receive BMI and PFA within 30 days of attending Basic Officer Training (BOT.) Ensure NECP students and AECP nurses are administered PFA NET 30 calendar days and NLT the day prior to commissioning IAW Chapter 12. AECP and NECP students may participate in the cadet-led PT sessions but cannot complete their PFA with the AFROTC cadets. Counsel the AECP/NECP student via AFROTC Form 16, that failure to maintain standards will result in the issuance of CEs (see paragraph 13.35) possibly leading to disenrollment from AECP/NECP.
13.2.3. Report the following to AFROTC/RRUE (AFPC/DPMAN for NECP students): Academic probation of AECP/NECP student (see paragraph 13.31.). Any alleged violation of the UCMJ involving AECP/NECP students. In addition, report any alleged UCMJ violations to Holm Center/JA. Any adverse civil involvements including driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI). Report any adverse civil involvements to Holm Center/JA. NOTE: Civil involvements prior to entry into AECP were waived by HQ AFROTC. AFPC/DPMAN waived involvements for NECP students prior to entry.
- Civil Involvement Guidance for AECP, and NECP students. AECP/NECP students are not cadets, but are active duty enlisted troops whose duty is to progress towards their educational degree. They are active duty members and fall under UCMJ authority. Under Article 31, UCMJ, compulsory self-incrimination is prohibited. No military member may interrogate, or request any statement from a person suspected of an offense unless the suspect is advised of their Article 31 rights and waives those rights. They may not be asked to report civil involvements on an AFROTC Form 35 and AFROTC Form 4 because such reporting requirements violate Article 31, UCMJ. Investigative actions for AECP/NECP students will mirror those for any other active duty member. AECP/NECP students can be dismissed from the AECP/NECP program utilizing the AFROTC Form 11. Any changes in the student's graduation date (see paragraph 13.26.). Any other significant incidents or situations not specifically covered in this instruction. Issuance of 2d CE and/or 3d CE for retention consideration.
13.2.4. Brief all new arrivals on local policies and procedures applicable to all active duty members assigned (see paragraph 13.7).
13.2.5. Confirm AECP student's security clearance level with their servicing MPS upon initial assignment.
13.2.6. Ensure each arrival receives initial and annual ancillary training (Anti-terrorism, Law of Armed Conflict, Information Assurance, etc.) and safety briefings as required.
13.2.7. Monitor use of Isolated Unit Funds (IUF). As active duty members, AECP/NECP students must be invited/included in events where IUF are expended.
13.2.8. Continuously evaluate AECP/NECP students for officer potential by using the "whole person" concept. Although academic ability is one factor considered in the evaluation process, it is not the sole determinant of officer potential. Evaluations of an individual's moral and physical attributes are combined with an assessment of their mental alertness. AECP/NECP students are active duty Airmen and must abide by Air Force directives. Failure to meet Air Force standards may result in disenrollment. It is very important each AECP and NECP student understands this continuous evaluation process and its importance in the successful pursuit of an Air Force commission.
13.2.9. Establish a sponsorship program for arriving AECP/NECP students as appropriate.
13.2.10. Prepare AECP/NECP students for program conclusion (see paragraph 13.37 to 13.48).
13.3. Detachment Staff Personnel Responsibilities.
13.3.1. Load student data into WINGS on inbound AECP/NECP students upon receipt of new student package from AFROTC/RRUE NLT 15 Jul of each year. NECP new student package will come from AFPC/DPAMN. Complete and accurate tuition estimates will be loaded upon receipt of package. Be sure to include the summer courses, as AECP and NECP students attend school year-round. These scholarship estimates are crucial for HQ AFROTC fiscal year budgeting.
13.3.2. Notify AFROTC/RRUE of student's arrival.
13.3.3. Provide administrative support of students (LeaveWeb, TDY processing, PFAs, etc.).
13.3.4. Maintain AECP/NECP student records in their personnel information file (PIF) as required by Air Force instructions. Place a copy of the student's AF Form 899, Request and Authorization for Permanent Change of Station – Military, in student's PIF. Ensure AF Form 899, block 3 reflects 9T100 as the AFSC. NOTE: If AFSC reflected is not 9T100, notify AFROTC/RRUE for correction of AFSC. Ensure the student completes or updates the following forms: Electronic DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data (vRED) (print copy to file in PIF). AF Form 357, Family Care Certification (if applicable). AECP/NECP students are active duty members. Do not have AECP/NECP students complete DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document – Armed Forces of the United States, or AF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Contract. Ensure the student completes a SF 1199A, Direct Deposit Sign-up Form, for textbook allowance.
13.4. AECP/NECP Student Responsibilities.
13.4.1. AECP/NECP students are active duty members and will conduct themselves accordingly. Their actions reflect directly on the image of the Air Force. Failure by military personnel to comply with Dress and Appearance standards and to maintain the Electronic DD Form 93 (vRED) is a violation of Article 92, UCMJ, and may result in disciplinary action.
13.4.2. Dress and Appearance.
Violation of provisions set forth in this paragraph may result in disciplinary action under Article 92 of the UCMJ. Students will comply with the dress and grooming provisions of AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel, while assigned to the detachment to include adhering to grooming standards when they are attending classes. The appropriate uniform will be worn when conducting official business at a military installation or when required by current directives. Commanders will set policy to have students wear uniform at the detachment at least once a month to ensure students are in compliance with AFI 36-2903 and detachment policy.
13.4.3. Uniform Items.
Do not issue uniform items to AECP/NECP students since they receive an annual clothing allowance. When required to wear a uniform, AECP/NECP students will wear the uniform IAW AFI 36-2903. They are not authorized to purchase uniform items from the detachment at any time. They are authorized to wear the Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) when mandated by the Detachment Commander.
13.4.4. Academic Integrity.
All students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Students are to pursue their academic programs without unauthorized assistance and are to give credit to others' words and ideas so as to avoid committing plagiarism. Confirmed plagiarism is cause for removal from AECP or NECP.
13.4.5. Mobilization and Emergency Instructions.
The campus is considered the duty station and therefore AECP/NECP students must be included on the detachment recall roster. AECP/NECP students will report to the AFROTC detachment in the event of mobilization and follow instructions issued by the Detachment Commander.
13.4.6. Off-Duty Employment.
AECP/NECP students are full-time students whose task is to complete their degree programs in the minimum time practical and are expected to devote full-time to their academic programs. Per AFPC/DPMAN, NECP are not authorized off-duty employment (no waivers considered). Off-duty employment includes any arrangement by which a student receives payment for their services. Off-duty employment for AECP cadets is normally not authorized. To request approval for off-duty employment, an AECP student must complete an AF Form 3902, Application and Approval for Off-Duty Employment, in accordance with DoD 5500.07-R, Joint Ethics Regulation (JER), and Holm Center policy.
13.5. Post-Selection/Pre-Arrival of AECP Student.
Violation of provision set forth in this paragraph by AECP/NECP students may result in disciplinary action under Article 92 of the UCMJ.
13.5.1. Once the student is selected for participation in AECP, they prepare for entry and arrival to their projected AFROTC detachment. This is a two-phase process to ensure proper entry into the program.
13.5.2. First, the student must complete the post-selection requirements of AECP. The student must submit the following documents to AFROTC/RRUE NET 90 days and NLT 14 days prior to their projected class start date: The Enlisted Commissioning Program Return Letter and their Statement of Understanding (located on the enlisted commissioning website at http://www.au.af.mil/au/Holmcenter/AFROTC/EnlistedComm/post.asp. Submit the PFA and BMI letters stating the latest results. Selectee must take and pass the PFA IAW AFI 36-2905 and meet BMI standards IAW DODI 1308.3, Table E2.T1 and Enclosure 3. These must be taken NET 90 days prior to their projected class start date. The letters must be signed by their first sergeant, section commander, or Detachment Commander.
13.5.3. Once the student has provided the above documents, AFROTC/RRUE will request through HQ AFPC Assignments reassignment to attend school in the AFSC of 9T100. AFROTC/RRUE then prepares arrival preparation documents to be forwarded to the student's gaining AFROTC detachment. The following documents will be forwarded to the detachment to initiate in-processing. AF Form 56. Transcripts. Records Review Listing. Letter of Admission. PFA & BMI Results. AF Form 422. AFROTC Form 48 or equivalent.
13.6. Reporting.
AECP/NECP students will report to the detachments NET 14 days and NLT 5 days prior to their class start date. Once the student arrives at the detachment, the detachment will notify AFROTC/RRUE via telecom or email. Detachments will enter the student in WINGS.
13.7. Arrival on Campus.
13.7.1. Immediately after arrival on campus, the student must report to the Detachment Commander in uniform. At that time, the Detachment Commander will provide, at a minimum, guidance on the following matters: Scheduling in-processing appointments for assignment to the Detachment. Location of the servicing Financial Support Office (FSO) and Military Personnel Section (MPS). Availability of the local military installations for medical, exchange, and commissary facilities. Housing information. Accountability and leave procedures. Academic responsibilities and procedures. Official duty, medical, and vicinity travel policy. Government Travel Card. Security Clearance (see paragraph 13.39).
13.8. Active Duty Requirements.
All AECP/NECP students are required to complete all ancillary training requirements, to participate in the Demand Reduction Program, and any other programs deemed appropriate by AFROTC/RRUE and detachment personnel.
13.9. Enrollment Allocations.
AECP/NECP students are guaranteed to receive an EA. EAs will be requested by the detachment through WINGS upon confirmation of the student's arrival. AFROTC/RRUE will update the EA in WINGS.
13.10. Medical Records.
In accordance with AFI 41-210, T r i care Operations and Patient Administration Functions, paragraph 4.7, personnel and their family members may maintain their own medical records when the nearest MTF is not accessible. However, if they are enrolled at an MTF near their location, the records must be maintained at the MTF of enrollment.
13.11. Electronic DD Form 93, Record of Emergency Data (vRED).
The vRED located in the vMPF is the only document used by the Air Force to notify next of kin in cases of serious illness, injury, or death, and to determine beneficiaries of pay and allowances. The electronic form fulfills the requirement. Changes in emergency data must be updated immediately via vMPF. A copy of the vRED printout will be maintained by the detachment in the student's PIF. Failure to maintain ones vRED is punishable under Article 92 of the UCMJ.
13.12. Enlisted Performance Reports.
AECP/NECP students will not receive EPRs.
13.13. Promotion.
In accordance with AFI 36-2502, Airman Promotion/Demotion Programs, chapter 4, Airmen are ineligible for promotion consideration when entering Air Force commissioning programs on or before the Promotion Eligibility Cutoff Date (PECD). Airmen in the grades of SrA and below will be promoted to SSgt effective 1 day prior to departure from losing base, but NET the 11th day before their RNLTD. MPSs will remove the projected promotions of SSgt selects from PDS when the Promotion Selection Number (PSN) is after program entry and place letters in their records indicating grade, cycle and PSN. IAW AFI 36-2013, Officer Training School (OTS) and Enlisted Commissioning Programs (ECPS), Table 2.6, Rule 9, qualified Airmen selected for promotion to the grade of TSgt or above, will be promoted on the normal effective date. Counsel students who were promoted to SSgt for the purpose of entry into AECP/NECP via AFROTC Form 16 of demotion if disenrolled from AECP or NECP.
13.14. Basic Allowance for Housing and Basic Allowance for Subsistence.
NECP/AECP students are authorized basic allowance for housing at the local rate and for subsistence effective upon arrival/in-processing at their AFROTC detachment.
13.15. Required Examinations and Immunizations.
Violation of provisions set forth in this paragraph by AECP/NECP students may result in punishment under Article 92 of the UCMJ. Students should be notified by their servicing MTF through their AFROTC detachment of required annual dental appointments, physical health assessments (PHA), or immunizations. Personal involvement by the member may be necessary to ensure routine exams are scheduled with minimum interruption of classes.
13.16. Billing Procedures for Routine and Emergency Medical Treatment to Include Travel.
Students will follow the billing and travel procedures established by the Detachment Commander and the local medical facility. Students and their dependents must check with their regional TRICARE service center to ensure compliance with procedures and entitlements available under their selected TRICARE option.
13.17. Travel Reimbursement (excluding routine and emergency medical treatment).
13.17.1. AECP/NECP students are authorized to drive vehicles assigned to the AFROTC detachment. Each AECP/NECP student is required to perform official travel based on the availability of such transportation. If however, the AECP/NECP student is only able to schedule appointments when transportation is not available, they may be eligible to receive reimbursement for official travel. In order to receive reimbursement, the following criteria will be met.
13.17.2. Any travel performed that will take less than 10 hours and costs under $25.00 must be submitted through DTS and must be approved by the Detachment Commander prior to the travel being performed. NOTE: Nursing students are not authorized TDY travel for clinicals.
13.17.3. Any travel performed that will take less than 10 hours and costs over $25.00 must be approved by AFROTC/RRUE prior to the travel being performed. This can be accomplished via email. Forward a completed SF 1164, Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business to AFROTC/RRUE after travel has been accomplished for fund certification. SF 1164 must be signed by the Detachment Commander as verification of travel.
13.17.4. Any travel performed that will take over 10 hours must be approved by AFROTC/RRUE prior to travel being performed. The travel request must be forwarded to AFROTC/RRUE using a DD Form 1610, Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DOD Personnel, five working days prior to the projected departure date. The DD Form 1610 must include all estimated costs.
13.18. AECP/NECP Program Lengths.
13.18.1. Air Force personnel are enrolled in AECP/NECP programs to meet established Air Force educational requirements. AECP/NECP students will follow HQ AFROTC guidance and will arrange their programs accordingly. Maximum allowable program lengths have been established by the Air Force; however, individual program lengths will vary according to the nature of the program, degree level, and academic background of the student. AECP students are allowed a maximum of 36 months to complete their academic program, but must graduate in as short a time as possible. Those who do not make satisfactory academic progress or who cannot complete their degree within the maximum time allotted will be disenrolled.
- AECP students will make every effort to complete their academic programs in minimum time. Therefore, they should arrange with their academic advisors to receive academic credit for basic courses in which they have expertise. This may be accomplished through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), by completing advanced standing examinations, or by receiving credit for Air Force training programs, and other military experience. The Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) offers another means of validating and crediting such experience (for enlisted-friendly schools).
13.18.2. NECP students are allowed a maximum of 24 months to complete their academic program.
13.19. Completion/Termination Date.
13.19.1. Completion date, also referred to as termination date, graduation date, or availability date, is the exact date of program completion. During the course of the student's program, the official completion, which governs reassignment action, will be determined from the academic plan as approved by the Detachment Commander.
13.19.2. The student's program completion date determines when they will be forecasted for reassignment and departure from campus. Therefore, students must keep the Detachment Commander informed of the accuracy of the date which is in the WINGS and of any factors which affect this date. The completion date is normally the date the detachment receives confirmation via letter from the school that the student has completed all degree requirements and will graduate.
13.20. Academic Program Planning.
13.20.1. Although the Detachment Commander may occasionally direct certain academic options, course sequences, and major or minor fields, it is the student's academic advisor at the university who assists the student in planning the academic program. The Detachment Commander then approves it. Students should inform their advisor of applicable Air Force policies such as program length and the nature of their most likely follow-on assignment. In addition, the student and advisor should be aware of the following restrictions and guidelines:
13.20.2. Required and core courses should be scheduled as early as possible.
13.20.3. Electives and minor course requirements should be scheduled later or as needed to fill term loads to an acceptable level.
13.20.4. Upon the recommendation of the academic advisor and with the approval of the Detachment Commander, the student may audit courses or retake courses for which credit has previously been granted. However, such courses will usually be carried in addition to the minimum course load noted in paragraph 13.21. NOTE: Students will be financially responsible for any such audits or courses retaken if additional cost is incurred.
13.20.5. All students will schedule, at a minimum, a full-time academic load unless a specific exception has been granted by the Detachment Commander. Overloads are not recommended. Exceptions will be granted for students at institutions with course load restrictions which prevent compliance with this instruction providing the exception is requested by the student via a letter to the Detachment Commander. Students who have been granted an exception to full-time status must perform duty equivalent to a 40-hour work week at the AFROTC detachment or by special project. Duty performed is at the discretion of the Detachment Commander. Full- time status (12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours) is equivalent to a 40-hour work week.
13.20.6. Elective courses will be selected on the basis of benefit to the student's Air Force career. Courses such as insurance, real estate, investments, typing, music, art, and photography will not be scheduled. Exceptions will be considered by AFROTC/RRUE when a course fulfills a degree requirement and there is not a more suitable alternative to fulfill the same requirement. Preferable free electives outside an academic major are those which enhance general skills desired of all Air Force members (e.g., foreign language courses, area studies, history) or those which are compatible with a student's academic major.
13.20.7. AECP students will participate in cooperative (Co-ops) education (Internship) programs only if required by their academic curriculum. AECP students must have approved off-duty employment forms on file prior to performing Co-ops. Co-ops should be accomplished in the local area or state. For academic curricula with no local Co-ops but offering distant Co-ops, the AECP student must attend the Co-op nearest the school they attend, or provide strong justification for not attending a Co-op nearest the school. Submit requests for Co-ops outside the local area or state to AFROTC/RRUE as early as possible, but NLT 60 days prior to the Co-op. For approved Co-ops outside the local area, AECP students are authorized TDY and receive TDY funding. During Co-ops, AECP students will be considered in full-time student status. Normal tuition and fees will be paid for participation in the Co-op term. AECP students with required Co-op requirements must still complete their degree requirements within 36 months from entry into the AECP program.
13.20.8. Advanced standing examinations are encouraged if they will expedite fulfillment of degree requirements, especially when the school will not transfer credits for courses completed elsewhere.
13.21. Regular Terms.
Full-time for undergraduate is the hours specified by the university. If the university does not specify, use 12 hours per term.
13.22. Summer Terms.
13.22.1. The definition of a "normal" summer academic load varies from institution to institution. Students are required to use the summer terms to the maximum extent possible in order to keep their program length to a minimum. DETACHMENT COMMANDERS may reduce loads depending on the student's ability or the difficulty of the scheduled courses; however, students should not register for, or plan, a reduced load, without their Detachment Commander's prior approval. The intent is to allow students full utilization of the summer term to complete degree requirements in the minimum time and/or enhance their value to the Air Force by taking career-oriented enrichment courses. During the summer term, as well as other term breaks, AECP students must be in class, on leave, or working at the detachment; the combining of these will be at the commander's discretion.
13.22.2. NECP Students. During the summer term, NECP students must be in class. If electives are scheduled during the summer term and will not impact graduation, NECP students must request approval from AFPC/DPAMN either to work at the detachment or to be on leave.
13.23. Pre- and Post-Summer Sessions.
At institutions with pre- or post-summer sessions, 2 to 3 hours will be taken each session in addition to the normal summer term loads.
13.24. School Breaks.
13.24.1. When school is not in session, AECP/NECP students are required to perform duty at the AFROTC detachment or equivalent as determined by the Detachment Commander. They will wear the duty uniform.
13.24.2. If not performing duty, the student must be on leave or pass as defined in AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program.
13.25. Preparation of the Academic Plan.
Process the academic plan in accordance with Chapter 3 of this instruction. The detachment must update WINGS with the projected graduation date once the academic plan is complete. Notify AFROTC/RRUE of any changes in courses that may negatively impact program completion by planned date of graduation.
13.26. Changes in Academic Plans.
All changes in academic plans must be approved by the Detachment Commander in advance. Whenever any program change is anticipated, students must submit a revised academic plan for Detachment Commander approval. All students must adhere to their current academic plans without deviation. Students who drop, add, or change a course without prior approval of the Detachment Commander will be required to pay for the course. By deviating from an approved course of study, students are subject to disciplinary action. AFROTC/RRUE (AFPC/DPAMN for NECP students) must approve all DOG changes. Any changes that will require the student to exceed 36 months (24 months for NECP) of total program time require AFROTC/RRUE approval. See paragraph 13.33 or curtailment and extension request details.
13.27. Grade Reports.
Each student is responsible for forwarding grade reports to the Detachment Commander immediately after the close of each term. Grade reports must include clarification notes whenever incomplete, deferred, or substandard grades are reported. The clarification must specifically identify any impact the grades have upon the student's program and the approach (including a time line) that will be taken to correct deficiencies that may prevent or delay graduation. See paragraph 13.32 for academic standards.
13.28. Attendance of Scheduled Classes.
AECP/NECP students will attend all scheduled classes, regardless of university policy, unless excused by the Detachment Commander. Students must coordinate class absences with their academic instructors/counselors prior to contacting the Detachment Commander to be excused from attendance. The Detachment Commander will ensure that each student is briefed on local procedures of accountability. Failure to attend scheduled classes or failure to comply with local personnel accountability procedures will result in administrative action, disciplinary action, and/or removal from the AECP/NECP program. Absences due to illness require documentation from their Primary Care Manager (PCM) or equivalent (e.g., quarters slips, convalescent leave). If seen by non-MTF physician, paperwork will need to be coordinated through the servicing MTF.
13.29. Change of Academic Status due to University Action.
All students will notify their Detachment Commander of any university action which changes their status (for example, probation, advancement to candidacy or full graduate standing, suspension, reinstatement, etc.) The notification must provide complete details including the reason for action, effect on academic program, date the situation is expected to change (if applicable), and required student action. Students notified of any adverse action by the university will advise their Detachment Commander within one duty day of their receipt of notification. The Detachment Commander will provide instructions concerning duty requirements and will notify AFROTC/RRUE.
13.30. Academic Recognition.
Students receiving recognition for outstanding academic achievement or election to membership in honorary fraternities or societies must notify their Detachment Commander. If the recognition includes compensation of monetary value then the student must request permission to accept the compensation via letter to the Detachment Commander. This request must include copies of documents which clearly describe the intent and value of the compensation and a statement from the student indicating how the compensation will be used. In no case will the student accept and use compensation without approval. Students are encouraged to participate in such activities when academic programs permit.
13.31. Academic Probation.
13.31.1. Students failing to meet minimum academic standards will be placed on probation by the Detachment Commander. Use AFROTC Form 16 to document and counsel the student concerning minimum academic standards. This action constitutes a warning that failure to improve may result in withdrawal from the AECP/NECP program. At no time will the AECP/NECP student's scholarship be suspended or terminated. The student on probation is given extra attention by the Detachment Commander to ensure that every effort is being made to correct the problem. Students are expected to take positive actions to correct the deficiencies and to inform the Detachment Commander regularly of their progress. Students will be removed from probation after deficiencies are corrected.
13.31.2. Students not meeting minimum academic standards should be encouraged to voluntarily submit a letter of explanation to their Detachment Commander detailing the reasons and any extenuating circumstances underlying their failure to meet academic standards.
13.31.3. Students on probation will provide their mid-term grades to the detachment commander. Final grades will be provided as soon as they are known, to be followed by appropriate grade report.
13.31.4. If a student doesn't make satisfactory progress warranting removal from probationary status after the probationary term, or, when appropriate, following a second non-consecutive deficient term, the Detachment Commander will notify the student of their intent to recommend the student for disenrollment from the program. The student must forward justification for retention to the commander within 10 calendar days of notification of intent to initiate disenrollment actions.
13.31.5. The Detachment Commander will provide AFROTC/RRUE with a recommendation concerning removal or retention of the AECP student (see paragraph 13.33).
13.32. Minimum Academic Standards.
13.32.1. The Detachment Commander will place an AECP/NECP student on academic probation when: CGPA falls below 2.50 on a 4.0 scale. TGPA falls below 2.50 on a 4.0 scale. Placed on academic probation by the institution. Receives an "F", "I", or institution equivalent in any course, to include summer school or mini-sessions. Two "Ds" in one semester warrant probation. Any grade which requires the course to be repeated for degree credit is treated as an "F." For example, in many programs, a "D" in a core class must be repeated for degree credit. If the institution awards "WF" (withdrawal, failing), "N" (no pass), "U" (unsatisfactory), or "NP" (no pass) grades, the grades are considered the equivalent of an "F". All "I" grades require a determination as to their cause. If the "I" grade is determined to be a result of a student's failure to complete academic responsibilities and not a result of extenuating or unplanned circumstances, the detachment will treat the ‘I" grade as an "F" and give the student a CE (see paragraph 13.34) and place them on academic probation. If not the case, document the decision and monitor the situation until the final grade is awarded. Place documentation in the student's PIF.
13.32.2. Academic performance, as determined by the Detachment Commander, is substandard, such as deteriorating grades or low grades in core courses.
13.33. AFROTC Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request, Package Requests.
13.33.1. Submit all requests to include, but not limited to, curtailment, extension, and academic major change to AFROTC/RRUE.
13.33.2. Curtailment. Since reassignment action and campus departure depend on a student's official completion date, the student must immediately notify the Detachment Commander, by memorandum, to include a revised academic plan, if early program completion is anticipated. Otherwise, reassignment notification and orders publication may be delayed. Place documentation in student's PIF and forward copies to AFROTC/RRUE. AFROTC/RRUE will coordinate with AFPC and OTS.
13.33.3. Extension. Requests for extensions beyond scheduled completion dates must be discussed with the Detachment Commander as early as possible. Extensions are approved at HQ AFROTC and approval is far less likely when requested late in the program (e.g., during the last term). AFPC initiates reassignment actions as early as 8 months prior to program completion. Late extension requests will most likely be denied. A formal request via memorandum must be forwarded to AFROTC/RRUE to include: A memorandum from the student justifying the need for the extension. A revised academic plan, signed by the student, advisor, and detachment, showing all courses taken and the courses to be taken during the period of extension. The Detachment Commander's recommendation for approval or disapproval detailed on an AFROTC Form 22.
13.33.4. Academic Major Change. Since the student is in school to fulfill a specific Air Force educational requirement, program changes from one academic major to another are normally not allowed. However, students with exceptional justification for major change must provide their Detachment Commander with written requests, supported by full documentation, to include a revised academic plan signed by the student and advisor, and detachment. Major changes are approved at HQ AFROTC. The request must be submitted to AFROTC/RRUE to include: The Detachment Commander's recommendation for approval or disapproval detailed on an AFROTC Form 22. A memorandum from the student justifying the need for major change. A revised academic plan signed by the student, advisor, and detachment, showing all courses taken and courses to be taken towards completion of requested major. Include original academic plan, as well.
13.34. General on Conditional Events and Disenrollments of AECP/NECP Students.
13.34.1. AFI 36-2011, Air Force Reserves Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Program, as supplemented, is the governing directive for any disenrollment action. A student can be disenrolled from AECP/NECP for a variety of reasons such as failure to meet institutional and/or detachment academic or administrative standards, dismissal or suspension by the institution attended, self-initiated elimination (SIE), lack of officer potential, or by direction of HQ USAF or HQ AFPC. No student will be disenrolled by AFROTC for any reason, including SIE, without the approval of the AFROTC/CC, who has final authority concerning disenrollments.
13.34.2. For NECP students, the final approval for disenrollment is AFPC/DPAMN. HQ AFROTC/RR will complete the disenrollment review process and forward a recommendation to AFPC/DPAMN. AFPC/DPAMN will finalize the disenrollment decision and complete the DD Form 785 and notify AFPC of re-assignment requirements.
13.34.3. Disenrollments fall into two categories: Voluntary. Any student wishing to disenroll voluntarily (SIE) from AECP/NECP should immediately contact their Detachment Commander, who will counsel the student and advise on the required procedure to initiate a disenrollment request. Voluntary disenrollment action, depending on the circumstances, can be prejudicial to future entry into a commissioning program and to career progression in the Air Force. Involuntary. The Detachment Commander will make recommendations to the AFROTC/CC concerning involuntary removal of AECP or NECP students from the program via an AFROTC Form 22. The AECP/NECP student will be notified of a pending disenrollment and afforded the opportunity to respond to such action.
13.35. Conditional Events (CE).
13.35.1. For AECP/NECP students, the issuance of CEs is different than for AFROTC students. AECP/NECP students are not subject to suspension or termination of scholarships normally associated with CEs. For AECP/NECP students, CEs are used to document failure(s) to maintain academic and military standards which may lead to disenrollment. Document all counseling and CEs using the AFROTC Form 16. Additionally, failures to meet military standards will be handled IAW established Air Force disciplinary processes. Initiate disenrollment investigation upon the student's receipt of their second CE. The following constitutes a schedule based on CEs accumulated by a student's failure to meet military and or academic standard(s).
13.35.2. First CE – Document using AFROTC Form 16, no action.
13.35.3. Second CE (AECP/NECP) – Document using AFROTC Form 16, initiate disenrollment investigation (see Figure 13.1).
- NECP Student: Initiate disenrollment investigation (NECP students only). Reference Memorandum of Agreement dated 13 Aug 07 between the United States AF Assistant Surgeon General for Force Development (SGI) and Headquarters AF Officer Accession and Training Schools (AFOATS).
13.35.4. The Detachment Commander may issue letters of admonishment, counseling, and reprimand when they feel it is appropriate. Consult with Holm Center/JA for legal questions.
Figure 13.1. Example Email to HQ AFROTC/RRUE for Notification of Conditional Event.
13.36. Disenrollment Package.
Students removed from AECP/NECP for any reason require disenrollment investigation and are issued a DD Form 785, Record of Disenrollment from Officer Candidate-Type Training. Submit disenrollment packages to AFROTC/RRFD IAW Chapter 11of this instruction.
13.37. Disposition of Disenrolled AECP/NECP Students.
13.37.1. AECP/NECP students who are withdrawn from school are considered "surplus Airmen" and will be forecasted for reassignment within the AFSC held prior to entry into the program in accordance with AFI 36-2110, Assignments, immediately after disenrollment.
13.37.2. AECP/NECP Disenrollment Appeals. Since the AFROTC/CC is the decision authority on AECP disenrollments, appeals must be made to the Holm Center/CC within 30 days of the date on the DD Form 785. The reason for this timeline is to quickly accommodate a decision since AECP students are active duty members. Appeals will only be considered based on new evidence which was not available at the time of disenrollment, not because the airman did not like the disenrollment decision. For NECP students, the decision of AFPC/DPMAN is final; no appeals are authorized and will not be entertained.
13.38. Graduation Ceremony Policy.
The student's official completion governs campus departure date. While attending university graduation ceremonies are encouraged, the student normally will not be allowed to remain on campus for the ceremony if there are more than 7 days between the completion of final examinations and the ceremony unless the student takes leave (delay enroute to their next assignment). Students will, therefore, ensure that their attendance at the graduation ceremony is not a mandatory requirement for award of a degree. If attendance at the graduation ceremony is a mandatory requirement, the departure date will be adjusted and the student will work at the detachment or be on leave.
13.39. Security Clearance Procedures.
AECP/NECP students must have at least a SECRET security clearance based on an Entrance National Agency Check (ENTNAC) prior to their commissioning. They may use their ENTNAC from their enlisted active duty service according to AFI 36-2005, Appointment in Commissioned Grades and Designation and Assignment in Professional Categories – Reserve of the Air Force and United States Air Force. The detachment must confirm each AECP/NECP student's security clearance level with their servicing MPS upon initial assignment. Contact the servicing security forces organization if the detachment determines that the AECP/NECP student does not have the appropriate security clearance. Ensure that a security clearance is requested as required by Air Force instructions.
13.40. Assignment/OTS Processing for AECP Students (Other than Nurses).
13.40.1. The AFROTC Form 53 must be completed during the classification and assignment processing cycle for their FY of commissioning. The first line in the remarks section of the AFROTC Form 53 must state that the member is an AECP student. Submit the AFROTC Form 53 to HQ AFPC/DPPAO via both the AFROTC Form 53 database and fax as requested by HQ AFPC. Upon selection of AFSC and assignment, AFPC will load the student's assignment. AECP students must work all PCS actions (out-processing, household goods shipments, housing, etc.) in advance of their actual departure for Basic Officer Training (BOT), which they will be required to complete end route to their assignment. To accomplish these tasks, the AECP student must have valid PCS orders from AFPC.
13.40.2. AFROTC/RRUE will coordinate BOT attendance upon publication of OTS schedule and will project training requirement in the Military Personnel Data System (MILPDS).
13.40.3. HQ AFPC/DPSIP will forward training requirement to the student's servicing MPS for orders processing.
13.40.4 Detachments will ensure that the following actions occur prior to departure for BOT: All out-processing through detachment and servicing MPS accomplished to include Traffic Management Office requirements. AECP students report to BOT with copies of PCS orders, original college transcripts, DD Form 4, copies of all EPRs and decorations, and an updated vRED printout.
13.40.5. Additional requirements for OTS and BOT can be found at the following website: http://www.afoats.af.mil/OTS/BOT/index.asp.
13.40.6. OTS will commission AECP students upon successful completion of training.
13.41. Commissioning AECP Nursing Students and NECP Students.
13.41.1. Upon receiving proof of their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and successful completion of the NCLEX the detachment will then commission, but will not separate, the student. Reference Attachment 41 for commissioning procedures.
13.41.2. Nursing students must take the NCLEX as soon as possible after graduation, but NLT three months post-graduation. If student fails first NCLEX exam, they must retake exam as soon as possible. No more than six months will pass from graduation to passing the NCLEX if a second test is required. A second failure will result in disenrollment and return of student to their previous enlisted AFSC. There will be no waivers or exceptions to policy granted.
13.41.3. Once HQ AFPC/DPAMN receives all of the required documents IAW Attachment 41 they will schedule and prepare the order for the student to attend Commissioned Officer Training (COT), Nursing Transition Program (NTP), and their next duty assignment. NOTE: The member will hold dual status as a Reserve Officer and be on active duty as an enlisted member (See AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen, Section 6, Section G). The member will continue to wear the enlisted rank and receive enlisted pay until they depart for COT. HQ AFPC/DPAMN will coordinate the separation of the AECP student.
13.42. Commissioning Physical.
AECP students must be medically certified for commissioning. Use the guidelines IAW AFI 48-123, Medical Examinations and Standards, Attachment 2, Retention. NOTE: If the student is medically disqualified, notify HQ AFROTC/RRUE immediately.
13.43. Qualifying Fitness Assessment (QFA).
All AECP and NECP students are required to meet physical fitness, height/weight/BMI and body fat standards (if exceeding BMI) as outlined in AFI 36-2013, para., AFRSI 36-2001, and AFI 36-2905 for accessions into OTS. This BMI and body fat assessment administered during all annual PFAs while in the program and prior to departure for OTS. Failure to meet this requirement could result in a CE and/or non- attendance at OTS and subsequent investigation for disenrollment from the AECP/NECP programs.
13.44. Transcripts.
Detachments will obtain a completed transcript with confirmation of degree. Forward original transcript to AFIT/RRE and maintain a copy in the student's PIF.
13.45. Flying Training.
AECP students are not eligible to apply for any rated program until after commissioning and arrival at their first duty station.
13.46. Assignments.
Students will receive detailed processing instructions from their servicing MPS.
13.47. Departure Dates.
All students departing will comply with the reporting dates specified in their orders. Emergency situations requiring a change in reporting dates must be referred to the servicing MPS through the Detachment Commander. Students desiring to remain on station prior to the projected reporting date will be utilized by the AFROTC detachment as directed by the commander.
13.48. Movement of Dependents and Household Goods.
Students proceeding TDY end route to their next duty station are not authorized transportation of dependents or household goods to the TDY station at government expense. However, students assigned in overseas areas where travel of dependents is prohibited or delayed for 20 weeks or more may move dependents and household goods to a designated location.
13.49. Unused Leave Balance.
All positive leave balances for AECP/NECP students will be transferred to their new leave accounts after commissioning. Students cannot sell back unused leave at the time of commissioning.
13.50. Tuition and Fees Estimates.
AECP/NECP students are on scholarships capped at $15,000 and receive a textbook allowance. They are not authorized to attend schools costing over $15,000 per year in tuition and fees. AECP/NECP students are not authorized stipend since they receive full military pay and benefits. Detachments must input estimates or actual cost into WINGS for tuition and fees for each term in the AY NLT 1 Sep of the year. The AY is determined by actual class start date, no later than 30 September of each year. For new AECP/NECP appointments, estimates must be loaded into WINGS within 5 workdays of notification of the terms to be paid remaining in the AY. NOTE: Unlike AFROTC scholarships which are paid after day 45 of the fall term, AECP/NECP tuition and fees are paid at the beginning of the fall term.
13.51. Authorized Tuition and Fee Entitlements.
13.51.1 These are limited to tuition and fees associated with required and elective courses. A required course is a prerequisite for further advancement towards the student's selected major. An elective course is one required to meet graduation requirements, but where the student has latitude in actual course selection. AFROTC will pay fees billed to all students for all required and elective courses. For a required course, AFROTC will also pay mandatory institutional fees that are incurred by all students incident to course registration (e.g., laboratory fees for a chemistry course, computer user fees for a computer course, etc.). AFROTC will only pay these fees for an elective course when the elective course is clearly academic in origin (physics, chemistry, speech, foreign language, etc.) and it is not in paragraph 13.52. and the Detachment Commander determines the course directly contributes to officer development and it is in the best interest of the Air Force to do so. The Detachment Commander's signature on the invoice indicates these conditions have been met and no other documentation is required. Reimbursement is authorized for tuition and the following fees: Registration and matriculation fees. Laboratory fees and nonrefundable deposits. Costs of special fees, computer time and services. The cost of a CLEP test that replaces a required course if the test is passed and accepted for credit toward degree requirements by the institution. Students must be active in the AECP program at the time of the testing.
13.51.2. Costs for course overloads are authorized, but are limited to: Those required for smooth progress toward degree completion. Those which result from prerequisite requirements. Those required as a result of changes in curriculum made by the institution. Courses missed due to an injury or illness. The absence must be approved by the institutional authorities and the Detachment Commander.
13.51.3. Fees for health service, student activity, athletic, library, student union, student publication costs, and similar fees required on all students enrolled in the institution. NOTE: Since AECP/NECP students are covered under TRICARE, university health insurance fees are not reimbursable. Payment of university health service fees are authorized if it is mandatory for all students.
13.51.4. Authorized classes that AFROTC has not paid for previously.
13.51.5. Costs for up to 3 distance learning/correspondence courses per academic year (not more than 1 per term). A distance learning course (defined as any non-traditional academic class that includes a method of direct interaction among students and instructor) must be accepted and/or offered by the student's host institution, must begin and end within the normal academic term, plus meet all other requirements set forth in paragraph 13.50.
13.51.6. Costs of transportation required of all students.
13.52. Tuition and Fees not Authorized.
13.52.1. Reimbursement is not authorized to defray costs of the following programs or services: Payment for any type of cost associated with flying training. Special expenses associated with field trips. Expenses for optional projects, personal equipment and supplies. Special fees for social activities. Courses not required by the catalog as a degree requirement or those electives not approved by AFROTC/RRUE. Costs of course overloads resulting from: Courses not required for a degree. Failures, incompletes, withdrawals, etc. Changes in academic major.
13.52.2. Costs of repeat or remedial courses previously attempted as an AECP/NECP student. If the institution bills by the course or course unit, the student pays for all remedial or repeat courses. If the institution has a fixed fee for full-time students, the student must take enough new classes to equal the minimum load required to attain full-time student status or must pay on a prorated basis for remedial or repeated classes. For example, if at least 12 hours are required to attain full-time student status at a fixed cost of $2,500 per term, the Air Force will pay the full costs for the student who takes 12 hours of new courses and 3 hours of remedial or repeated classes for a total of 15 hours. On the other hand, a student who takes 9 hours of new classes and 6 hours of remedial or repeated classes will receive only 9/12 of the $2,500 fee. The student must pay the difference.
13.52.3. Costs of parking fees.
13.52.4. Costs incurred obtaining a professional license.
13.52.5. Costs of immunizations and malpractice insurance, even if required of all nursing and physical therapy students.
13.52.6. Additional fees associated with a recreational-type elective course (e.g., equipment rental fee for a scuba course, equipment rental fees/lift tickets for a skiing course), even if they are directly billed by the institution.
13.52.7. Penalties or fines for late registration or makeup examinations over and above which would have been incurred through normal enrollment at the students host institution.
13.52.8. Equipment, equipment rental and material costs.
13.52.9. Yearbooks.
13.52.10. Gym lockers and laundry fees.
13.52.11. If uncertain about any fee, the student should consult the Detachment Commander.
13.53. Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
AFROTC will not reimburse AECP students who complete the GRE or other graduate school admissions exams.
13.54. Resident Status.
Many schools grant reduced or in-state tuition rates to active duty members permanently assigned to an organization within the state. Each AFROTC detachment and student should check with the school's registrar to determine resident status. Students who qualify as residents should ensure the bursar is aware of their status and AFROTC is billed accordingly. Students with spouses employed full-time at their schools should also investigate the possibility of being granted resident status or even free tuition, as some universities grant such status to full-time employees and immediate family members.
13.55. Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits and Air Force Tuition Assistance.
13.55.1. VA regulations specifically prohibit the paying of educational benefits to active duty personnel if the course or courses are paid for, in whole or in part, by the Armed Forces. All active duty students in programs where AFROTC pays tuition and fees are, therefore, not eligible for either VA benefits or other Air Force tuition assistance.
13.55.2. Exceptions to this general rule may exist for certain programs, (e.g., Scholarship and Fellowship students and Educational Delay). However, students are to check with their Detachment Commander prior to accepting any outside tuition assistance while enrolled in AECP or NECP. In general, no AECP/NECP student is eligible for Air Force tuition assistance because they are full-time students and, therefore, do not qualify under the terms of this formal program. NOTE: The MGIB may be used since it pays the member for education-related expenses and the payment is not made directly to the university.
13.56. Other Benefits.
Undergraduate students may be eligible for federal Basic Educational Opportunity Grants (BEOG) or similar state-funded programs. Students are encouraged to check with appropriate university financial aid offices to see whether they might be eligible for such supplemental assistance; however, AECP students must inform their university that the Air Force is paying all tuition and fees for their programs and providing a book allowance. If offered any assistance, be certain that it is not credited to the student's tuition account at the university resulting in overpayment and refund.
13.57. Reimbursement of Application Fees.
Students are authorized reimbursement of one school application fee. Reimbursement will only be made for the school attended; other application fees for schools students applied to, but did not attend, cannot be reimbursed. Ensure this is included on the school's scholarship invoice for reimbursement.
13.58. Processing Tuition Invoices for Reimbursement.
13.58.1. The Detachment Commander is responsible for establishing procedures for verifying and approving institutional invoices for AECP/NECP scholarship reimbursement before submitting to Holm Center/SDF for payment. The Detachment Commander is responsible for contacting the appropriate institution officials when invoices are not received for processing within 30 days after the beginning of each term. The Detachment Commander ensures invoices arrive at Holm Center/SDF no later than 45 days after the beginning of each term. The following procedures apply:
13.58.2. Ensure students are covered by valid written authorization such as PCS orders.
13.58.3. Ensure no portion of the billing has been previously submitted for payment.
13.58.4. Ensure charges do not include unauthorized expenses.
13.58.5. Check to ensure invoice prices agree with rates contained in applicable university publications or correspondence. Verify each line item to ensure proper pricing. Before authorizing payment for out-of-state tuition, verify the student does not qualify for in-state tuition.
13.58.6. Ensure the invoice is from the institution where payment is to be made. The invoice cannot be from one school with payment to another. All invoices must be on letterhead from the university that is billing for the tuition and fees. Invoices from cross-town schools without an ESA must be forwarded to the host institution and the host institution will bill for expenses.
13.58.7. Ensure a staff member reviews all invoices for AECP/NECP students and compares the curriculum or number of credit hours specified on the invoice with the students' planned academic program. In cases where curriculum and credit hour information is not provided, control tuition entitlements by maintaining an updated academic plan and conducting personal interviews with the student. Use this management control to ensure: AECP/NECP students are maintaining full-time student status. AECP/NECP students are following the planned academic program from their academic plan. Payments are not made for courses unauthorized for tuition entitlements. The correct ESA number appears on all invoices. The invoice is certified for payment by the Detachment Commander by signing the statement at Figure 13.2., annotated on the invoices or separate sheet of bond paper, as required by DOD 7000.14-R, Volume 10, Contract Payment Policy. Date stamp the invoice when received by detachment (i.e. Detachment XXX received on YYYYMMDD). Invoices received by Holm Center/SDF without this statement will be returned to the detachment. A stamp with the certification statement may be used. Signatures cannot be by a stamp. Detachments have 5 calendar days to process an invoice. Holm Center/SDFA has 5 calendar days to process an invoice and DFAS has 14 calendar days to make payment. When putting date received in the commander's statement, calculate from the current date to figure when the payment can be made. If the expected pay date is during the term, the received date is the date received at the detachment. The accepted date may be the same date as the received date or may be a later date, but no more than 7 days after the received date. (If detachment received invoice prior to Holm Center/SDFA, then the received date would be the date the detachment received it.) If the expected pay date is after the term will end, the received date must be the last day of the term. The accepted date may be the same date as the received date or may be no more than 7 days after the received date. Ensure invoice number assigned in WINGS is listed on each page of the invoice as "Payee Number" (must read "Payee Number XXXXXXXXX"). Ensure term start and stop dates are listed on each page of the invoice.
Figure 13.2. Certification Statement.
13.58.8. When the ESA was provided to the university, an example of an invoice was attached. If a school has not adopted the format of the sample invoice, request they do so. This will save processing time for detachments and speed payments to schools. Tuition payments will be made by EFT.
13.58.9. Submit the invoice and the SF 1034, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal, to Holm Center/SDF via tuition email box. Payee's name and address must appear exactly as indicated on the invoice. The university name must be on the first line.
13.58.10. Distribute approved invoice and SF 1034 as follows: Scan and email to [email protected] the SF 1034 and invoice to Holm Center/SDF. Do not send to the Accounting Office at Maxwell AFB or Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS). Maintain copies for one calendar year after member's participation in AECP/NECP. Provide copy of the "Build Invoice" screen to university's bursar office for payment. This ensures that the university knows where to apply the payment.
13.58.11. Establish and maintain an accounting record file. Use files as a reference source to verify the billing, or portions of it, that have not previously been paid. Maintain accounting records for 1 calendar year after member's participation in AECP/NECP ends. Final disposition instructions for AFROTC accounting records are contained in the Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) in AFRIMS.
13.58.12. Allow 4 weeks after invoice is sent to Holm Center/SDFA, then check WINGS database for a paid date and voucher number.
13.58.13. Detachment personnel must run a "Not Billed" report at least once every two weeks starting the 60th day after classes start in the fall term and 30 days after classes start for all other terms until every student is completely paid for all terms.
- Contact institution to request invoice for any student listed on the Not Billed report that should be paid.
13.58.14. Follow the AECP student database procedures for amounts listed for a student that will not be paid. (Select the "Billed in Full" box in the AECP student database.)
13.59. Textbook Allowance.
AECP/NECP students will receive an annual textbook allowance. Payments are made within 3 months after entering the program for the quarters remaining in the current fiscal year and NLT December for those already active. Students must be enrolled at least 60 days of their first FY quarter in order to receive a textbook payment. Textbook allowance for subsequent quarters will be paid if the student is enrolled in the quarter at least 30 days. Students must submit a SF 1199A, Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form, via their detachment, to Holm Center/SDF by 30 Oct of each year to ensure funds are transferred into the proper account. Payment will be made via EFT into the student's specified account. NOTE: This is an allowance and is intended to defray book costs; it is not intended to completely reimburse students for these expenses.