6.1. General Information.
This chapter provides guidelines for enlistment. The OPR for this chapter is HQ AFROTC/RRF.
6.2. Enlistment in the United States Obligated Reserve Section (ORS) of the Inactive Reserves.
Applicants selected for POC membership or a GMC scholarship will be enlisted in the ORS before becoming a contracted member in AFROTC. Authority for AFROTC enlistment is Title 10, U.S.C. 2104 and 2107; AFI 36-2011, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Program; AFI 36-2002, Regular Air Force and Special Category Accessions; and AFI 36-2005, Appointment in Commissioned Grades and Designation and Assignment in Professional Categories – Reserve of the Air Force and the United States Air Force.
6.3. Eligibility to Enlist.
6.3.1. Before enlistment in the ORS, a POC applicant or scholarship designee must fulfill all eligibility requirements. All waivers of eligibility criteria must be approved prior to enlistment. Forward a waiver request via AFROTC Form 22 to AFROTC/RRFA on individuals unable to meet established standards. Detachment Commanders have the following options regarding such POC designees not meeting enlistment eligibility requirements: dismissal from AFROTC with the option to re-compete later (must withdraw EA); special student status (must withdraw EA) with the option to gain eligibility; pursuing status if the disqualifying academic factor can be realistically corrected in one academic term and the cadet has successfully completed field training or been properly deferred.
6.3.2. Do not enlist applicants unless they meet the term and cumulative GPA standards as defined in Attachment 12. Certain non-line designees must meet higher GPA requirements prior to enlisting in the applicable non-line category IAW appropriate Air Force and AFROTC instructions.
6.3.3. Do not enlist cadets who do not meet physical fitness standards (excluding 4- year HSSP designees). EXCEPTION: PFA completed at FT may be used to satisfy fitness requirements for enlistment provided contracting occurs within 10 workdays before or after the start of the fall term, but a height/weight check is still required. To prevent the requirement of a fitness retest, ensure all enlistment eligibility requirements are met prior to fulfilling any fitness testing. For more detailed requirements on scholarship cadets, refer to Chapter 3. For fitness requirements, refer to AFI 36-2905, AFROTC Supplement. For enlisted commissioning program cadets, refer to AFI 36-2013 and Chapter 13 of this instruction.
6.3.4. BMI and/or body fat determinations remain an accession standard and are used as entry criteria for AFROTC. Conduct BMI checks on all cadets within 15 days prior to enlistment or scholarship activation. If over BMI, conduct body fat test in accordance with DoDI 1308.3. Non-contract cadets must meet BMI or body fat standards prior to enlistment, scholarship activation, and FT attendance.
6.3.5. Do not enlist applicants without a certified physical examination. NOTE: A DoDMERB is required for scholarship activation enlistments.
6.3.6. Do not enlist applicants who have a failing AFOQT. The AFOQT is not a requirement for enlistment. However, if a cadet takes the AFOQT and fails to achieve passing verbal and/or quantitative scores prior to POC entry, they are ineligible to contract into the POC. Cadets in this situation will be placed in pursuing status for one semester. Cadets placed in pursuing status for failing AFOQT scores must pass the AFOQT NLT the last day of the fall Semester of the AS300 year or be "Det Dropped."
6.4. Citizenship Requirements.
6.4.1. Cadet must be a US citizen, either by birth or by naturalization. The applicant has burden of proof for citizenship. Substantiation must be in the form of an original or true copy (raised seal) birth certificate that has been filed through vital statistics. For all other applicants, verify the document that established citizenship and file in the cadet's UPRG. (Reference AFRSI 36-2001, Recruiting Procedures for the Air Force).
6.4.2. Cadets with dual citizenship must sign a Statement of Understanding that they are willing to renounce the other Non-US citizenship, if requested or if mandatory to continue service.
6.5. Enlistment Age.
6.5.1. Obtain consent of a parent or legal guardian if the enlistee is a minor as defined by the law of the jurisdiction where the contract is signed. This is usually determined by the state where the applicant signs the contract, not the state in which the applicant is living or is a current resident.
6.5.2. The minimum age for enlistment is 17. An individual who is 17 years old at the time of enlistment, unless married, must have a parent or guardian's consent on the AF Form 1056 before being enlisted. Contact Holm Center/JA for assistance if required.
6.5.3. The minimum age to sign the AF Form 1056 varies from 18 to 21 years of age, depending on the age required to enter into a legal contract as determined by the laws of the state where the applicant signs the contract. Parental consent is required if the applicant or cadet is, for the purpose of entering into contracts, considered a minor by the state in which enlistment occurs. Obtain consent by having the parent or guardian cosign the AF Form 1056. Contact Holm Center/JA to determine minimum age to enter into a contract.
6.5.4. Verification of Age. The burden of proof is upon the applicant. Detachment must physically verify the birth/citizenship paperwork to ensure it is a certified true copy (raised seal). Do not accept a cadet for enlistment until this requirement has been met. File copies of these documents in the UPRG.
6.6. Social Security Number (SSN).
Each applicant must possess a SSN when enlisted. If the individual does not possess or has lost their SSN card, refer cadet to Social Security Administration. Detachment must physically verify the social security card before entering the number into WINGS. NOTE: Detachment must ensure verification of SSN is filed in UPRG once enlisted.
6.7. Selective Service Number.
Each male applicant who is 18 years or older must be registered through the Selective Service System (SSS) at the time of enlistment. If enlisting prior to the age of 18, completion of the DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document Armed Forces Of The United States, constitutes registration with the SSS in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act. To obtain verification of registration, log into WINGS and click the link to selective service verification located on the extended data tab of the cadet data screen.
6.8. Enlistment Processing.
6.8.1. Any commissioned officer (active duty, guard, reserve, or retired) or oath administering official may enlist scholarship designees and POC applicants. Officers who resigned their commissions, and were transferred to the ORS or the non-affiliated (NARS) may not administer the oath. Refer to AFI 36-2606, Reenlistment in the United States Air Force.
6.8.2. Pre-Enlistment Actions. The detachment may complete all administrative actions prior to enlistment date except entering the date on and signing the AF Form 1056, DD Form 4 (Part E), and recertification of the items listed below. The date of enlistment is determined by the DD Form 4.
6.8.3. Pre-Enlistment Review of Qualifications. Detachments will use the AFROTC Form 63, AFROTC Enrollment / Enlistment Checklist, AFROTC Form 48 and SMR to ensure that the individual is qualified for enlistment. For scholarship designees, the scholarship entitlement must be awarded in WINGS before contracting occurs. NOTE: HSSP entitlements are loaded by AFROTC/RRUC around July of each year. If applicable, has cadet taken AFOQT? And if so, did cadet meet minimum passing scores (Verb:15 Quan:10) in order to enlist/contract? On the day of, and prior to, enlistment have the applicant: Recertify the AFROTC Form 35. Recertify the AF Form 2030 (excluding ASCP, SOAR, and POC-ERP cadets). If drug (or hemp) abuse is reported which occurred subsequent to the original certification or was not reported upon a previous certification, the individual is normally denied enlistment. If evaluation for possible waiver is considered appropriate (for example, due to inadvertent use), the Detachment Commander may enroll the individual into the POC as a pursuing student and forward a waiver via AFROTC Form 22 to AFROTC/RRFP. For HSSP designees, see paragraph 4.8 of this instruction. Recertify the AF Form 3010. Recertify the Air Force Dependency Policy Statement of Understanding (Attachment 14). Recertify the AFROTC Form 500. To satisfy the recertification requirement for an ASCP, SOAR, or POC-ERP cadet, the cadet must "initially" complete/sign the required forms (except AF Form 2030). Since initially completing the form signifies recertification, the recertification areas of required forms are not used.
6.9. Effective Date of Enlistment.
6.9.1. The enlistment of an individual may not, under penalty of law, be postdated or predated. The actual date the individual is administered the Oath of Enlistment is the effective date of enlistment into the ORS. Extreme care must be exercised to enlist only those individuals who are fully qualified, as enlistment cannot be invalidated.
6.9.2. Enlistment must occur within 10 workdays before/after the start of host institution classes (fall term) for fully qualified cadets. For cadets not fully qualified at the start of institution classes, enlist the cadet immediately after qualification requirements are met. Since subsistence is tied to enlistment, detachments must ensure procedures exist to enlist qualified individuals in a timely manner and should not establish administrative requirements that cause extra delays. A Detachment Commander can always delay an enlistment for cause, but the POC applicant or scholarship designee must be counseled via AFROTC Form 16 as to the reason for delay beyond 10 workdays. If not enlisted within 10 workdays after the start of host institution classes and the POC applicant meets the criteria for pursuing status, place the cadet in pursuing status. GMC scholarship designees may not be placed in pursuing status since they do not hold an EA; however, these scholarship designees must be counseled on their continuing designee status. Under no circumstances enlist an individual more than 10 workdays before the beginning of host institution classes (fall term) and cadets cannot under any circumstances be contracted after a term ends. For cross-town/consortium schools, base first and last day of classes on the host institution's schedule (See HOLMCENTERI 65- 101).
6.9.3. Eligible ECP selectees (ASCP, POC-ERP, and SOAR): Eligible persons must be enlisted within 24 hours of their separation date as required by AFI 36-2013, Officer Training School (OTS) and Enlisted Commissioning Programs (ECP), and AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen.
6.9.4. Ineligible ECP Selectees: If an ECP selectee reports to the detachment and is ineligible for immediate enlistment, the detachment must take one of the following actions: A selectee separated/discharged from active duty concurrent with normal expiration term of service (ETS) has successfully fulfilled the required active duty military service obligation (MSO). Therefore, the requirement to enlist the selectee within 24 hours is not a factor. To verify if discharge was concurrent with ETS, contact HQ AFPC/DPSOS. Do not enlist a selectee who does not meet appropriate enlistment requirements. Enlistment is authorized ONLY when the factors that necessitated the selectee's ineligibility no longer exist and all necessary waivers are processed. Although the discharge does not have to be delayed if ETS coincides with MSO, the individual not contracting within 24 hours of separation is no longer qualified to contract using medical retention standards and must therefore have a certified entrance physical prior to contracting. A selectee discharged from active duty prior to normal ETS has not fulfilled the necessary active duty MSO. Therefore, the discharge must be placed on an administrative hold until a decision can be made on enlistment. Notify HQ AFPC/DPSOS and the losing Military Personnel Section (MPS) Separations office that the discharge needs to be placed on "hold" for a specified number of days (time needed to resolve the ineligibility factor). A new discharge date is established based on the time specified to resolve actions. If the selectee meets enlistment eligibility requirements, enlist within 24 hours of the newly established discharge date. If the selectee fails to meet appropriate enlistment requirements, contact HQ AFPC and the MPS to have the selectees' discharge papers pulled to allow the individual's return to active duty. Anytime an ECP selectee is returned back to active duty, the detachment must contact AFROTC/RRFA.
6.10. Pre-Enlistment Briefing.
6.10.1. The day of, but prior to, each enlistment, a detachment representative must advise the cadet of their rights and obligations using the pre-enlistment briefing at Attachment 18. The pre-enlistment briefing must be maintained with the AF Form 1056 in the UPRG. The purpose of the briefing is not to recruit but to ensure complete understanding and, if candidates are unable to accept, preclude enlistment. In addition to the pre- enlistment briefing the following items must be covered: All points of the multiple and complex forms must be covered, even if negative (such as subject to worldwide, remote duty regardless of family member or marital status), since these are the directed DoD, Air Force, AFROTC, and individual enlistment and retention standards, obligations, and conditions. Have applicants review the forms that pertain to their membership in AFROTC as contract cadets who are mentioned during the briefing. Instruct them to review the entries on the forms for accuracy and have them refer to social security cards to ensure the respective numbers are correct. Advise applicants to question any portion of the briefing they do not understand. Advise applicants that after the briefing and before enlistment, a break is taken to permit them to ask questions of a private nature which they may not want to discuss or ask in the group setting.
6.11. AF Form 1056, Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Contract.
6.11.1. Complete the AF Form 1056 (Attachment 17) and file the original in the cadet's UPRG and provide a copy to the cadet. A signed AF Form 1056 is not a guarantee that a commission will be offered to the cadet.
6.11.2. Completion of the Contract. The AF Form 1056 must be executed before the individual is admitted to contract cadet status. Ensure the applicant's signature is witnessed by two adults not related to the applicant. Applicant, witnesses, and AFROTC detachment officer representative signatures are not signed until the day of, but prior to, the oath of enlistment, unless paragraph 6.11.3 applies.
6.11.3. Enlistment of Minors. If the individual is considered a minor by the state in which the enlistment occurs, obtain consent (signature) of the parent or guardian, unless the individual is married. The applicant and two adult witnesses not related to the applicant will sign the AF Form 1056 prior to consent. If the parent or guardian cosigns giving consent to enlist, a notary public must witness all applicable signatures if not in the presence of a detachment representative (officer or enlisted may witness) If consent is necessary; individual witness and parental/guardian signatures are required prior to enlistment but not required on the day of enlistment. A detachment officer representative will sign the form the day of, but prior to, the enlistment. The applicant must complete an AF Form 1056 "Changes Page" according to Attachment 17.
6.11.4. Scholarship Nomination. A POC applicant nominated for a scholarship must be completely processed for scholarship membership (possess a valid DoDMERB physical) before enlistment, but will complete the AF Form 1056 as a POC cadet if the scholarship is not awarded by the time of enlistment and the applicant does not want to enroll in pursuing status. If the applicant activates the scholarship following POC entry, the applicant must complete an AF Form 1056 "Changes Page" according to Attachment 17.
6.12. Scholarship Activation Actions.
6.12.1. The day the DD Form 4 and AF Form 1056 are signed will be the scholarship activation date. Scholarship entitlements cannot be paid retroactively for a term that ended before the scholarship activation date, unless approved by AFROTC/RRF via an AFROTC Form 22. NOTE: Stipends are never paid retroactively.
6.12.2. Complete Section I of the AFROTC Form 88, Extended Terms of Scholarship Entitlements Acknowledgment and Certification, for scholarship cadets in a SAF-approved 5- year undergraduate major. Section 2 of AFROTC Form 88 is used to verify extended terms of scholarship entitlements, acknowledgment, and certification.
6.12.3. Complete and process travel vouchers for HSSP freshman cadets.
- Three-year HSSP winners should complete the travel voucher and be paid as freshman although they are not eligible to contract until the AS200 year.
6.12.4. Update WINGS within 5 workdays of any scholarship action. Update the contracted date. Update the scholarship from awarded to active.
6.13. Enlistment.
6.13.1. Accomplish enlistment by administering the Oath of Enlistment and completing the DD Form 4.
6.13.2. Complete the DD Form 4 according to instructions contained in AFI 36-2606, paragraph 5.8 and Table 5.8, Item 1.
6.13.3. Reserve Orders: Publication. Publish Reserve Orders through WINGS when the individual enlists or reenlists in the ORS as a POC or scholarship member. Distribution. Distribute Reserve Orders as follows: One copy in the cadet's UPRG, if still maintaining hardcopy UPRGs. One copy to the cadet. One copy to the organization that granted a conditional release to permit a member of a Reserve component to enlist in the ORS. Protection of Privacy Act Data. If multiple cadets reflect on the same reserve order, "black out" other cadets' personal identifying information (SSN, DOB, etc.) before filing in the cadet's records or providing the cadet a copy.
6.13.4. Reserve ID Card.
The Detachment Commander must verify eligibility or designate in writing individuals responsible for preparing and verifying a cadet's eligibility for a DD Form 1172-2, Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card DEERS Enrollment. Reference AFI 36-3026V1_(IP), Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Eligible Family Members, and Other Eligible Personnel. The member is responsible for obtaining the Reserve ID card from the support base Military Personnel Flight Customer Service branch. This requirement may be omitted if it is not reasonable to prepare the DD Form 1172-2 (e.g., cadet has no intention of getting the Reserve ID due to the distance to the support base, or if the support base does not require a DD Form 1172-2). When completing the DD Form 1172-2, under "Privileges Authorized," place a "Y" in the "EU" (exchange unlimited) and the "MWR" (morale, welfare, and recreation) block. All other blocks must have an "N." The expiration date should be expected date of graduation. NOTE: Cadets should not attempt to obtain ID cards until 30 days after enlistment.
6.14. Members of Reserve Forces.
6.14.1. Air Force Reserve (Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), Inactive, or Standby).
If the POC or scholarship applicant or scholarship designee is already a member of the Air Force Reserve, the applicant or designee must be discharged and immediately reenlisted in the ORS. This break in service must occur since POC or scholarship members do not accrue service credit for time spent in the ORS. If the member does not have a conditional release (DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release) before contracting the detachment must coordinate with the Reserve unit and obtain approval via official memorandum for discharge and subsequent enlistment into the ORS. (If inactive Air Force Reserve, the unit is HQ ARPC). Upon enlisting scholarship and POC members, forward a copy of the applicant's DD Form 4 to HQ ARPC/DPTTS, 18420 E Silver Creek Ave, Bldg. 390 MS68, Buckley AFB, CO 80011.
6.14.2. Sister Service Reserve Components (all statuses) and the Air Force Selected Reserve (Active)/Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs).
If an individual is a member of a sister Service Reserve component regardless of status, a member of the National Guard, or a member of the Air Force Selected Reserve, a clearance from the service must be received before enlisting in the ORS. Request a conditional release utilizing the DD Form 368 and forward the request IAW paragraph Complete Section I, Blocks 1-4 of the DD Form 368 and annotate the ORS enlistment NLT date (DOC minus 30 days) in Section II, Block 5. Upon receipt of approval (DD Form 368, Part II), or written notification of the clearance, the individual may enlist in the ORS if otherwise fully qualified to contract. With certain restrictions, cadets may participate concurrently in AFROTC and the Guard or Reserve based on current benefits associated with their participation. Prior to competing for an EA, applicants must secure a conditional release. Upon successful completion of FT and if the cadet meets all POC entry standards, they are authorized to enter the POC and remain in pursuing status until the valid date of the conditional release (DOC minus 30 days). Enlistment must occur NLT 30 days prior to the projected commissioning date. Cadets placed in pursuing status must meet appropriate POC military and academic retention standards, meet AS class and LLAB objectives, obtain necessary waivers as required, meet appropriate physical fitness requirements, and may compete for rated categorization. The pursuing student will not be eligible for subsistence or scholarship, to include incentive programs. HQ AFROTC may withdraw a student's EA if retention is determined not to serve the best interest of the Air Force. If the conditional release request is disapproved, place the student in special student status. For conditional release for Marine Corps Standby Reserve, see Attachment 19. Submit requests for clearance: For a member of the National Guard to the appropriate State Adjutant General. For a member of the United States Army Reserve: Ready Reserve - to the detachment of assignment. Standby Reserve - US Army Regulations do not require a conditional release on a member of the United States Army Standby Reserve in order to permit enlistment in any Service. Furnish the US Army Administration Center, 9700 Page Boulevard, St Louis MO 63132-1528, a copy of the cadet's DD Form 4 following enlistment. For a member of the United States Naval Reserve: Ready Reserve - to the detachment of assignment.
- Standby Reserve - to the Commanding Officer, Naval Reserve Personnel Center, 4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans LA 70149-7800. For a member of the United States Marine Corps Reserve: Ready Reserve - to the detachment of assignment. Standby Reserve - to the appropriate Marine Corps District Headquarters (Attachment 19). USMC Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) - to the Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command, 2 Navy Annex, Washington DC 20380-1775. When enlistment is completed, notify the agency granting the clearance via DD Form 368 by completing Part III, Notice of the Enlistment, or by letter. Furnish a copy of the cadet's DD Form 4 and the Reserve Order announcing enlistment in the ORS and request the individual be discharged effective the day before enlistment in the ORS. If, for any reason, the individual is not enlisted in the ORS, the agency that granted the conditional release must be notified so the conditional release can be terminated.
6.15. Reenlistment in the ORS. An applicant for POC or scholarship readmission who was previously disenrolled from the ORS must be enlisted in the ORS in the same manner as an initial enlistee.
6.16. Erroneous Enlistment, Fraudulent Enlistment, and Administrative Error.
6.16.1. Erroneous enlistments that are identified during HHQ SAVs and inspections must be immediately corrected. Detachments may only take action to resolve correctable erroneous enlistments through the standard waiver process. When approved, a "Conditional Waiver" will be granted normally lasting no longer than six months from the time the error is identified or by 30 June of the cadet's commissioning fiscal year, whichever is sooner. Only in extenuating circumstances will AFROTC/RR allow the waiver to extend past the 30 June date. Approval authority for erroneous enlistment conditional waivers is AFROTC/RR. Once the condition that created the erroneous enlistment has been corrected, detachments must submit a waiver package to clear the conditional waiver. Failure to take corrective action to correct the error must result in a disenrollment investigation.
6.16.2. Erroneous enlistment is one the Air Force should not have accepted, and does not involve fraud. Errors in the enlistment process occur when the Air Force does not have the true facts or does not take the correct actions. All erroneous enlistment waiver requests require AFROTC/RRF approval via an AFROTC Form 22. Examples of Erroneous Enlistment: An erroneous enlistment exists when a cadet was enlisted who: Reported an involvement on the AFROTC Form 35 correctly, the involvement required HQ AFROTC waiver, but the waiver was not obtained. Was not medically qualified for enlistment. Had subsequent medical determination that invalidated the initial medical certification. Was a previously disenrolled member of an officer training program, required AFROTC waiver for reentry, but the waiver was not obtained. Did not meet AFROTC academic standards and did not receive a waiver. Had not attained the minimum age for enlistment or would exceed the maximum age for commissioning according to their established commissioning date, but did not receive a waiver from the appropriate authority. Was 17 years old, unless married, or signed the AF Form 1056 before achieving legal age requirements according to the state where enlistment occurred and failed to receive parental consent. Indicated conscientious objector status. Was not a US citizen. Had properly disclosed information on the AF Form 2030 that was either disqualifying or required an AFROTC waiver, but the waiver was not obtained. Was not fully enrolled in the institution and tentatively scheduled to receive a baccalaureate degree in the contracted fiscal year (FY). Failed to complete an AF Form 1056 on the day of enlistment (excluding parental consent, if required). Was a member of any active or reserve component of the armed forces, except Air Force Reserve (Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), Inactive, or Standby), or Army Standby Reserve and did not have a conditional release. Was a present or former commissioned officer, an officer in the Health Services and Mental Health Administration, or a member of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Had prior military service, but the DD Form 214 was not certified by AFROTC/RRF for reenlistment. Entered the POC (2-year program) without successful completion of FT or AFROTC/RRF deferral of FT. Had not successfully completed required prerequisite training (GMC, FT, or its equivalent) but entered the POC without a waiver from AFROTC/RRF. Had been properly administered the PFA prior to enlistment, but failed. Had been properly administered a BMI check prior to enlistment, but exceeded body fat standards. Did not meet the required TGPA and CGPA requirement for the previous normal (non-summer or mini-)term. Had a failing AFOQT score (see paragraph 6.3.6).
6.16.3. Fraudulent enlistment is one involving material misrepresentation, omission, or concealment that, if known at any time in the enlistment process, might have resulted in rejection. A fraudulent enlistment exists when a cadet was enlisted who deliberately failed to report or materially misrepresented. Fraudulent enlistments must be investigated for disenrollment. Advise the cadet, via AFROTC Form 16 that the enlistment was not a valid enlistment as it was not authorized by existing directives and service performed during the enlistment is not creditable for any purpose. Clearly identify the disqualifying factor that made the enlistment invalid. Examples of Fraudulent Enlistment : A civil involvement that happened before enlistment. A previous disenrollment as a contract member of an officer training program. Not in good academic standing. Information on their physical exam. Admission of pre-service drug use after denying such use at time of entry. This may be found out when cadet completes other required documentation such as commissioning physical, security paperwork, etc.
6.16.4. Administrative error is made on the part of the Air Force. An administrative error in the enlistment process exists when: The cadet inadvertently failed to report an involvement that happened before enlistment. The cadet did not properly complete the PFA prior to enlistment. Administrative error exists only if the cadet subsequently passed the PFA in the first attempt after enlistment. If they did not pass, the enlistment is erroneous and paragraph applies. The cadet did not properly have height, weight, and BMI/Body Fat (if applicable) checked prior to enlistment. Administrative error exists only if the cadet subsequently passed height, weight, and BMI/Body Fat in the first check after enlistment. If they did not, the enlistment is erroneous and paragraph applies. An ASCP, SOAR, or POC ERP cadet was not enlisted in the ORS on the day following separation from active duty according to AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen. Errors occur in the preparation of the DD Form 4. Did not initial corrections or erasures on the AF Form 1056. The AFROTC Form 35 was not recertified on the day of, but prior to, enlistment. Administrative error exists only when the cadet recertifies and lists no additional involvements, or lists additional involvements that are waiverable by the Detachment Commander, and the Detachment Commander waives them. If involvements are listed that require HQ AFROTC/RRFP approval, then the enlistment is erroneous and paragraph applies. NOTE: A separate certification is required for enlistments that occur on the date of application as these two processes are separate, distinct events. The AF Form 2030 was not recertified at time of enlistment. (Administrative error exists only if the cadet attests to "No Change."). If the cadet recertifies and lists substance abuse, the enlistment is erroneous and paragraph applies. The cadet had prior military service and was contracted before receipt of the reenlistment code and DD Form 214 from the appropriate agency, or who was contracted based on a review of the individual's copy of the DD Form 214. If the DD Form 214 is reviewed and the cadet was not eligible for enlistment, the enlistment is erroneous. Enlisted based on meeting all eligibility requirements (reference Chapter 3) for a fully-qualified scholarship program, but failed to properly receive HQ AFROTC/RRUE approval via WINGS. If it determined that the individual was actually not eligible to activate the scholarship at the time of enlistment, then it is an erroneous enlistment.
6.16.5. Administrative error must be corrected by the detachment holding the cadet's records even if the cadet was enlisted at an MPS or another detachment. When the items are corrected, an MFR must be placed in section I of the cadet's UPRG listing the errors and corrections made.
6.16.6. Correction of the DD Form 4: Correction tape must be used, no white out or strikethroughs, unless it is a date or signature and correction must be TYPED in. Correct entry, and have member and Air Force representative initial the changes. Annotate the form at the top as "Corrected Copy." If an incorrect entry is detected after submission of the DD Form 4 to AFPC, follow the guidance above and send a copy of the corrected form to AFPC along with a letter requesting they change their copy of the form. Changes in personal data, such as name changes, do not require a correction to the DD Form 4.
6.16.7. Name or SSN Changes After Enlistment and Before Commissioning. Use the following procedures to update a cadet's records whenever a name change occurs after enlistment:
6.16.8. Cadet Responsibilities. From the nearest United States Post Office or Social Security Office, obtain and complete an SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card. Provide a reproduced copy of this form and all other documentary proof of the name change to the detachment.
6.16.9. AFROTC Detachment Responsibilities: Update the cadet's UPRG using locally available documentary proof (copy of marriage license, etc.). NOTE: Existing cadet records at the detachment such as the AF Form 1056 and DD Form 4/1 do not require correction, but the DD Form 93 must be updated. Update WINGS.