12.1. General Information.
This chapter outlines precommissioning, commissioning, and post-commissioning requirements, programs, and actions required for entry onto EAD. Cadet must be fully qualified to commission (Medical, GPA, PFA, Ht/Wt/BMI/Body Fat, etc.) and must commission NLT 30 days after completing their degree and AFROTC, whichever occurs last. Additionally, commissioning must occur within the FY associated with the enrollment allocation. Therefore, it is possible for a cadet to complete both the AFROTC requirements and the degree but not commission until 1 Oct of the next FY. For exceptions, contact AFROTC/RRFA, which is the OPR for this chapter.
12.2. Distinguished Graduate (DG) Program.
12.2.1. Objective. To ensure the best-qualified current fiscal year (FY) commissionees are selected as DG recipients.
12.2.2. DG Program Selection. The Detachment/CC selects cadets from the current FY commissioning class for designation as, or nomination for DG. Cadets must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 on a 4.00 scale. Commanders must ensure they submit their most deserving cadets. Detachment suspense for submitting earned, carry-over and aggregate DG nominations is determined by the region.
12.2.3. Detachments earn one DG quota for every ten FY commissionees they have in October. For example, if a detachment has 18 commissionees they earn one DG quota. Detachments must ensure all required WINGS information is correct and validated prior to October DOC/DOG. (Reference paragraph 12.2.4 if a detachment has less than 10 commissionees)
- Detachments earning DGs must notify their region of their DG designees.
12.2.4. Detachments not earning a DG quota may nominate one cadet for an aggregate board. These cadets will compete against others from detachments not earning a DG quota.
- Those not selected by the aggregate board will automatically compete again at the region carry-over board.
12.2.5. Region Carry-Over Board. Detachments earning DG quotas may also submit additional DG nominations for a region carry-over board. Be sure to rank order the nominees. Detachments not earning a DG quota may submit additional DG nominations for consideration at the region carry-over board The Regions will determine the format for submitting nominations for the carry-over and aggregate DG boards.
12.2.6. Cadets are designated as DGs by memorandum prepared by the Detachment/CC, irrespective of the DG selection method. Present the memorandum and AFROTC Form 402, AFROTC Distinguished Graduate Certificate, during the commissioning ceremony. Additionally, the Source of Commissioning (SOC) code must reflect DG selection on the Reserve commissioning order. Reference paragraph 12.11.7 and Attachment 44.
12.2.7. Loss of DG designation. Occasionally, a cadet will lose their right to the DG slot (either by inappropriate behavior or by changing FY after selection.) In such cases, the next highest cadet on the ordered list from the original selection will become DG. If the DG was selected by the detachment, the detachment rolls their next highest cadet into that DG slot. If that cadet had a DG slot from the carry-over board, the Region will backfill that slot from its alternate list. If the DG was selected from the aggregate board, the Region transfers the DG slot to the next highest aggregate board nominee. If the DG was selected from the carry-over board, the Region transfers the DG slot to the next highest aggregate board nominee.
12.3. Pre-Commissioning.
12.3.1. Classification and Accession to EAD.
A detachment officer must counsel each cadet that classification and assignments are based primarily on the needs of the Air Force at the time of entry onto EAD (exceptions are non-line categories). AFPC Officer Accessions (HQ AFPC/DPSIP) will provide EAD orders to detachments. (It is imperative that detachment personnel keep the WINGS database and AFPC updated with any changes in DOC/DOG.) Detachments will assist cadets with contacting their gaining unit to request a sponsor and instruct cadets to utilize the MilitaryHOMEFRONT website to obtain PCS information.
12.3.2. AFROTC Form 53, Cadet Assignment Preference Worksheet.
Contracted cadets, and Guard and Reserve in pursuing status, must complete a web-based AFROTC Form 53 NLT the date specified by HQ AFPC/DPSIP for each accession classification cycle. The AFROTC Form 53 website will be announced in the ARMS message announcing the Form 53 dates. If the AFR OT C Form 53 database suspense cannot be met for valid reasons (e.g., pending DOC/DOG change, disenrollment, natural disaster, etc.), notify AFPC/DPSIP with the cadet's name, SSN, reason for delay, and anticipated submission date. AFROTC/RRFP establishes accounts for staff members (technician and commander); detachment personnel establish cadet accounts. There are two phases to the AFROTC Form 53 process: Phase 1 classifies cadets into an AFSC according to AF requirements established by higher headquarters. HQ AFPC/DPSIP will publish a "target list" of higher need AFSCs for the subject calendar year. Cadets use the target list to decide which AFSCs for which they may be qualified and for which they are interested in volunteering. It is imperative cadets fill in a choice for their top six preferences. Cadets with technical majors should request appropriate technical AFSCs. Cadets who do not complete an AFROTC Form 53 will be classified to the needs of the Air Force. After AFSCs have been assigned in Phase 1, Phase 2 assigns cadets to AF units based on their AFSC, needs of the AF and cadet preference. They will be presented with current available assignments from which to volunteer for in the drop- down windows of the AFROTC Form 53.
12.3.3. Specific instructions for completing the AFROTC Form 53 are contained on the website.
12.3.4. Changes to AFROTC Form 53. If the AFROTC Form 53 database is still on-line, the cadet or the detachment cadre can still make changes until the database closes. If the AFROTC Form 53 database has been closed out, coordinate directly with AFPC/DSIP. That office may take small changes or have the detachment fill out a new hard-copy AFROTC Form 53 with the new information.
12.4. Educational Delays.
12.4.1. Educational delays are delays between commissioning and reporting for EAD. AFPC/DSIP is the OPR for educational delays. Detachment officer must brief all cadets on applying for an educational delay 8 to 12 months prior to commissioning.
12.4.2. Ensure all application packages are submitted to AFIT/ENEL, 2950 Hobson Way, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7221, NET 240 days, but NLT 90 days prior to commissioning. If the delay results in the cadet's EAD date changing to a new fiscal year, the cadet will recompete for AFSC selection by AFPC/DPSIP. This may result in a change in training date or the cadet being classified into a new AFSC. (Reference AFI 36-2009, Delay in Active Duty for AFROTC Graduates, for application procedures.)
12.5. Administrative Delays.
12.5.1. An administrative delay is merely an agreement by AFPC that a cadet is not called to EAD during the delay; however, this is not guaranteed. Under normal EAD circumstances, delays can be up to 365 days. If a cadet has an earlier EAD date and wants to delay it, they must submit a request for an administrative delay. The maximum length of approval is 12 months from the DOC.
12.5.2. A Cadet submits the request for administrative delay by memorandum to the Detachment/CC, who endorses the request and forwards it to AFPC/DPSIP for consideration.
12.5.3. Submit the request 60-120 days prior to commissioning. Include, as a minimum, the cadet's name, SSN, DOC, reason for, and length of delay.
12.6. Legal Licensing Delay Requirements and Internships.
Procedures for requesting these programs are covered in AFI 36-2009.
12.7. Application for Appointment.
Each commissioning cadet must complete an AF Form 24, Application for Appointment as Reserve of the Air Force or USAF without Component. Prepare one original AF Form 24 and distribute the AF Form 24 and the associated commissioning documents as prescribed in Attachment 35.
12.8. Review of Cadet Qualifications.
12.8.1. During the weeks prior to commissioning, ensure the cadet meets the prerequisites for appointment. If the cadet does not meet all commissioning prerequisites, take appropriate actions to change the DOC, qualify the cadet, obtain waivers, or investigate for disenrollment, as applicable. Detachments will use the AFROTC Form 64, AFROTC Commissioning Checklist, and the guidance contained within this chapter to ensure the cadet is qualified to commission.
12.8.2. Medical.
Each cadet must have a current medical examination for their AFSC certified by HQ AETC/SGPS or MEPS for cadets requiring only a commission-qualified physical). Do not commission a cadet in medical recheck status or without a current physical certified for their AFSC as this constitutes an erroneous commissioning. Physicals for cadets classified into AFSC 13M1 (Airfield Operator) must include successful completion of a Read Aloud Test and have an Adaptability Rating For Air Traffic Controllers (ARATC). Cadets categorized in AFSC 92T0 (Pilot) must have an FCI physical. Those who are categorized in AFSC 92T1 (CSO) must have an FCIA physical. Cadets categorized in AFSC 92T3 (RPA) must have an FCIIU physical. Cadets classified into 13B1 (Air Battle Management) must have a FCIII physical.
12.8.3. Cadets classified into 13N1 (Missile Operations) must have a MOD certified physical and be PRP qualified. Dual Citizenship. Cadets who hold dual citizenship with a foreign country could be ineligible for a security clearance. It may be necessary for them to renounce their citizenship with the foreign country through the state consulate.
12.8.4. Security Clearances.
All contract cadets must have an open security clearance IAW their Personnel Processing Codes (PPC) for their AFSC before they can be commissioned. See Attachment 39 for a complete list of AFSCs requiring mandatory SSBI clearance. If a previously adjudicated security clearance or an open security clearance is placed on "Hold" status, do NOT commission until the security clearance has been re-instated. Responsibilities: Cadets: Complete the necessary information on the SF 86, Questionnaire for National Security Positions. The SF 86 is contained in the Electronic Questionnaire for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) program Detachment Security Manager: Responsible for the management of Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS), to include submitting cadet security clearance applications from e-QIP to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and for maintaining information in WINGS from initiation to granting of clearance on all applicable cadets. Detachments should coordinate with AFROTC/RRFP in establishing a JPAS account. ROTC Security Manager: Acts as the liaison between the detachment Security Manager and outside agencies. Responsible for unlocking accounts and resetting passwords in e-QIP and JPAS. (The AFROTC Security Manager is assigned to RRFP) AETC IP: Assists ROTC Security Manager and assists in unlocking OPM accounts or resetting passwords. Submission Timeline. Detachments will submit cadets for a security clearance NLT 30 days after cadet is notified of their AFSC. Similarly, cadets requiring a secret security clearance will be submitted directly for the NACLC. Cadets requiring a top secret security clearance will be submitted directly for an SSBI clearance. Cadets receiving rated slots should be submitted for Top Secret clearance. Non-rated cadets should be submitted for security clearance after non- rated classification, as indicated in the PPC (Personnel Processing Code.) Cadets must be on contract prior to submission. Non-contract cadet data is not in JPAS, therefore security clearance applications for these cadets will be rejected. For information regarding upgrades on security clearances, refer to Chapter 13. Forward the request as follows: Complete the SF 86. Ensure e-QIP is used for final validation, printing and submission. Mail to U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) one original FD-258, FBI Applicant Fingerprint Card. For initial Secret and Top Secret clearances, the address is: e-QIP Rapid Response Team, FIPC – OPM, 1137 Branchton Road, Boyers PA 16020. Detachments must maintain one copy of the completed/signed e-QIP SF 86 package until the clearance is granted. If you receive a receipt from OPM, file it with the SF 86. Tracking. All detachments must track the status of a pending security clearance in e-QIP and JPAS weekly until a clearance is granted, cadet is commissioned, or the clearance is denied/withdrawn.
- For disenrolled cadets, coordinate with AFROTC/RRFP. Inquiries. All clearance status requests can be made using JPAS under research/eligibility or by contacting the AFROTC Security Manager. Prior Investigations. Clearance eligibility for prior-service cadets is based on three factors: what type of clearance is required for commissioning, date of current investigation and whether there is any break in service. If a cadet does not meet any of the criteria outlined below, submit clearance as stated in paragraph Secret clearances that meet both of the following conditions are acceptable for commissioning: 1) The date of the investigation (ENTNAC, NACLC or Periodic Re-investigation) must be less than 9 years, 6 months old at time of commission; AND 2) Any break in service between the date of separation from active duty and the date enlisted into the Inactive Reserve/ORS is less than 24 months. Top Secret clearances that meet both of the following conditions are acceptable for commissioning when only a Secret clearance is required: 1) The date of the investigation must be less than 9 years, 6 months old at time of commission; AND 2) Any break in service between the date of separation from active duty and the date enlisted into the Inactive Reserve/ORS is less than 24 months. Top Secret clearances that meet both of the following conditions are acceptable for commissioning when a Top Secret clearance is required: 1) The date of the clearance investigation must be less than 4 years, 6 months old at time of commission; AND 2) Any break in service between the date of separation from active duty and the date enlisted into the Inactive Reserve/ORS is less than 24 months, Security Clearance. If a cadet's secret clearance investigation has been opened in JPAS by OPM, but the clearance has not been granted, the cadet must sign the Statement of Understanding (Attachment 38) no earlier than 3 duty days prior to commissioning. Detachments will track the open investigation until it is granted by Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Detachments must maintain the original, signed copy of the statement separate from the cadet records due to the disposition of cadet records. Each detachment is responsible for tracking the pending clearance until granted by the adjudication agency. Cadets requiring a TS clearance must hand-carry a hard copy of their completed SF 86 or e-QIP package to their initial duty station if TS eligibility has not been granted prior to commissioning. If the Secret clearance has been opened but not closed by OPM and TS is required, inform AFROTC/RRFP that there is a TS requirement due to AFSC reclassification.
12.8.5. Personnel Reliability Program (PRP). PRP is required for members working in the nuclear enterprise. Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Pre-screening Process. Cadets classified into 13N1, 21M1 "I" and "N" Shreds and 31P1 will receive the PRP pre- screening by the detachment and HQ AFROTC. AFROTC will ensure all cadets classified into 13N1, 21M1I/N and 31P1 are properly pre-screened prior to commissioning and departure to the training location or first duty assignment. Documents necessary to complete PRP prescreening are located on the Registrar Section of the Holm Center restricted website and the PRP pre-screening process is outlined at Attachment 40. Counsel the cadet via AFROTC Form 16 that any civil involvements after commissioning have to be reported to AFROTC/RRFP to determine PRP status. Once a cadet has been classified, the detachment PRP monitor will notify cadet of AFSC selection and have the cadet complete Section I of the PRP Prescreening Questionnaire, provide nuclear surety briefing and PRP pamphlet. Both cadet and Detachment PRP monitor will initial pre-screening portion on the questionnaire. The Commanders PRP Risk Assessment Tool "CRAT" will be utilized as a guideline for standards. The AFROTC PRP monitor will make a recommendation on the classification memorandum and sign the PRP Prescreening portion on the PRP Questionnaire. Upon completion of the review of cadet(s) personnel records, if every numbered section on the CRAT screens to green, the Detachment/CC will make a recommendation on the classification memorandum. The detachment PRP monitor will forward the classification memorandum, the PRP Questionnaire, and the cadet's physical to the MTF Competent Medical Authority (CMA). If the cadet has been identified as a 13N1 and is qualified upon review of their personnel records, send the cadet to the MTF CMA to initiate Missile Operations Duty physical (MOD). Detachment PRP monitor must ensure the MTF CMA has made a recommendation on the classification memorandum and signed the PRP Prescreening portion on the PRP Questionnaire Note: Section III of the PRP Questionnaire will only be signed during the administrative qualification process. Detachment PRP monitor must ensure any cadet(s) classified as a 13N1 will have an adjudicated TS clearance prior to EAD. Detachment PRP monitor will forward the completed classification memorandum to AFROTC PRP monitor by uploading the PRP documents to the AFROTC/PRP org box. The AFROTC PRP monitor will review cadets' personnel records to assess their reliability and ability to perform PRP-related duties and will be forward them to AFPC/DPSIP, Line Officer Accessions, for classification and completion of EAD orders
- For cadets classified into 13N1, the AFROTC PRP monitor will forward the PRP Questionnaires an d t h e MTF CMA memorandum completed during the PRP pre-screening to the technical training school house. The technical training school house will use it to complete the administrative qualification process at the school. Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Administrative Qualification Process. Detachments must complete administrative qualification on all cadets classifying 21M1 "I and N" Shred and all cadets classifying into 31P with the PPC requiring PRP administrative qualification. Ensure you are using the most recent PRP Questionnaire, AF Form 286, Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) Qualification/Certification Action, and the "How to Checklist." PRP Questionnaire. The PRP Questionnaire already contains information from the PRP pre-screening process. Ensure there have been no changes in the cadet's status for questions in section I and III. Complete section II of the PRP questionnaire and provide cadet the nuclear surety briefing, as provided by the AFROTC PRP Monitor. Ensure the cadet dates and initials in section II, question six stating they have received the nuclear surety briefing. AF Form 286, Initiate the AF Form 286. All AF Forms 286 will be completed with "wet" signatures since cadets do not have common access cards (CAC) with digital signature capability. Upon completion of section I and verifying a recommendation was made from the security manager in section II, forward the AF Form 286, a copy of the cadet's physical and the PRP Questionnaire to the MTF CMA. The MTF CMA will make a recommendation in section II of the AF Form 286 and sign section III of the PRP Questionnaire. Note: If there have been no changes since the cadet(s) was PRP pre-screened (e.g.; new medical potentially disqualifying information ( PDI)), other methods may be utilized to have the MTF CMA review/sign the AF Form 286 and section III of the PRP Questionnaire (e.g., email documents to CMA). Ensure a recommendation is made after review of the cadet's personnel files. The Detachment/CC will then conduct a personal interview and make a recommendation in section II of the AF Form 286 and sign section IV of the PRP Questionnaire. If there is no PDI, the Detachment/CC will complete the administrative qualification by using the following steps: Give the Spirit of Intent briefing, located on the Holm Center website, Registrar section. The cadet will discuss any issues he/she may have with the "spirit and intent." Both the commander and the cadet will sign (wet signature) in Section 6 of the AF 286. The detachment PRP monitor will forward the completed AF Form 286 and PRP Questionnaire to the AFROTC PRP monitor. The AFROTC PRP monitor will forward the AF Form 286 to the gaining installation PRP monitor for use in certification. The AFROTC PRP monitor will also forward the AF Form 286 to AFPC/DPIS for use in generating EAD orders. If PDI is found after records screening, the commander will forward the PDI to the AFROTC PRP Monitor, who will forward it to the appropriate gaining unit PRP monitor. The gaining unit commander then contacts the Detachment to review and consider acceptance. The detachment commander and the gaining commander must discuss the PDI. If gaining unit commander accepts, the detachment commander completes administrative qualification. Once the individual is administratively qualified, continuous monitoring procedures as outlined in DoD 5210.42/ AFMAN 13-501, Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP), paragraph, will apply. If not accepted, gaining unit commander will provide rationale relevant to PRP standards and the detachment commander will annotate disqualification. Continuous monitoring. Once administrative qualification is complete, continuous monitoring is required. Continuous monitoring is the process for ensuring the individual maintains PRP assignment eligibility while in training and enroute for assignment. The Detachment/CC will continue to pass to the AFROTC PRP Monitor any PDI or situation that may affect the individual's PRP assignment eligibility.
- Detachments are responsible for continuous monitoring for 13N1, 21M1 I/N shred, or 31P1 2d Lts. It is the detachments responsibility to inform the cadet of the importance of continuous monitoring and self- reporting. For example, the cadet will inform the losing detachment of any misdemeanors or PDI (e.g., traffic tickets, arrests, medical situations, etc.) after commissioning and prior to arrival at their gaining unit. Detachments will notify the AFROTC PRP Monitor ASAP of any new PDI. The Air Force PRP informational website for training, sample documents, PSD Administrative Qualification and end-user tools is located at: https://www.my.af.mil/gcss- af/USAF/ep/globalTab.do?channelPageId=sF575FC8E23D21F6E0123FD054D26070B.
12.8.6. Character.
Do not commission individuals who have criminal charges pending against them or are pending waiver of any involvement with civil, military, or school authorities. Cadets who have received a Detachment/CC or HQ AFROTC waiver for a civil involvement but were subsequently placed on supervised probation by the court cannot be commissioned until the end of their probation. If this probationary period pushes the cadet to the next FY, investigate for disenrollment. If the cadet is placed on unsupervised probation, the cadet can commission, review AFROTC Form 35, Certification of Involvement with Civil, Military, School Authorities/Law Enforcement Officials, and supporting documents of each cadet to ensure all actions specified in Chapter 4 are accomplished. If criminal charges are pending against the cadet, forward an AFROTC Form 22 package to AFROTC/RRFA.
12.8.7. Program Completion.
Cadets must successfully complete the entire AFROTC program.
12.8.8. Graduation.
A cadet is eligible for commissioning only after the detachment receives an official transcript indicating degree awarded or written certification from the Registrar or other institutional official authorized confirming the cadet has completed all degree requirements (Attachment 36). Do not proceed with commissioning if the university official indicates any pending requirements for degree completion.
12.8.9. DOC/DOG.
Ensure the DOC/DOG is correct in WINGS. Do not commission the cadet in an FY other than that associated with the DOC, unless AFROTC/RR approves an enrollment allocation for the new FY.
12.8.10. A BMI measurement will be administered to all cadets NET 30 calendar days and NLT the day prior to commissioning. Conduct the commissioning BMI check. Cadets must be within BMI standards and satisfactorily pass the PFA. Cadets not within BMI standards are commission qualified if they meet body fat standards IAW DODI 1308.3.
- All AECP and NECP students are required to meet height, weight, BMI outlined in AFI 36-2013, paragraph and AFI 36-2905 for accessions into OTS. This additional requirement will be administered prior to departure for OTS and during all annual PFAs while in the program. Failure to meet this requirement could result in a CE and/or non-attendance at OTS and therefore trigger an investigation for disenrollment from the AECP/NECP program. (See Chapter 13)
12.8.11. Commissioning Qualifying Fitness Review (QFR).
The QFR is an AF PFA performed prior to commissioning. The commissioning QFR is administered to cadets scheduled to be commissioned in the United States Air Force. It is accomplished IAW AFI36-2905. Cadets must meet AF standards for the PFA. Commissioning QFRs must be accomplished NET 30 days prior to commissioning date. For example, a cadet who is graduating and commissioning on 15 May can be tested as early as 15 April. Score sheets should be provided to the cadet upon commissioning. Cadets are authorized two attempts at the QFR. Cadets who fail their first QFR will be counseled via AFROTC Form 16 and receive a CE. They will also be automatically placed on HQ AFROTC-DIRECTED PROBATION PENDING A QFR RETEST. They will be retested no earlier than 72 hours after the failure. If the first QFR failure is their third CE as a POC or fourth CE overall, detachments will delay initiating a disenrollment investigation until after the QFR retake. All cadets who fail the retest will be issued another CE and be immediately investigated for disenrollment, regardless of the total number of CEs. If they pass the retake, NO disenrollment investigation is required based on the QFR CE, regardless of the total number of CEs, provided they meet all other commissioning requirements. In the event a second QFR is required, a cadre member will monitor or administer the QFR to be sure repetitions are completed correctly. The QFR can be administered during any term, commensurate with the cadet's commissioning date. This QFR should be administered separately from the term PFAs.
12.8.12. Non-line Commissioning Requirements.
The following procedures apply for commissioning Pre-HPP (Health Professions Program) and non-Pre-HPP cadets who desire a career as an Air Force physician. Pre-HPP cadets who: Complete AFROTC and receive a baccalaureate degree before beginning medical school cannot commission until designated entry into the Medical Service Corps, per HQ AFPC/DPAME (Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics). Copies of the appointment letter and appointment orders, as well as a copy of AF Form 133, Oath of Office (Military Personnel),for the Medical Service Corps, will be sent to HQ AFPC/DPAME. Cadets in this situation incur an ADSC associated with AFHPS (Air Force Health Professions Scholarship) scholarships, to be served consecutively with the ADSC incurred through AFROTC participation. NOTE: The oath of office must be re- administered. (Reference AFI 36-2107, Active Duty Service Commitments (ADSC).) Are not accepted to medical school prior to completing their undergraduate degree. Detachments must request a change of category via AFROTC Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request. Cadets in this situation will be commissioned as line officers (if there are available EAs) and incur a 4-year ADSC. Are accepted to medical school, but decline the AFHPS monies, will require recategorization. Detachments must request a change of category via AFROTC Form 22, Cadet Personnel Action Request. If re-categorized, cadets will be commissioned as line officers and incur a 4-year ADSC. Submit an AFROTC Form 22 requesting recategorization. Such cadets would need to request an education delay from AFPC. Prior to commissioning, Non-Pre-HPP cadets who: Apply independently and are selected for USUHS, are commissioned as line officers and incur a 4-year ADSC, plus the specified ADSC cited in the current USUHS contract. Are accepted to a medical school and approved for an educational delay, are commissioned as line officers, incur a 4-year ADSC, and retain the line commission through medical school. Current HQ AFPC/DPAME policy is not to grant an extension to cadets who fail to meet this contractual requirement, even if they are subsequently admitted to medical school. NOTE: Only Pre-HPP ("Pre- Medical" designation) cadets are guaranteed the AFHPS/FAP (Financial Assistance Program) if accepted into a medical school before undergraduate graduation and commissioning as stated on AF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Contract.
12.8.13. Nurse Commissioning Requirements.
The following procedures apply for commissioning nurse cadets. Licensing. Nursing student cadets will not be commissioned until verification of passing the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The cost of the licensure exam is paid by the individual and is at no expense to the government. The graduate needs to register for, and take, the NCLEX-RN at the earliest possible date post-graduation. Nurses failing the NCLEX-RN will schedule a second exam as soon as possible. A second failure will result in reclassification as a line officer or disenrollment, based on Air Force needs. There will be no waivers or exceptions to policy granted after a second NCLEX failure. Assignment and Accession to EAD. Each nurse cadet will complete an AFROTC Form 53 during the classification process. HQ AFPC/DPAMN will make the Nurse Transition Program (NTP) and follow-on assignment post-graduation based on staffing requirements. Assignments will be made during the assignments cycle in which the member will graduate. Upon validation of successful completion of the NCLEX licensing exam and receipt of completed requested forms to HQ DPAMN (see Attachment 41), HQ AFPC/DPAMN will process the EAD orders. Contact HQ AFPC/DPAMN for Join Spouse or special needs of the Air Force assignments. Nurse Transition Program (NTP). All registered nurses with less than one year full-time (minimum 24 hours per week) experience in inpatient (acute care) clinical nursing will attend the NTP as their first duty assignment. The NTP is a 9-11-week transition program at one of four medical centers.
12.8.14. Commissioning.
Upon meeting all baccalaureate nurse degree requirements and obtaining passing scores on the NCLEX-RN and receipt of completed requested forms (see Attachments 42 and 43) by HQ AFPC/DPAMN, nurse cadets will be commissioned into the United States Air Force Nurse Corps. Commissioning for GLP/OYCP Students. GLP and OYCP cadets are commissioned as line officers in the grade of second lieutenant upon completion of AFROTC and their law degree. Upon successful completion of all GLP/OYCP requirements, including successfully passing a state Bar Exam, candidates are called to EAD in the judge advocate career field in the grade of first lieutenant and are typically promoted to the grade of captain after six months. The minimum ADSC is four years. NOTE: Do not enter the Judge Advocate Category on the AF Form 133. In the event of licensing failure (failure to pass a state Bar Exam), GLP/OYCP commissionees are not discharged, but must serve on EAD in a non-JAG line AFSC in the initial grade of second lieutenant.
12.9. Failure to Meet Commissioning Requirements.
12.9.1. If a cadet is not commissioned on the date scheduled, but will meet commissioning requirements within the fiscal year, the commander may change the DOC according to Chapter 4. Notify HQ AFPC/DPSIP and AFROTC/RRFA, then update WINGS. Also, ensure the certified medical examination is valid for the new DOC.
12.9.2. If a cadet is not commissioned on the date scheduled, and will not meet commissioning requirements within the fiscal year, initiate a disenrollment investigation IAW Chapter 11 of this instruction.
12.10. Declination of Appointment.
If for any reason, a cadet declines appointment as a commissioned officer, initiate disenrollment action. Change the DOC in WINGS to the end of the contracted FY. Immediately notify AFPC/DPSIP of pending disenrollment action.
12.11. Commissioning Actions.
12.11.1. Brief cadets on the provisions of AFROTC Form 500, Restrictions on Personal Conduct in the Armed Forces; AFROTC Form 35, Certification of Involvements with Civil, Military, or School Authorities/Law Enforcement Officials; AF Form 3010, USAF Statement of Understanding for Dependent Care Responsibility; and the AF Form 2030, USAF Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certificate. Recertify these forms on the day of, but prior to, commissioning. Recertification of AF Form 2030 is accomplished by completing page 2 of a new AF Form 2030. The AFROTC representative must sign the form. Once completed, attach the recertified form to the original AF Form 2030. Similarly, recertification of the AF Form 3010 is accomplished by signing the "Applicant Final Certification" section of a new form. The AFROTC representative must sign the form. Once completed, attach the recertified form to the original AF Form 3010.
12.11.2. Completion of AF Form 133.
In accordance with AFI 36-2006, complete the AF Form 133 the Oath of Office (Military Personnel) and Certificate of Commission, and the Certificate of Commissioning and the instructions contained on the AF Form 133. The grade entered is "Second Lieutenant, USAF." The type of commission for AFROTC cadets will be "Reserve of the Air Force". Pharmacy and Physical Therapy cadets are commissioned as non-line in their appropriate category. The individual commissioning and the officer administering the oath do not sign the AF Form 133 until after the oath has been administered. The date the AF Form 133 is signed is the effective date of appointment. (Reference paragraphs 12.8.14 for GLP, for nurses, and for Pre-HPP commissioning.)
12.11.3. Memorandum of Appointment. Prepare a memorandum of appointment according to Attachment 42 for all commissionees. Present the original to the cadet at the commissioning ceremony and forward one copy with the commissioning documents (Reference paragraph 12.12.1.).
12.11.4. DD Form 1AF, Certificate of Commission. Prepare the DD Form 1AF according to AFI 36-2006 for each commissionee and present the certificate to the cadet at time of commissioning.
12.11.5. Presentation of Detachment/CC's DG memorandum and AFROTC Form 402. The Detachment/CC prepares the memorandum, as appropriate. Forward a copy of the memorandum with commissioning documents.
12.11.6. Memorandum of Instruction. Provide each commissionee an information memorandum, maintain one in the cadet's UPRG.
12.11.7. Reserve Appointment Order (Attachment 43.) Ensure each cadet's Source of Commission (SOC) code is correct on this order. The SOC codes are listed in Attachment
- Maintain the original appointment order in detachment files and issue copies according to Attachment 35 (AF Form 24 package).
12.11.8. Health Insurance Statement.
IAW FY04 and FY06 National Defense Authorization Acts, Reserve officers awaiting EAD are entitled to active duty health care benefits. New Second Lieutenants are eligible for TRICARE coverage after commissioning and before EAD. Benefits are only extended to members without Other Health Insurance (OHI) provided through a civilian company. Dependents are not entitled to medical benefits until the officer enters EAD. To be "eligible" for benefits, newly commissioned Lieutenants must be updated in DEERS. Detachments are required to update their graduates "other health insurance" certification in WINGS within 3 days of commissioning. HQ AFROTC will provide a weekly OHI roster to HQ USAF/REPX for DEERS eligibility updating. The following are possible scenarios and corresponding action: WINGS prevents updating commissioning data without the detachment personnel verifying the "Cadet Has Personal Medical Insurance" block. Detachment personnel must update WINGS with the date the commissionee signed the Health Insurance Statement (Attachment 46) prior to the commissioning date. The following are possible scenarios and corresponding action: Commissionees with Personal Medical Coverage until EAD: Check the block and update the date the statement was signed. Commissionees with Personal Medical Coverage that expires after commissioning but prior to EAD: Check the block and update the date the statement was signed. After inputting the date, uncheck the block. Instruct the commissionee that TRICARE eligibility will begin after expiration of the personal medical coverage. Commissionees without any Personal Medical Coverage: Check the block and provide the date the statement was signed. After inputting the date, uncheck the block.
12.11.9. Ensure cadets complete the AFROTC Form 48, Block 6 or equivalent to certify degree completion.
12.11.10. Airman's Coin. The Detachment/CC presents this coin to each commissionee during the commissioning ceremony.
12.11.11. Annotate termination of extended entitlements by completing the AFROTC Form 88, Section III. NOTE: Applicable only for SAF-Approved 5-Yr scholarship cadets who receive more than 4 years of tuition payments.
12.12. Post-Commissioning Actions.
12.12.1. Transmittal of AF Form 24 Package (Commissioning Package).
Within five workdays after appointment, forward the AF Form 24 package (with attachments) to AFPC/DPSIPV with a memorandum of transmittal letter (USAF/JAX for GLP; AFPC/DPAME for Pre-HPP). (Reference Attachment 35)
12.12.2. Memorandum of Transmittal.
This letter must include the following: name, category, SSN, DOC, SOC, College Scholarship Program (CSP) status, CSP terms completed, and CSP termination date.
12.12.3. Finalize all updates to commission a cadet in WINGS NLT three workdays after appointment. Reference WINGS user guide.
12.12.4. Submission of Transcripts to AFIT.
AFIT is required to establish an academic file for all newly commissioned officers. The detachment must forward an official transcript indicating the degree awarded with appropriate seals, embossments, or authentication, to AFIT Academic Coding Branch NLT 90 days after commissioning.
12.12.5. Retention of Records.
File and maintain copies of all documents in the cadet's UPRG for one year. Final disposition instructions for AFROTC cadet records are contained in the Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) in AFRIMS. Do not retire any cadet records to the staging area.
12.13. Commissioning at Location other than Detachment.
12.13.1. Cadets requesting to commission at a location other than their assigned detachment must first obtain written permission from the Detachment/CC and from the agency performing the commissioning. Cadets who will commission at a location other than their detachment must provide the date they will commission. Use these dates when completing forms requiring date of commission. Responsibilities are as follows: Detachment Responsibilities. Include in the AF Form 24 package (Attachment 35) a letter addressed to the commissioning agency, signed by the Detachment/CC, certifying the cadet is commission eligible. The AF Form 24 package will be prepared as follows: Provide the original AFROTC Form 500 to the commissioning agency. Maintain a copy in the cadet's UPRG. Provide instructions for the proper completion of this form, to include returning the completed form to the detachment with the completed, original AF Form 133. Provide the original AF Form 2030 to the commissioning agency. Refer to paragraph for recertification instructions. NOTE: Recertification of AF Form 2030 is accomplished by completing only page 2 of a new AF Form 2030. Once completed, attach to the original form in the cadet's UPRG, Section 4. DD Form 1AF. Prepare the DD Form 1AF IAW paragraph 12.12.5 with the following exception: do not complete Rule 6 of Table 1 in AFI 36-2006. The commissioning agency will complete this rule. Place the DD Form 1AF in the appropriate presentation binder. Airman's Coin. Include an Airman's Coin, in a sealed envelope labeled "Airman Coin." Commissioning Agency Responsibilities. The commissioning agency will certify receipt of the commissioning paperwork according to postal / carrier procedures. Document Certification. The commissioning agency will have the commissionee recertify AFROTC Form 500, AF Form 2030, AFROTC Form 35, and the AF Form 3010 IAW paragraph 12.11.1, the day of, but prior to, commissioning. If the cadet refuses to certify either document, do not administer the oath and contact the cadet's detachment immediately. The commissioning agency will enter the location the oath was administered, the administering official's information, the date of administration, and obtain the signatures of the commissionee and the administering official in the appropriate locations on the AF Form 133. Present the DD Form 1AF to the commissionee after the oath has been administered. Present the Airman's Coin to the commissionee. Within one duty day after commissioning, mail the completed, original AF Form 133, completed AFROTC Form 500, completed AF Form 2030, and the completed AF Form 3010 back to the commissionee's detachment in the postage-paid, pre-addressed envelope provided.
12.14. Mock Commissioning.
12.14.1. Detachment Commanders are the authority for mock commissioning.
12.14.2. The prerequisites for mock commissioning are: Cadet has completed degree requirements but not commissioning requirements. For example, ABM or CSO selects who have a physical approved for commissioning but are awaiting flying-class physicals for their AFSC, or a nurse awaiting the NCLEX exam. Cadet requests mock commission via official memorandum and certifies that he/she, family, friends and guests all understand that this mock commissioning is ceremonious only and he/she will not be commissioned until a future date when official paperwork would be signed. Detachment Commander approved memorandum must be filed in UPRG.
12.14.3. Commissioning documents cannot be "mock" signed or actually signed under any circumstances.
12.15. Commissioning Discrepancies.
If an individual is commissioned and is later discovered ineligible for a commission, notify AFROTC/RRFP immediately.
12.16. Erroneous/Fraudulent Commissions and Administrative Errors.
12.16.1. Definitions: Erroneous Commissions are those the Air Force should not have accepted but do not involve fraud. Errors occur in the commissioning process when the Air Force does not have the true facts or does not take the correct actions. Fraudulent Commissions are those involving deliberate material misrepresentation, omission, or concealment that, if known at any time in the commissioning process, might have resulted in rejection. Administrative Errors are made on the part of the Air Force.
12.16.2. Required actions prior to EAD: Erroneous commissions require immediate AFROTC/RRFP notification and possible, subsequent AF actions. Fraudulent commissions, which are discovered prior to EAD, will normally result in the investigation of the causes and possible, subsequent AF actions. Process all requests through AFROTC/RRFP. Administrative Errors can be corrected by the detachment.
12.17. Post-Commissioning Responsibilities.
Following commissioning but prior to reporting for active duty, cadets awaiting their call to EAD are on inactive reserve status and belong to ARPC. Detachments should maintain contact with these cadets and serve as the cadet's first line of support. If the Detachment/CC becomes aware of misconduct on the part of a newly commissioned 2d Lt waiting for EAD, they should contact the Holm Center/JA. The Holm Center/JA will coordinate details and work with ARPC/JA on the course of action.
12.18. Air Force Appointment of ROTC Graduates from Another Service.
12.18.1. An ROTC graduate of another Service may request consideration for appointment as a commissioned officer in the Air Force, provided the individual meets the eligibility requirements listed below and is granted a conditional release from the current commissioning service. Approved applicants are ordered to active military service with the Air Force as an Air Force officer and are required to serve at least four years of active service before becoming eligible for separation or release from active duty. Applicants for flying training incur 6 years (RPA, CSO and Air Battle Manager) or 10 years (pilot) ADSCs after award of aeronautical rating.
12.18.2. Eligibility.
An applicant must meet minimum AFROTC eligibility requirements as outlined in Chapter 4 of this instruction.
12.18.3. Application Procedures.
A cadet who desires appointment in the Air Force must apply under the instructions of the current commissioning service. Before commissioning and entry on active duty however, the Air Force requires: An AF Form 24, Application for Appointment as Reserve of the Air Force or USAF Without Component. SF 88, Medical Record – Report of Medical Examination/DD Form 2808, Report of Medical Examination; and SF 93, Report of Medical History/DD Form 2807-1, Report of Medical History, in duplicate. NOTE: Flying training applicants must be administered a flight physical by an Air Force flight surgeon or flight medical officer for the appropriated rated category. Results of the AFOQT. Results of PFA. Transcripts of college work as evidence of the applicant's degree completion. AF Form 56, Application & Evaluation for Training Leading to a Commission in the United States Air Force, completed by the applicant and the Detachment/CC. The form can be obtained from the Air Force electronic publications website (http://www.e- publishing.af.mil). Conditional Release granted by the PMS or PNS (Attachment 47). A statement of reasons for requesting transfer, dated and signed by the applicant.
12.18.4. Processing Procedures.
Forward applications to AFROTC/RRFP via AFROTC Form 22. Include the documents listed in paragraph 12.18.3 above as attachments. If approved, AFROTC/RRFP will award an EA. The detachment must then contract the individual into the ORS and contact AFROTC/DOT for a FT assignment. Provide a copy of the completed DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document – Armed Forces of the United States, and the Reserve Order to the releasing service to secure the individual's release. Ensure the individual is gained to WINGS according to proper procedures. Contact HQ AFPC/DPSIP for guidance on submitting an AFROTC Form 53. Ensure the application process is initiated early enough to allow sufficient processing time for Field Training attendance. If an application is not received in time for Field Training attendance, the individual will be required to meet AFROTC enrollment requirements for an additional year to allow Field Training attendance the following summer or must commission with their original commissioning service.